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Streaming and gaming

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Hey guys. Got a pretty cool job offer in St Thomas that I am keen to take. Let me preface this that my wife and I are outdoors people but we also enjoy a bit of lounging about in the evenings. Does anyone know what the data caps for internet usage are like? Money is no object for internet but we enjoy streaming and gaming and I know the reputation of service in the vi. Not a deal breaker just curious how realistic it is. Thanks!

Posted : November 14, 2020 9:50 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I have BBVI and get about 54-58k, no caps as far as I am aware.  $99.00 a month, Viya may be cheaper but they seem to be down more often.  Most people I know that work remotely use BBVI.  Only issue with BBVI is that they require a 2 year agreement since Maria I believe.  I've had it for 5 years and it's good for me, but I'm not streaming COD all night long. 🙂

Posted : November 16, 2020 2:36 pm
Posts: 203
Estimable Member

+1 on BBVI

I'm almost at the end of the of contract and have no intention to change (and also on STX).

If I remember correctly, the contract gives you free installation and equipment, but that may have changed.

I consistently get 50mb down and about 15mb up without VPN and about 30mb down and 10-12mb up when I'm on VPN (I use a combination of NordVPN for personal use and Cisco VPN for work.

If you use a VPN for streaming/gaming or work, get a good wireless router that supports VPN on the device and you won't have to set up all of the devices individually (so your cost for VPN might be lower) - all of the connected devices will be protected. You can also set up a secured (VPN) connection on one band and an open connection on the other for when you don't care about privacy and want all of the speed you can get.

There was a discussion recently on this board about a satellite option coming in the next couple of years that I'll look into it if does materialize.





Posted : November 16, 2020 8:30 pm
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

Be aware the owner of BBVI frequents this forum and will threaten to cut you off if you have anything bad to say about them. 

Posted : November 17, 2020 7:18 pm
Posts: 1061
Noble Member

I have VIYA and have been happy with them until recently.  Ever since the line was cut by ATT knocking out both cell and internet things seem to be off a bit.  We also got water in our line which caused some issues and had to be replaced.  They did that in a timely manner.  I briefly has BBVI and was unhappy with the customer service.  

Posted : November 18, 2020 3:35 am
Posts: 798
Prominent Member
Posted by: @stxdreaming1

Be aware the owner of BBVI frequents this forum and will threaten to cut you off if you have anything bad to say about them. 

Yeah, you are correct there.  Although I had a problem after Maria and he took care of it right away.  It's a pride thing I think, the customer service on STX has been great, had them move a line for me and was done next day.  

Posted : November 18, 2020 10:17 am
Posts: 203
Estimable Member

Story yesterday in the St Croix Source that BBVI has been given preliminary approval for an $84M grant to improve service speed in the VI


No indication how long it will take to be implemented or what the cost will be to customers, but may be higher speeds on the horizon...

(Also posted this to the fiber internet thread)

Posted : November 18, 2020 11:15 pm
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