Trash and water in Christiansted
Good afternoon board. I was wondering what you do with house trash in Christiansted (other then dumping in an empty lot :)). From what I understand, there is no trash pick up. Also, I assume WAPA handles water to the house (it is connected to the city supply, no cistern). Any info on these items would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
There is garbage pick up if you pay for it (i.e., it is private, not government-run). If you don't want to pay for it, you bag it, put it in your car, and drive it to a dump.
ETA: I live in town and couldn't tell you the nearest dump, as I have paid pick up. I'm guessing no matter where you go, it's gonna be a haul from town. East End is waaaay out there in Cotton Valley, there's the one off of Midland (which never feels safe) and then the other one in Peter's Rest across from the Cool Out. I am unaware of any closer options.
Also? It really sucks if you forget your garbage in the trunk of your car for an afternoon in the sun.
Quote " there's the one off of Midland (which never feels safe) "
Been using this dump "bin site" for years. The guys that hang out never seem to bother anyone. They are happy to help you unload for some spare change. But I do understand your comment. Kinda sketchy to see a filthy individual diving through the trash. Some have set up "homes" in the bush just a few feet away. They have all the comforts of home. Except a roof, electricity, and running water. But they do have couches, beds, tvs, stereos................................... Lot's of "recycling" going on.
We don't live in town but we have trash pick up from VI Regulated Waste. Weekly PU is $18.50 per month. Well worth it too!!!
Actually, in town there is trash pick up and water service. I lived in (and still have a property in Tulipan) and have both of these services. Water is through Wapa and trash is paid for by government. I also got mail to my door in Tulipan.
Outside of "town" which is most of the island you are on your own for trash service. You can use Bates, Dans or a few others and they will do pickup, it ranges in price, not sure how much I'm paying right now as my wife took care of it. Think you can get once a week service for like $65/month though.
Actually, in town there is trash pick up and water service. I lived in (and still have a property in Tulipan) and have both of these services. Water is through Wapa and trash is paid for by government. I also got mail to my door in Tulipan.
I live in C'sted and would LOVE the number of the government agency that picks up your trash for free. Seriously. I'm gonna call 'em and get rid of the guys we're paying.
I do not get mail delivered to my address, but they do deliver it down the hill. I just figured they didn't want to walk up it.
I know of some other people in other places on the island who do, in fact, get FREE trash pickup. They don't know how it started and they don't want it to stop. So they just don't say anything and hope it will continue forever.
For most of us, though, "dump run" makes its way into our vocabulary pretty quickly.
Re: the Midland Road site. Yeah, it's weird. Maybe it's a being a single, white, female thing and not being able to dump my trash without being stared at by dozens of people waiting to pounce on what I'm pitching. No one's ever threatened me there, but when I tell people I occasionally use that dump, I get LOOKS like ... giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, did you bring the machete? I feel like prey there, and it creeps me out. But, yeah, no actual threats. YMMV
Thanks for info. Didn't know about the house mail delivery. If anyone knows who to contact regarding free in town trash pick up, it would be greatly appreciated
Do you all not have dumpsters on St Croix??
STX has at least two free dumpster sites, in Cotton Valley and Peters Rest.
i get trash pick up but no mail delivery in christiansted
Do you all not have dumpsters on St Croix??
Did you not actually read the thread before replying?
Do you all not have dumpsters on St Croix??
Did you not actually read the thread before replying?
I'm now confused as the response from East Ender was something I was also ready to ask before her question was posted. On STT we have VIWMA dumpsters all over the island where you can deposit trash. Many businesses (restaurants, etc.) have private dumpsters operated by private haulers for which a monthly fee is charged but residents take their bags to the closest dumpster. Large and heavy loads you can take directly to the Bovoni landfill. Maybe things are different on STX and I can certainly concede a difference but East Ender was simply asking a question about that and there was no reason to respond in the way that you did.
Do you all not have dumpsters on St Croix??
Did you not actually read the thread before replying?
I'm now confused as the response from East Ender was something I was also ready to ask before her question was posted. On STT we have VIWMA dumpsters all over the island where you can deposit trash. Many businesses (restaurants, etc.) have private dumpsters operated by private haulers for which a monthly fee is charged but residents take their bags to the closest dumpster. Large and heavy loads you can take directly to the Bovoni landfill. Maybe things are different on STX and I can certainly concede a difference but East Ender was simply asking a question about that and there was no reason to respond in the way that you did.
There's no confusion. There's free dumps all over the island. I listed the three I thought closest to C'sted for the OP. Eastender would have seen that if he'd/she'd read the thread.
Things are different here on STX. We have a couple of dumpster sites unlike STT or STJ that have them in many locations. It is much easier on STT and STJ to dispose of your household trash. On STX we have to drive to a dumpster site. Many people pay for trash pickup on STX. Some people just throw it in the bush or on the side of the road. We try to recycle and compost in our home and the rest we take to a dumpster site.
Things are different here on STX. We have a couple of dumpster sites unlike STT or STJ that have them in many locations. It is much easier on STT and STJ to dispose of your household trash. On STX we have to drive to a dumpster site. Many people pay for trash pickup on STX. Some people just throw it in the bush or on the side of the road. We try to recycle and compost in our home and the rest we take to a dumpster site.
Thanks, dougtamji, for clarifying. We on STT also have to drive to the dumpsters which are placed by VIWMA at many different locations on the side of the road. Seems as though we maybe have more of them than you have on STX.
Iris, EE doesn't need me to stick up for her but neither your terse response or those previous posts which you felt EE "didn't read" made the STX situation clear.
Iris, EE doesn't need me to stick up for her but neither your terse response or those previous posts which you felt EE "didn't read" made the STX situation clear.
Apparently you share the same level of reading comprehension, then.
Iris "Terse" Tramm
There is garbage pick up if you pay for it (i.e., it is private, not government-run). If you don't want to pay for it, you bag it, put it in your car, and drive it to a dump.
ETA: I live in town and couldn't tell you the nearest dump, as I have paid pick up. I'm guessing no matter where you go, it's gonna be a haul from town. East End is waaaay out there in Cotton Valley, there's the one off of Midland (which never feels safe) and then the other one in Peter's Rest across from the Cool Out. I am unaware of any closer options.
Also? It really sucks if you forget your garbage in the trunk of your car for an afternoon in the sun.
Iris: Here is your response, which I read eagerly and with great interest. A. You stated you didn't know where the nearest "dump" was; we call them "dumpsters" over here. Semantics, or possibly a different waste management method on the Big Island? B. You stated two options which are far away; on St Thomas, there are dumpsters all along the road. I don't use them, but I can think of 5 or 6 along my typical drive to town.
I am not sure if I was deserving of your snarky response. You know, sometimes rereading and then counting to 10 before you post is a good idea. 😛 Oops, I only counted to 9...
Things are different here on STX. We have a couple of dumpster sites unlike STT or STJ that have them in many locations. It is much easier on STT and STJ to dispose of your household trash.
Thank you for your helpful description. It doesn't make sense that you all have a bigger island and fewer dumpsters. I wonder what is up with that?
It's the usual STT-STX situation. No way are things done equally by the gov't.
I know of some other people in other places on the island who do, in fact, get FREE trash pickup. They don't know how it started and they don't want it to stop. So they just don't say anything and hope it will continue forever.
For most of us, though, "dump run" makes its way into our vocabulary pretty quickly.
Re: the Midland Road site. Yeah, it's weird. Maybe it's a being a single, white, female thing and not being able to dump my trash without being stared at by dozens of people waiting to pounce on what I'm pitching. No one's ever threatened me there, but when I tell people I occasionally use that dump, I get LOOKS like ... giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, did you bring the machete? I feel like prey there, and it creeps me out. But, yeah, no actual threats. YMMV
Why would you feel like prey? When others say they are harmless.
They are dumpster diving and want first picks. They are wanting a look see in the garbage bags, not at you.
Iris is one of the beautiful people on the island that everybody stares at!:-)
Is this becoming a dating site/thread?Come on Iris.....don't be lookin for a hook up at the dump! Girl please......:-o
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