Trying to move to stx in september. advice?
My fiance and I currently live and teach in Connecticut. She spent about half her life on the island (parents are traveling musicians) and her love of st croix is about to bring me there for the fourth time next month. i'm not sure if it is something we will want to do forever, but definitely something we want to try at least for a year when we're young, have some money saved up, and don't have the responsibility of a kid yet. we plan on checking out work and living situations when we're down there, and plan on making a definite decision soon after. with the current hovensa crisis however, our timing seems less than ideal, as the economy may take a turn for the worst. any advice on some jobs that two young, energetic people might hope to find?
with the economic climate that is sure to follow with the closing of Hovensa, i am not sure what type of jobs will be available soon. the unemployment rate is expected to go up to about 18%. Not only that, our electric could go up even higher that thhe .46kwh it is now.
Do you have careers right now that you'll be able to bring skills with you? Or are you more looking for "whatever is available" once you get here? I imagine that information will help people be able to give you better advice. 🙂
Edited to note: I just noticed you're both teachers. Will you want to keep teaching or are you looking to change careers? I think there are people on the board who can talk about teaching jobs.
We both have masters in education and are currently music teachers. ( i teach elementary school and she teaches middle school, but we both are certified k-12). We'd love to continue teaching if the opportunity came up (i've been searching), although any job(s) would be great to start us off. I am also a member of the national guard and will be transferring to the unit down there, if the move does in fact take place.I know that my fiance would also love to work with tourists.
with Hovensa closing, the private schools could end up in trouble. That would leave the public schools?

As teachers (my husband and myself) in the public school system, we wonder every day if we are going to get our "pink slip". There isn't any job security right now in the teaching world - private or public...
Different Island, but STJ might still be getting a new school...
I've always said if I didn't teach I'd like to try police as a different career up here and there appears to be openings in st Croix. thoughts/ feelings?
I've always said if I didn't teach I'd like to try police as a different career up here and there appears to be openings in st Croix. thoughts/ feelings?
I've heard mixed reviews about the VIpd
are you corrupt and adept at accepting bribes?? Do you practice nepotism ? Do you run from gunfights? Will it take you at least an hour to show up at a crime scene? If you pass an auto accident, will you tell those involved that it is not your jurisdiction/job for the day and say another officer will be along shortly?
Pay , from what i hear is not as good either.
If this sounds good to you, come and apply.
are you corrupt and adept at accepting bribes?? Do you practice nepotism ? Do you run from gunfights? Will it take you at least an hour to show up at a crime scene? If you pass an auto accident, will you tell those involved that it is not your jurisdiction/job for the day and say another officer will be along shortly?
Will you randomly pull over and harass white women while off-duty and out of uniform? Will you work for fast food wages? Will you refuse to arrest/interview suspects because they're related to you or because it's inconvenient? Will you hang out at bars while in uniform consuming alcoholic beverages?
Hi there......looking Thu the message board for advice...we too would like to move to St Croix. My husband is retiring, Ill be looking for employment. I'm a caseworker/social worker....are the positions plentiful in this occupation? I currently work for the largest juvenile detention center in the U.S. (Chicago). What the job market in this field? Thanks.
katherined, please reread the boards. the government just gave an 8% pay cut to all but the senators , the government has laid off hundreds of people and are talking about laying off hundreds more.. The government is full of nepotism to begin with, if you could get a government job, i would be very very surprised.
I moved here a week ago. One thing I can say is have a job offer before you come, or at least some irons in the fire. There are going to be alot of people looknig for work so that may be hard. I've been coming here for 5 years 3 or 4 times a year. Is it perfect here?, no. Is it easy here? we'll see. Is it safe? Use your head. Are the locals nice? It all starts with you.Is Hovensa closing gonig to be a wake up call for out gvt? we'll see .Will you drink too much? maybe.How are the bugs? think Godzilla and Rodan. Is it beautiful here and worth it? HELL YES.
Before I hear the rose colored glasses thing. I know its going to be tough (understatement). Food, gas, electric is going to go up. We need more airlift into the territory from th mainland, that could help things.Housing may go down. I'm here for the long haul. My car comes next week, my animals in March, my wife and furniture as soon as the house on the mainland sells. Will I regret it..........time will tell and it wont be the 1st or last fooling thing I've done.
Hi there......looking Thu the message board for advice...we too would like to move to St Croix. My husband is retiring, Ill be looking for employment. I'm a caseworker/social worker....are the positions plentiful in this occupation? I currently work for the largest juvenile detention center in the U.S. (Chicago). What the job market in this field? Thanks.
Don't just go through the message board for information. If you haven't done so already, go to the top of this page and starting from "Home" on the left, read everything from left to right. There's a ton of "required reading" there which will give you a great start. Good luck!
Is it safe? Use your head.
Actually, do a little more than that. Do some research and know what to expect. The violent crime stats for the VI are exponentially higher than one would reasonably expect for a community of this size.
I told two police officers the other day, after being asked if I felt safe as a single, white, female living alone in C'sted, that I slept with a machete on my nightstand. Without pausing, they strongly recommended I look into buying a gun instead.
they do have gun safety classes at dj shooting range
my advice (my opinion) is to wait awhile and see what happens. hopefully by sept. we will all know more concerning the ecom. down here. so many will be without jobs. of course alot will be leaving too. (if they can sell their homes) have been here 20 plus years and have never seen it this bad.
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