Things So Right With St. Croix
With two months till my move month, i have had quite the emotional roller-coaster figuring everything out. Should I move to the island, ware on the island, is it safe, potholes, mosquitoes, corruption, drugs, sea spray, ware to work ect... I truly appreciate genuine concern and fair opinions that will prepare me for my move. However, I just want to dedicate this post to the things so right with st. croix. Why do you live or visit in stx Whats is your personal allure? Your favorite thing to do? Just need some positive reinforcement before i get back into the grind of a major life change.
My allure?
I have lived in the Midwest my whole life. I need to see what other parts of the world are like. I dream of doing yoga and working out on the beach, waking up to a beautiful sunset, hiking, volunteering coaching, and hopefully starting my teaching career . Maybe more so than anything I want to take a chance with something, who knows i might just full in love
Things So Right: The weather, beaches, social scene, friendly people, courteous drivers.
In spite of all the negatives you read here, I think most USVI residents have a positive opinion of the place.
Your posts have been very entertaining. Remember, I am old enough to be your grandparent..., jeez.. maybe you greatgrandparent if I had started out in the projects on St Croix. Do the 21? Me 70?
I really appreciate your "angst" regarding making a move. You are planning and re planning and planning again. Sometimes you just have to do "it". Stop worrying about the things you can't control and make a decision.
Guess what? This (the USVI) is going to be different than anything you have ever done before. Maybe you will live here for the rest of your life or be gone in six months. Take a chance. !!!
OK ...So for all of you folks who PM'd with snarky comments about my age...I am a 'youthful'...some say, even sexy 70 year old.
The world has changed... 70 is the new well 50. love you all.
OK ...So for all of you folks who PM'd with snarky comments about my age...I am a 'youthful'...some say, even sexy 70 year old.
The world has changed... 70 is the new well 50. love you all.
Now that's Funny:@)
Niuhuskie34 -- my wife and I came here for the first time almost exactly a year ago. We've been to many caribbean islands many times but never STX. We fell in love with the island and it's people. We decided in March to look for a home here. We bought a place in May. We closed on it in August and moved here in November. We've been here for two months and have no regrets whatsoever. Is it perfect? No. Are we occasionally inconvenienced? Sure. Might something terrible happen to spoil things for us? Maybe. But we love it here and I think we're going to keep loving it for a long long time. What do we love? The air. The beaches. The restaurants. The trees and flowers. The people. The fishes. The sky. The stars. The cool chriistmas winds. The rain. Shall I keep going? We aren't about to be put off by potholes and the occasional ill-mannered person. Our experience has been well over 90% positive. Come on down. The water's fine.
70-21 hmmm, Im a PE major not a mathematician. I Joke I Joke, and respect your attitude ms info you made me smile.

If STX is for you then all will be good. When I think about why I live here I have to say first and foremost is the I enjoy the people and the culture. For them it is all about today and making the best of it. They live in the here and now and are very courteous and friendly. The next would be the climate After living in Maine, I tried Oahu and it is beautiful but the ocean water is in the 70s and it can rain for a month and on big surf days the traffic on the Kam didn't move. I had a history of vacationing here for a long time so the move went relatively well 6 years ago. In the beginning the learning curve will be steep but with time will flatten out and either you'll dig it or split. Just try to adjust your expectations as necessary. welcome to paradise
... I dream of... waking up to a beautiful sunset...
Okay, what are you, a VAMPIRE???;)
Stx is just another place to live with it's pluses and minuses. No one's trying to scare you off. The pluses of living on Stx are very very obvious but the minuses usually are not and there are often more minuses then people would think. Some because people expect it to be like it was on a vacation and others because the culture is a shock. If you're single or rather don't have kids and you don't dip into your next egg to move here I see no reason why you shouldn't come and try out your adventure. But people on this board are still going to warn you if you're doing something you might regret.
New comers often think we're trying to scare people off, but in truth people are just trying to warn you and prepare you to make you experience here better. But it's just advice you can take it or leave it.
Ten-year resident of STX thinks:
Good Things:
1. The Caribbean Sea
2. The Caribbean Sea
3. The Caribbean Sea
4. "Good Morning", "Good Afternoon", and "Good Night"
5. The Weather
6. The Sailing
7. The Diving
8. The Beaches -- particularly Isaac's
9. The Three Kings Day Parade
10. The St. Patrick's Day Parade
11. The Christmas Boat Parade
12. Jump Ups
13. The Ironman Half-Triathlon
14. The Return of Cruise Ships
15. The Roseway
16. The Rainforest
17. Buck Island
18. Beautiful Danish Architecture
19. Pumpkin Fritters
20. Cheap Booze
Bad Things:
1. Roads. All of Them.
2. Tiefs
3. Violent Crime
4. Poor Customer Service
5. Inconvenient Car Repair
6. High Cost/Poor Availability of Groceries
7. Government Corruption & Poor Public Services
8. Sea Spray Rusting of Anything Metal
9. Stairs at Isaac's Beach
10. Prostitution in Downtown C'sted
11. All the Hugo Wrecks in C'sted and F'sted
12. The Eyesore of an Oil Refinery and Landfill
13. High Cost of WAPA (utilities)
14. Lee Rohn's Litigiousness
15. Poverty and High Unemployment
16. Lines. Lots of them.
17. Feral Dogs, Cats, and Horses
18. Inconvenient to Poor Medical Options
19. Public Education
20. Two Kmarts.
Like anywhere else in the world you might live, it's a balance of good and bad and deciding what's important to living your own best quality of life.

When I left the Caucasus, I vowed that I would never be cold again!
Ms. I: I got dive certified at age 73 right here on St. Croix. 🙂
lol east ender, ummm sun rise yes thats right sun rise 🙂
Miss Mid-west I am down to 90 days till my move Chicago boy, now in ND I can do this just switched to AT&T bought my train ticket to Chi town plane ticket there $340 one way lining up my ducks. See you there Il buy you an oldstyle or point a lynne if I can find it, Tony
90 days nice! Thats generally around the same time im planning on moving. Did you figure out ware you are moving? $340 did you already buy your ticket? I dont know what your flight needs are but has flights from chicago to stx in march for 260's. They are AA flights.
niuhuszie34, not yet about a place, I have been in contact with a few realastate people, they just wanted to know the basics no family, no pets, looking for something near to the bus route. I figured move in the slow season and go from there. I went to mexico for 3 months with just a back pack so this can not be any worse. live and learn, I thought I could at least put the water in a alcohol drink, that it would kill anything boy was I wrong. about crime in VI it can not be anything like mexico city...... never going back there I was always lost the only map that worked was the one I drew on my hand.. You really need to know good spanish Tony the gringo.
I'm back home in Kentucky now, looking at the thermometer, which is indicating 7 degrees Fahrenheit. There is snow on the ground and a "significant" snowfall predicted for tomorrow night through Wednesday. Oh, to be back in St. Croix!
The weather, the friendly people, the relaxed way of doing things . . . that is what is so right with STX.
Cold weather stinks. Wish we were moving there tomorrow!
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