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Starting to think about the Big Move

Posts: 4
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I have been thinking about moving to the VI for a few years now. I'm planning on visiting the island in April to see how things are. I'm already familiar with the island life due to my family being from Bermuda. So I'm aware of Island time, cost of living and various other island things. I'm in the health field here in Texas, and I'm a part time reggae musician and cricket player. Any tips from anyone?

Posted : December 17, 2013 2:15 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Yeah, make sure you have health insurance before coming to the islands. There are very few options to obtain health coverage here and the ACA doesn't apply here. I think this should be the main issue that anyone looking to make the BIG move needs to take into account.

Posted : December 17, 2013 3:30 pm
Posts: 4
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ok seen... Good word of advice. Thank You

Posted : December 17, 2013 4:40 pm
Posts: 205
Estimable Member

Don't forget a vest and a nine.

Posted : December 17, 2013 8:07 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

now tiberius, its not that bad. which island would you be thinking about.

Posted : December 17, 2013 9:02 pm
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Will be looking into St.Thomas but when I come in April I will also look into St. John just to weigh my options. I'm not worried about tiberius. That goes for any place. One thing I know is that if you keep to yourself trouble will not find you. So don't go down a dark alley looking for something you know can get you in trouble!

Posted : December 17, 2013 9:10 pm
Posts: 205
Estimable Member

now tiberius, its not that bad. which island would you be thinking about.

Yeah. O.K. Sorry. That was a bit rough. But it shouldn't be ignored either.

Posted : December 17, 2013 10:09 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

One thing I know is that if you keep to yourself trouble will not find you.

I hate to tell you this, but trouble can find you even if you keep to yourself. rotor was held at gun point in his home for hours, once, and his story is not that far out of the ordinary, for example.

Posted : December 18, 2013 2:58 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

oh, i agree it shouldn't be ignored. and we need to take precautions. but if it is your turn for crime it is your turn

Posted : December 18, 2013 12:26 pm
Posts: 955
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It's not so much where you go, but where you decide to live. Each Island has it's go places or safer places while also having their not so safe places. Also, if you act like a tourist, you will be more than likely targeted more so than if you act like a local and seem to know where you are going and what you are doing.

Posted : December 18, 2013 1:23 pm
Posts: 4
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One thing I know is that if you keep to yourself trouble will not find you.

I hate to tell you this, but trouble can find you even if you keep to yourself. rotor was held at gun point in his home for hours, once, and his story is not that far out of the ordinary, for example.

Trust me I know this already. Thanks everyone for advice on crime. If I wanted that I would made a post about it, but I didn't. I know the difference between locals and tourist. I'm Bermudian so I know the look when I'm back home. Crime is crime no matter what island you are on or what state. For instance if you said you was going to Bermuda I will tell you don't go on Queen street in the back of town in Bermuda when the sun goes down if you are a tourist or look like one. So instead of saying it can't be ignored or you need a nine and vest. Tell me some places not to go!!! Seen!

Posted : December 18, 2013 4:03 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Trust me I know this already. Thanks everyone for advice on crime. If I wanted that I would made a post about it, but I didn't. I know the difference between locals and tourist. I'm Bermudian so I know the look when I'm back home. Crime is crime no matter what island you are on or what state. For instance if you said you was going to Bermuda I will tell you don't go on Queen street in the back of town in Bermuda when the sun goes down if you are a tourist or look like one. So instead of saying it can't be ignored or you need a nine and vest. Tell me some places not to go!!! Seen!

Extremely difficult on any of the islands. There are certain areas which those of us who contribute to travel forums advise tourists not to enter (and, honestly, for the average tourist, those are areas they wouldn't go into anyway, particularly at night, unless they were stupidly looking for drugs!) but it's hard to generalize - and even those areas house a majority of hard-working law-abiding people to whom violence both isn't an option and in fact is anathema.

You can sequester yourself in a "gated community" where many residents never even communicate with each other and with the hope you'll never have crime visited upon you; you can likewise find a place which suits you in a community of neighbors who look out for each other. Neither option is a guarantee. It's complicated.

I don't have cut and dried answers but I HAVE been the victim of violent crime here on STT twice in 30 years and those scars live with me, will never be erased and are part of the memory bank, but life goes on ... as happens in similar circumstances every moment of every day in every part of the world.

Posted : December 18, 2013 5:16 pm
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