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thinking of moving to usvi

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

For me? The climate, the crystal blue water, the beaches, and the laid back island living. If the USVI were located close to the poles and not the equator I doubt as many would dream of living there. I apologize but I have read others asking WHY on this board and am as perplexed by the question as those who are asking it seem to be. Why buy the milk (vacation) when you can have the cow (live there)?

Posted : June 26, 2014 5:20 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

Sorry, C Ray, but you need to read more on this message board, the downsides of the islands are detailed very well. It is certainly not a vacation living there, because you have to feed and take care of the cow, and it certainly is not your typical cow.

Posted : June 26, 2014 6:58 pm
Posts: 206
Estimable Member

Remember if living your dream were easy everyone would be doing it. I've had good day and bad days and going half mad days, but in the end the pleasure is worth all the pain......two Jimmy Buffett songlines. Don't regret it a bit

Posted : June 26, 2014 7:02 pm
Posts: 141
Estimable Member

You are absolutely right NoOne. No doubt about it. But you have to feed and take care of the cow no matter where you chose to live in the free world. It is why I am where I am until I am able to do different. Yet, it should still answer the question WHY? At least for me. I am not afraid of failing. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Posted : June 26, 2014 7:14 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

lol noone

Posted : June 26, 2014 7:27 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

OK let me try to sum it up then, I'm sure I'll miss a lot:

You're living on an Island: You can't just drive away or go someplace else for whatever reason, unless you have a boat or an airplane ride, and you are very far from the mainland.

Island time: yeah it might seem relaxed, but that extends to the rest of life. If they tell you they will do something on such and so time, it is fairly certain they will be late, if they even show up, no matter who they are. Waiting in line for everything, like groceries or at the bank. You get a surly response from islanders if you don't properly greet them - as a side note, after growing up there I always say "Good ......, how are you doing today? and get strange looks in the States.

Wear and tear: Everything deteriorates rapidly due to the high salt and humidity. The roads are not to be envied and hard on vehicles. Hurricanes that can knock out the island for a month.

Crime: in 2010 the USVI rated as the second highest murder-per-capita place in the whole World. Honduras slightly beat us out, it was something like 60.0 to 60.2 per 100,000. You are twelve times more likely to be killed in the USVI than the "average" Continental rate. Solvency: 33% of the murders, compared to the Stateside 66%. There is a lot of cocaine on the island as it regularly passes through on its way to the States, and the crime that goes with it.

Corruption: Exceptionally high, 3rd World equivalent.

Party town: If you have a problem with drugs and/or (especially) alcohol, you do NOT want to go any of the islands to live.

Low wages/high cost of living

Bad economy: we are still struggling with the recession Bush Inc. brought us, and the islands primary income is from tourists using their disposable income...

Not a whole lot to do: yes there are beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, wonderful plants, animals, fish, etc, warm (some would call it too hot) weather year round, great boating, SCUBA, etc, but that's it. It sounds like a lot, but trust me, it gets passe' day after day. I have a saying: "There are three things you can do in the islands, go to the bar, or go to the beach, or go to the bar on the beach."

I'm sure I'll think of more...

Posted : June 26, 2014 7:42 pm
Posts: 521
Honorable Member

... Oh goody, oh boy... You are that dark cloud full of rain, thunder, & lightning on a lovely sunny day... Exactly what I wish for every day of my life... Ha! And I thought I was pessimistic...

Posted : June 26, 2014 8:01 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

Pessimistic? What is incorrect about what I have posted? And besides, he ASKED why, more than once, and I reluctantly answered.

Oh yeah, how do you leave the islands with a million dollars? You come with two.

Posted : June 26, 2014 8:04 pm
Posts: 521
Honorable Member

The original question was:

"Why do you all want to move down here?"

Then you got it all dark and gloomy.... Are you sure you are no one? IMHO, you could very well be what you get if you mix Thor with Frank Castle "The Punisher"....

This is ridiculous.. I am done in these boards! Sayonara...

Posted : June 26, 2014 8:20 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

The original question was:

"Why do you all want to move down here?

That a local posted. I was responding to C Ray.

Posted : June 26, 2014 8:22 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

Yeah I'd also like to add that it is difficult to get acclimated to the islands as people generally will not treat you too seriously because so many people come and go. It is not unusual to see someone come to live on the islands and leave within six months...

Posted : June 26, 2014 9:17 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Yeah I'd also like to add that it is difficult to get acclimated to the islands as people generally will not treat you too seriously because so many people come and go. It is not unusual to see someone come to live on the islands and leave within six months...

If you're insinuating that people will not treat you WELL because you might leave, that's plain daft. I know hundreds of people who've lived here for comparatively short periods and who've eventually left for a variety of reasons. I've certainly read some "post stay" reports from some miserable people who hated every minute of their stay here but I stay in touch with scores of others who came, enjoyed and left and nary a word about people either treating them "not seriously" or dismissively or badly. What you bring with you insofar as your respect for others and the understanding that life here is "different" is key to how you're treated, not how long you may or may not stay.

Posted : June 26, 2014 10:47 pm
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Message Remove. Please review board rules.

Posted : June 27, 2014 12:36 am
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

OT, I point you to the message right after yours written by Surfer, and I said "not too seriously" which I intended to mean that people will make friends, but not try to make lasting bonds too quickly.

Surfer, the facts too much for you to handle? Hahahahahaha...

Posted : June 27, 2014 12:53 am
Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Just to be clear. I was not asking the question why. I was responding to speedy1's question "WHY. Specifically." and then NoOne chimed in and we had a little back and forth. I would call it a friendly back and forth on my part and I am not at all offended by any of the responses here or on this board in general. Just a little, as I mentioned earlier, perplexed.

Posted : June 27, 2014 1:41 am
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

I'd like to be more clear too, C Ray. It's just that most people come to the islands with unrealistic dreams that cannot be taken seriously. As far as living there, I would not trade my youth there for anything, bad, good, or indifferent. I have many life long friends that are both local and transplants, black, white, Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, down islanders, etc. You can run into a hell of a lot of people in a short period of time living on the islands =)

For me, here, I just don't like to see people go to live there without a clue as to what they are getting into. Yes, the milk there is very sweet and rich, but it comes at a cost.

Posted : June 27, 2014 3:00 am
Exit Zero
Posts: 2460
Famed Member

I had always thought the islands were a "Home for the Wanted and Unwanted" -- the way they were presented to me 40 years ago when I arrived -- since then I have come to appreciate the tolerance and accepting attitude of long time island residents both native born and transplants -there have been a lot of people, friends or not, who have come and gone in that time --but I doubt I will ever live anywhere else for the sunset years of my life - it has been a fine place for me to call home - despite the noticable changes, that were inevitable, what with all the progress the world has presented us with over the years - life in the VI is certainly not for everyone - a great deal of patience and a nice overlay of 'manana', 'soon come', 'hurry man eat raw corn' coupled with creative solutions to most problems and a deeply rooted sense of humor and expectation of the improbable will serve you well - there is always a 'sea bath' and 'a lime' to offer some light relief to a frustrating day - if you even let the frustrating part affect your existence.
I rarely suggest people move here - when they try to change the ways things just are, it makes them hate the place - not the very needed kind of energy that creates the small positive change that surely betters our community but the 'That isn't the way we do it back in the States' kind of attitude.

Posted : June 27, 2014 4:02 am
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

For those that don't know, "Limin" (liming) is when you take a break, enjoy the surroundings, talk with friends, and have a drink. A drink is the main ingredient for people to deal with living on the islands, in my opinion.

Drinking is not bad for everyone, but if you have problems with addiction, drinking and drugs will almost be constantly in your face there.

For a slight (and somewhat unrealistic) view of living on the islands, watch season 27 episode 11 of The Real World (disclaimer, this is the only reality season I have ever watched, simply because it was in the Virgin Islands)

Brandon couldn't resist: (s27e11TRW video)

Episode 12 is has a lot of video of STT, and some Carnival activity, I would suggest watching it:

Posted : June 27, 2014 5:17 am
Exit Zero
Posts: 2460
Famed Member

Lime and Liming doesn't have to mean alchoholic drinking.

Posted : June 27, 2014 5:43 am
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

Lime and Liming doesn't have to mean alchoholic drinking.

*shrug* watch the first video. Brandon @ around 24:00 : "This island was, hands down, the biggest test of my character."

Posted : June 27, 2014 6:09 am
Posts: 141
Estimable Member

When I visited I was up at the crack of dawn. Sure, I took in a couple of libations during happy hour, met some best friends for the very first time but was in bed by 9:30PM every night. When I returned home my friends thought I was crazy and wondered why I didn't check out the "night life." My simple response. I was more interested in the "day Life." Maybe it will get old but I doubt it. If it does and I last 5 years, 3 years, or 1 year, what will be the harm? Everyone is different. Celebrate our differences including the negative Nellies. 🙂 Cheers everyone. Make it a wonderful weekend for yourself!

Posted : June 27, 2014 11:54 am
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

surfer, your response was so out of line calling people names. just not cool. sorry you were offended by noOnes response, but no excuse for name calling.
his answers were true. i am always curious which is why i posted the question. you can answer the question without bashing anyone. if you do not like the responses given-move on to another post. totally uncalled for.

most people seem to move here because they want the beach lifestyle without knowing exactly what that entails. and the cow seems to come at a higher price than most stateside cows. and not just monetarily

Posted : June 27, 2014 12:24 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

C Ray, seeing what I have written and seeing that you are still interested, I encourage you to go and spend a period of your time there. No matter the outcome, I am sure you will never forget it.

Posted : June 27, 2014 4:37 pm
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Message Removed. Please review board rules.

Posted : June 27, 2014 5:03 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

It's absolutely stunning how this board allows trailer trash like this to make reckless comments regarding our islands with impunity. [...] What a sad bunch of Bitches. Eh.

Well, what'd you know. Congrats, you're fit the mold for being white trailer trash. OMG.

Wow, Free Speech Just For Me! You are a hypocrite.

People who consider moving to the islands, Surfer's racist attitude is not uncommon there.

Posted : June 27, 2014 5:08 pm
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