St.Croix Living
Hello all,
It has been a little while since I have been on the board but my desire keeps on haunting me for the plunge to the islands. Right before i graduated in May 2007 with a degree in Hospitality and Restaurant Admin. I was dying to move to STX but I was a little unsettled because I had been presented with a great managment opportunity with a brand new i took it and now I am working in the crazy corporate restaurant world and realizing moving to the islands never escapes my mind. I have been on and off the board for 3 years now and have done alot of research and even made a couple contacts (who are from my home town In Jefferson City MO) in STX in the restaurant world who said the day I get down there they can set me up with a job anytime. So I think im going to give it a couple months (even though peak season is approaching and jobs and rentals are getting more scarce) save up some more mula and possibly make the plunge in the beginning of 2008. I know I listed things only about the service industry but I am willing to do just about any job it would take to get me started. I did landscaping for several summers and worked for my dads painting company for a few summers as well but anything would do.
I am a 22 year old layed back guy with a passion for the service industry whether it be bartending serving or managing who just wants to "live" before I grow up to fast and never fulfill my dream of living in the USVI whether it be for a few months or a few years. I know it may take forever to get simple things taken care of like WAPA and all of the little things but im not worried about things like long as i have enough mula to eat some good cheap pasta and have a beer or 2 on the beach with the little time i wouldnt be working I would be perfectly fine.
Sorry for the dictionary long speech but I had to get it out there.
Take care all and all thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated.
I wish you the best of luck!
Hey Kaf - I am going to say GO FOR IT ! You are 22 and you need to DO IT! Let me tell you, I wish I had done some of the things I DREAMED of doing at 22 and 28 and 30 and 35, etc. Finally I AM doing what I have wanted. I'm returning to STX next week (after a PMV through the US territorial islands in May) for good (which I hope will be for life, but who knows, it may be a year, 10 years, or just whatever) -the point is I'm doing it, and I only wish I had followed dreams like this YEARS ago.
I have had a good life and 2 fulfilling careers in the last 25 years, but overwhelmingly the careers have BEEN my life. Although I don't have any serious regrets, I do wish I had taken that road trip to California in my 20's, I do wish I had gone ahead and skydived (and still might), -although I did hanglide and haven't regretted it a minute-- I do wish I had spent more time with my parents and grandparents and absorbed their wealth of knowledge and experience and history and life. I do wish I had taken those extra (and still might) night courses to learn new things and expand my mind.
At least I am finally doing something that I have always wanted. I have always been an independent person and get along well by myself - and I think that a move such as this tends to be less anxious or frightful for those with that kind of personality. At least that's how I see it. I find it challenging and adventurous. -- I only wish I could STILL eat all the pasta I want! Eat it now, Kaf, while you are still young, cause believe me, when that metabolism slows down, that pasta stays with ya (and so does the beer, right around the waist!)
So eat the pasta and drink the beer and come to the islands and in particular STX as I think that is the "island life mentality" you are seeking. Especially if you already have friends there. Besides, if you're in the hospitality industry like me, you probably tend to make acquaintances and friends easily and I also think that a move of this nature is easier on people who ARE "people" people.
So I say good luck and hit me up when you arrive so we can go out for pasta and beer.
Thanks alot IslandGroove its always awesome to hear other people that are encouraging. Ill definately have to get your number to hit you up on that beer and pasta. I know who the two guys are that i mentioned early but dont really "Know" them just talked over the phone a few times. But yes I am the people kinda person....I am only 22 but can get along with any aged person possible. I just fiound out today my dad is going to help me move down which means he will foot the bill fo0r the first week hotel until i find a place and the rental car which is awesome....Speaking of that what is a good place to stay for a week and a good palce to rent a car? My moving date is set aroudn the end of August or early September. I know you said something about being in the hospitality industry (Islandgroove) do you know where a guy with a hospitality degree, bartending, serving and management experience would be needed? Anyways time to hit the sack and dream of the islands.
Thanks again, and talk to ya soon
Here, Here! Great post.
I am 55, and I have learned so much from my husband about the "eat dessert first philosophy".
I say go for it now.
By the way, skydiving rocks!
Try Midwest auto rental.
I rented from Olympic on STX and had great service. On STT I rented from Dependable and also had great service. I met the owners of Olympic at a dinner party while I was there and they are great people. I'll pm you on the rest - Marc
Hey Kaf575,
I would say go for it. If ya have a passion you owe it to yourself to follow through. It may not be what ya think, but you have to find out. Remember, no one gets out alive, have no regrets.
Like our little lizards say: live life without egrets. (egrets eat lizards)
Oh and I would recomend centerline for renting cars. I think they are pretty reasonable. Olypic did me wrong once.
Best of luck
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