Shoot out Canagata Ball park

I am so upset at what happened at Canagata on Friday night at an inter-island baseball game. A shootout where at least 4 innocent people were injured and hundreds were traumatized. Where are the police? Why are they at these events of 300+ people to keep order and offer assistance. I emailed some Senators. How about a 50 year sentence for conviction of possessing or using a firearm in a public place.
Take a moment and email or call your Senators and let them know that this is totally unacceptable.
Hi Bombi. Where is this Ballpark located exactly ? I can only picture 1 in my head.

Canagata is just east of Christiansted. It a really nice recreation and multi purpose area.
That is the place I had in mind. It is a nice looking area and ballpark. You know me. I will always support responsible firearms ownership but maybe it is time for the PD to ask for help. They can't be everywhere all the time. I don't recall the whole story about ATF pulling up it's stakes and leaving the VI. I know they were working on correcting the law and giving some authority to the FED'S,sounds strange, does it not ?
Was there an apprehension of the Sons of Bit(#&& at least ?

The police apprehended a 17 year old suspect with a handgun. He was on house arrest at the time, not supposed to leave his house from 6PM to 6AM. The police have some leads. We need an example.
Here's the story.
Some excerpts:
"Saturation patrols and other law enforcement officers canvassed the streets to locate the shooters.
Based on the investigation, at about midnight, police arrested the 17-year-old-minor...
Police said the minor was already under house arrest by order of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands resulting from an incident for which he is presently awaiting trial. That incident involved a 2009 assault case in which the minor is charged with shooting another person."
"The governor said Saturday he intends to request an immediate meeting with the leadership of the V.I. Superior Court to hear from the judiciary about how decisions on house arrest are made.
He added that the police cannot be expected to wage an effective battle against criminals if suspects are so easily returned to the streets following their arrest, and in many instances, after they have been found to possess dangerous weapons."
I live up the hill and we walk our baby down to that park all the time as he loves the swings. It is a beautiful park/rec area that the island should be proud of. Until this happens.

yeah Sean, I take my two little grandkids there. It is one of the better playgrounds. They always find someone to play with and make friends.
I really need to see something happen.
Maybe people caught up in the court system suspected of shooting someone shouldn't be out on house arrest but perhaps IN JAIL!!! I might understand if the person made bail until their court date but HOUSE ARREST for a kid suspected of shooting someone - are you kidding me!!!! He should have been locked up in juvie until his trial...
There are some Anti Gang seminars coming your way. It was posted on the Virgin islands daily news on the 22ND. I do not return until June 12Th. I hope someone will have a little time in the future to fill me in on the gang status on St Croix,or point me in the right direction when I arrive. I will be setting up the Bar from June 14Th until I pass all inspections ?????? If you see the gate open to the old Frankie's Lobster reef,feel free to come on down and bring me up to speed or introduce yourself. We like the Local populace at Above the Cliff,but Red and Blue gang colors are not welcome,nor will it be a North Shore hang out for them. I'M sure there are plenty of new Gang signs that I am not aware of,so any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
So my big question in this matter related to law enforcement is who monitors the ankle braclets for those on house arrest? How long was this guy away from his house? Usually when you are away the police are to be alerted and are supposed to immediately begin a manhunt for you. Did this happen? You cannot offer house arrest if there isn't an institution in place that can be trusted to monitor those under it.
Any ideas on where one would start to get answers to these questions? Seems like our media should be all over this.

I've emailed a few senators and asked them similar questions. Donastorg said he will look into it. No replies from the others yet.
The judiciary has to take some responsibility for this event as well. Foncie's daughter was actually at the ball park.
We'll see if the media has the cajones to do a though investigation.
Why was the 17-year-old out of his house, and how in the world did he get a gun again?! My son's friend's grandmother was one of the ones injured, and they discussed the issue today at school. We NEED to put a stop to this. Violence is unacceptable at any public venue. My family and I use the tennis courts at this park, and I thought we were "insulated" from the random violence on St. Croix. Where is anyone safe? I just don't know anymore.
Thanks Bombi for the update. If there is anything specific you can think of that I can help with let me know. This one hits very close to my home.
Where is anyone safe ? I wish there was an honest answer for that question. You will only be safe when all people think as you do. To answer the question,where is anyone truly safe ? Nowhere. There will always be a punk who wants your lunch money. Why ? Because he can. Just take measures to prevent yourself from being a victim,that is all you can do. If we leave everything up to someone else,nothing will get done.
I'll ask my question again. Has anyone taken the steps to attend the Gang violence seminars ? Those of you who question his monitoring device and who was responsible for monitoring it ? Really good question.

Very good qiestion. No answers yet. Plus I had company and missed Wes Small
He got out & got a gun again BC he is a native Virgin Islander, NOT in the sense of a real native, but the political explanation of one.
You know, the one that is used to racially separate them from the rest & awards certain privileges to the afore mentioned, the same that meets the criteria sent to congress & the president by the racial V.I. Constitutional Convention delegates.
I suspect, that constitution was so flawed, so retarded that anyone but our delegates will make mention of it as a valid document that could be law.
This document as presented is So racist, even the president Obama is not qualified to run for governor!
And they want another $600,000 to correct it??
Do you think retards such as addled brain Bert Bryan will adapt an acceptable & legal Constitution with his racist tirades?
I'm off the topic (to point that out),but I don't think a white, or a continental black, would be out that fast, so I present my comments!
This makes me think about STT & what became of our own Judge Leon Kendall who was so famous for letting criminals back on the street ASAP to terrorize the rest of us(does STX have a such judge as well?)
This story is so horrible, and yet so typical.
Good luck, De Jongh... Lots of people stand behind your call for change.
He got out & got a gun again BC he is a native Virgin Islander, NOT in the sense of a real native, but the political explanation of one.
You know, the one that is used to racially separate them from the rest & awards certain privileges to the afore mentioned, the same that meets the criteria sent to congress & the president by the racial V.I. Constitutional Convention delegates.
I suspect, that constitution was so flawed, so retarded that anyone but our delegates will make mention of it as a valid document that could be law.
This document as presented is So racist, even the president Obama is not qualified to run for governor!
And they want another $600,000 to correct it??
Do you think retards such as addled brain Bert Bryan will adapt an acceptable & legal Constitution with his racist tirades?I'm off the topic (to point that out),but I don't think a white, or a continental black, would be out that fast, so I present my comments!
This makes me think about STT & what became of our own Judge Leon Kendall who was so famous for letting criminals back on the street ASAP to terrorize the rest of us(does STX have a such judge as well?)
Hey Mr DUN
I do not always see the world the same way that you do, but on this you are... VERY VERY RIGHT. We have some serious long term problems to solve here. The shooting at Canagata is just symptom and not the real problem.
As to the constitution, it should be REJECTED outright because it is racists and not 'constitutional'. The violence is not the same thing. It is related because of the 'way that different groups of people' perceive what is right or at least acceptable. We have allowed our small islands to become the victim of teenage terrorists. It is not right, and can be changed with very little effort by the police and the judiciary. We must demand those changes now.
This is exactly what you get when the live and let live crowd can't see what happens when law and order breaks down....Look at Jamaica....the cops are running for the hills while the thugs control THEIR streets.......on that other Ariona topic and related posts the dumbass believers that Illegals are okay ....get ready baby cause law and order actually comes in handy once in awhile....who you gonna call when the thugs start walking down YOUR street ?????
Poorthang, I fail to see how someone who wants to come here and work peacfully shares anything in common with a 17 year old kid who points a gun at a 12 year old in a park and pulls the trigger.
Live and let live doesn't mean you don't stop those who aren't. When someone threatens my life (and my "live and let live" attitude) then I say take them down with little restraint. But when you make all kinds of non-violent behavior "criminal" you simply demean law and order to the point where it will be unacheivable. The war on drugs, laws against prostitution and even the "fight" against immigration are, IMO perfect examples of this. They are violent acts taken against many non-violent people that serve no place in a lawful society.
Let's pick our fights wisely, instead of wasting time on so-called victimless crimes lets prosecute the hell out of those who do perputrate violence on others!

Finally - DeJongh asking reasonable questions and taking an interest!
Does make you wonder what's up with the Judges.
[DeJongh said he was at a loss to understand how a 17- year-old minor who is under house arrest for assault in connection with a crime on St. Thomas was on St. Croix Friday night instigating a confrontation that ended in three innocent bystanders being shot.]
Maybe I misread something. He was on house arrest in St Thomas for a crime he committed in St Thomas ? If that's the case then the question is. Who was in charge of monitoring him ?

I don't know. But it went on to say he was a resident of Kennedy housing project (which is on STX by Pueblo). So maybe he committed a crime on STT, but was sentenced/released to home arrest on STX. Regardless - he wasn't home and something went awry. And someone should be held accountable - his guardian, his probation officer (or whomever was monitoring him) and perhaps the judge for allowing a violent criminal to be (once again) released to continue his acts of violence and mayhem.
It could have been any of us there at the ballpark that night - or any of the many nights they have games. We can't blame the police on this one - this one is clearly a judicial issue. But it, once again, highlights the need to take swift and severe action to set and enforce boundries for our youth. CIF President Michael Springer talked about the curfew and parental responsibility needing to be enforced.
QUOTE "There is a curfew law in the Virgin Islands. For unaccompanied children under the age of 16, it’s 10 p.m. It’s right there in Chapter 23 of the VI Code. And there are penalties – a minimum of 100 hours of community service for the first offense with escalating penalties for subsequent violations. There are also penalties for Neglect of Parental Duty, including community service, fines and even imprisonment.
But when is the last time you heard of a child picked up on a curfew violation or a parent held accountable for the actions of a child who was out after 10 p.m.? It doesn’t take a SWAT team or Special Forces unit to address this issue. And if they weren’t on the street in the first place, the problem would not exist." END QUOTE
Have to agree with him on those points. And according to Police Commissioner Francis, they have removed 100 guns from the streets this year. Thank GOD!!! (or whom/what ever you praise) Did you know at 17 yrs old or younger how to obliterate a serial number on a gun? Would you have thought about even wanting to know how when you were that age? I just don't get it. What is the attraction to the lifestyle these kids are leading? What benefit do they get from it? Acceptance? "Love"? Belonging to a "family"? We need to find the why and replace it with positive ways to fill those needs.
I was raised around guns my entire life, learning how to shoot a muzzleloader at 7 yrs old, and hunting at 11. NEVER did I ever think the way these kids do about using guns.
Money,money,money. Just think,their mindset is,it's dangerous but it's free and all I have to do is protect my territory. There is a lot of things that went wrong but 1 well educated,armed citizen could have possibly kept 4 innocent people from being injured.
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