Sobering STX Reviews
OMG! talk about depressing. I will be doing a modest business from home that requires regular trips to the post office. Apparently this will make me a target? Very scary 🙁

oh and STT doesn't fair much better - at least STX got an overall "ok" rating.
I think some people who have a personal hatred of the island may review over and over to bring the reviews down. Crime is an issue and a dead horse. It always sparks a lively debate on this board, though.
The only thing I dread about the post office is the line. Unless someone knows you're carrying money or transporting valuables you shouldn't be a target. Don't be scared off by these reviews. You'll realize a different St.Croix once you're here.
Some of those crime reviews just don't pass the smell test.
Due Diligence is Great, Assumptions are Bad, Boots on the Ground Prevail!8-)

After reading a few of those reviews I wonder if they really came to STX. Strange comments

from the reviews i've gathered the following themes...
on one hand, people say the beaches are disgusting and dirty. then i read other reviews saying the beaches are beautiful. i don't like dirt or filth BUT, i do understand the dichotomy of island life. i once had an extended stay in a beautiful home, in a beautiful neighborhood but a few houses down and around the corner was a shack that wreaked of feces with mangy dogs and roosters. whenever i walked by it i'd have to hold my nose because nothing like getting a whiff of poverty first thing in the morning 😛
so i can't figure out if the reviews are from people who are shocked by the odd economic juxtapositions or if it's much more than that? and yeah, i know, come see for myself but would love to see some daily life pics if anyone has them.
Americans as a whole tend to say this about virtually every country they visit. for example, there's this weird hatred of the French...even by people who've never set foot outside their state let alone the country so i take rudeness assertions with a grain of salt.
how much of it is actual, how much is perceived and how much is "this is the first time i've ever been a minority and it sucks?"
some of the reviews were actually quite scary. and having read through the forum, i see it's a common theme on the board as well. i'm starting to think that part of the problem is that the island is small...very, very small so in essence, there's no way to truly avoid some of the less favorable aspects?
If chickens, dogs and a whiff of poverty upset you, Bermuda may be a better choice for you.
Chickens, mangy dogs, and foul smells are part of the charm of StX.
Usually the foul smell isn't from feces but more from Hovensa or the land fill being downwind.

"poverty" has a familiar smell no matter where i go. whether it's urine soaked hallways or chickens, dogs and poo, if you've never witnessed it, it can be very jarring which is why i wonder if that's one of the things that prompted some of the negative reviews.
It was not air quality that was intended, but the air of superiority!(td)

It was not air quality that was intended, but the air of superiority!(td)
or the air of superiority on your part for being surprised by my not enjoying poo? i don't like poo. do i need to make apologies for that? am i not fit for USVI because i don't jump for joy at the thought of foul odors?
back to the point at hand (as my Aries moon is so about to rear her ambiguous Martian head), my questions for those who chose to read the reviews are, do you feel those who gave negative reviews suffered primarily from culture shock or not taking proper safety precautions OR is there more to it than that?
One who refers to the "whiff of Poverty" to a foul smell. Was that your intention? Or you think poor people smell like chicken and dog "poo". Cute doesn't come across to well, nice attempt at recovery.

@lizard, i do not have the time or energy to engage in a tittle with you. grab a rum and coke and save the sardonicism for those who find you charming.
"whiff of poverty" is what folks back home kicking around red clay and living in trailer parks call "po." as you do not know from whence i came, let's talk about where you are. you who are living on an island paradise want to educate me about putting on airs? HA! 😮
serious replies please.
Well the folks here don't call our poor "Po" They are our friends, neighbors and family!

I would say that some of those reviews were written by people who have limited multi-cultural experiences. People can be rude any and everywhere. Part of the perceived rudeness could be that they didn't greet the person or were using stateside criteria , that is,being demanding and hard to please. Insecurity can do that to people.
In regard to racism, yes there may be a bit. Again it could be a result of being culturally challenged. I'm part of the minority and very rarely have felt that my race is an issue or discriminated against.
Yes there is poverty. There are many reasons for it. The Great Society of LBJ started it and the US govt has continued the enablement with no evident end in sight.
A few occasional oders but nothing worse than you may encounter in the states and no more often.
Yes we have a lot of crime, especially among young dark men who are dropouts and wannabe gangsters. In all my years here I have not been a victim of any crime (knock on wood). However I don't party a lot and when we do go out we take adequate precautions, such as not getting loaded, parking in a safe, well lite area and being aware of our surroundings. Most neighborhoods are safe and neighbors look out for one another.
The litter is bad but it seems to be a bit better than years ago. I haven't seen much filth.
Popflops is you have a good sense of vibe and have had some multi-cultural experiences all should be good and you will dig the VI. You really have to visit and see if you fit. Keep doing the research, you are on the right track. This is an incredible place with nearly perfect weather so come on down for a visit and see for yourself. No worries about the cranky people, they just have to much time on their hands, LOL!
I find humor and bright spots in everything I encounter. So, yeah we have a landfill on island and occasionally the winds waft your way. Since I don't have AC in my car, I just grin and bear the odor.
I wasn't specifically talking about poo being charming but you will have to step over chickens to fill up your gas tank and come to a complete stop in your car because a dog decides to sniff something in the middle of the road.
ANYWAYS, I don't think the reviews are a good indication of what to expect, that's all.

Tubbyscubby~ My wife and I love it here. The funny smells are not a problem most of the time. Crime is around, but not so all encompasing a problem: just keep your wits about you and you should be fine. We don't carry large sums around for the most part, but sometimes we do. I am extra vigilant when I have to do that, try to stay in busy areas and don't do it after dark.
The racism thing is NOT just because this is the first time I have been in a minority. I have been a minority in lots of places. I have felt the anger against Americans qua Americans, but it is nothing like it is here. What you can see here is similar to what blacks in the deep south experienced just after the civil rights movement integrated everyone. It is not common, but when it occurs, you know it. For some reason, as a Christian, I seem to be more readily accepted than some. I think being "civil" in the Crucian way: saying "Good Morning' before barging in to requests and approaching problems at island speed seems to make a ton of difference.
Filth and Grime: The islanders seem to like their roads littered with trash and their beaches covered with beer cans. Groups try to clean them up from time to time, but it's not long before the trash returns. Roadside crews clean the roads sometimes, but again, papers are strewn all over shortly. Buildings are dusty, and just seem dirty, but this is offset by wealthy homes with pristine yards. After a while you just see the beautiful trees and flowers and don't see the litter.

@lizard, semantics. "shhhhhh" is pretty universal? although at the moment you're prompting a whistle.
anyhoo....i found more reviews for others who are researching the islands. these are more favorable
st thomas
- all reviews -
st croix
- all reviews -
- all reviews -
- i liked this one. he gives a review from a tourist's perspective then towards the end, as a resident -

@bombi, yeah, that's what i was hoping when i read some of the negative reviews. that it was more due to a lack of multicultural experiences and not a true reflection on the islands. Americans can be demanding when abroad. on one hand, we like to barter, on the other, we refuse to accept that the "customer is always right" policy is primarily a US (mainland) mentality.
@chefnoah, in CT some mornings i'd have to wait for wild turkeys to cross the road or better yet, traffic coming to a complete stand still as everyone waited for a family of deer to cross the road so i get what ya mean 😉
@antiqueone, i wondered about the racism because i'm Black and boyfriend isn't. i don't presume i will be accepted simply because of my skin tone as i still have an American attitude, but i can blend in physically, he can not. he was also a victim of crime at a young age and when i read comments concerning racism/violence, it worries me (USVI is my idea). i want him to be comfortable and safe and where that is never guaranteed, the way some of these reviews read, it's a war zone over there. but i'll keep on researching. it's fun.
i soooo need to get back to work!
We have sailed most of the islands down to Grenada. Many of them are poor, all of them throw garbage around. The smells can be bad and as always, there can be some people who don't like you for all sorts of reasons. It's part of the experience. You can't research it by using reviews. Come to St. Croix and experience it and you might be surprised or not but at least it will be your opinion. Then you can write the review. Good Luck.

@li2stx, i disagree. you can't rely solely on reviews but they are the most beneficial things out there for anyone trying something new. whether it's hiking a trail, jumping out of a plane or having a baby, if you're not the first to blaze a trail, learning from those that have increases your chances of success and decreases unnecessary frustrations.
in the end i'll still be green, wide-eyed and bushy tailed and will have to see for myself but in the meantime, i don't get this "just go see for yourself" mentality that some of you have. i'm not moving just to try things out and given that reality, is "did i like my PMV?" the only question that need be asked?
for me, these are the same questions i ask when i've moved anywhere and i've moved a whole lotta places. i don't get picking up and moving without a plan PMV or not. there's nothing fun or adventurous about being broke :S
Some people seem to have had a bad experience on that site and are hellbent at discouraging anyone from seeing for themselves. That is a shame as those reviews are in no way a representation of what the island is really like.
We have our problems, you will see many of us vigorously discuss them here because we care and want to see things get better. But that doesn't mean things are horrible here, it means that we like to talk about making things better (and sometimes actually may help to make them better).
As for Lizard's comment, I live in a great, well maintained working class neighborhood that has really run down housing nearby. YES I DO feel superior to the people at the end of my block who drink all day and show no respect to themselves, their neighborhood or anyone around them. I am not ashamed to feel this superiority or condemn the behavior of other able bodied human beings who see fit to waste their lives doing "nothing for no one." The rest of us who bust our butts everyday to pay for their food stamps are superior in my opinion! I find that most hard working people here, whether from here, from down island or from the Continent agree and are fed up with the hanger's on and their "smell of poverty." But Lizard and I are known to disagree on a variety of fronts so that should come as no surprise 🙂
tubbyscrubby you are entitled to your opinion, with that said, all reviews are just someones opinion. All opinions are subjective. As far as the " go see for yourself thing" for me its a sailing ideal. I hope it all works out for you...once again good luck.
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