Violent crime
Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.
-Pierre Berton
Well, poorthang, now you've gone and done it. At one point several posts ago I thought you got it, but alas it is not so. Were you simply "firing for effect" you'd have heeded my pleas to change your approach. Yet you persist with the inflammatory rhetoric-made all the more despicable because your delight is palpable. No one here is playing "a game" but you, having fun abusing the anonymity afforded by this forum. Your self righteousness and disdain for poor black people is eclipsed only by your narrow mindedness and insensitivity. You should be ashamed of yourself. I am truly disappointed in you!
It seems to me probably that any one who has a series of intolerable positions to put up with must have been responsible for them to some extent... they have contributed to it by impatience or intolerance, or brusqueness-or some provocation.
- Robert Hugh Benson
If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk. If a Negro does, it's the whole damn Negro race.
-Bill Cosby
When we're unemployed, we're called lazy; when the whites are unemployed it's called a depression.
-Jesse Jackson
One of the worst things about racism is what it does to young people.
-Alvin Ailey
Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism.
-Jane Elliot
Racism tears down your insides so that no matter what you achieve, you're not quite up to snuff.
-Alvin Ailey
I realize that I'm black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and this is everybody's wish.
-Michael Jordan
I will not say I'm sorry for my posts.I have the right to speak my mind in this country... unlike many others . The way I have chosen to do it was and is meant to be provacative.Why?...Because you can't get to the apples unless you shake the tree.For to long WE have walked the tightrope of what's fair and what"s reality in the movement of equality'.Do I think black people are discriminated against?? YES.Do I think white people are discriminated against ?? YES.... So what makes us WHO we become??.I was raised poor ,had enough to eat,went to school ,stayed in school and GRADUATED,served my country proudly(military) when it wasn't looked upon as it is today,went to college without any help .,worked hard for a few millionaires and paid attention.,worked crappy factory jobs,and paid even more attention....Then I took the initiative to start my own very small service business and worked my ass off 7 days a week,no vacations for years and all the while raising a family and making it work.....worked ,worked worked ....but then.....the payoff...success.Times were good and bad ..Did I look for someone or the government to help me.Hell no...In this great country ANYONE can achieve at any time if the desire is in them.I have had many white and black men and women work for me and got to know them ..cause I worked right beside them doing the work,so I know people.... especially the poor....Your collective anger towards me is a result of the unwillingness to accept that alot of people have failed to" CHECK " their lifestyles,child rearing faults and accept responsibility for the mess it created.Sooo when crime happens in my hood I'm going to point fingers and tell ya bout it.Can ya dig it???
lol at poorthing...although an extremely conscious woman, human rights activist, and spiritually Rastafar I, i am but a mere white gyal...just goes to show that you are indeed of a prejudiced mindset and make many incorrect assumptions and you know like i know what assumptions can do when you assume something...
;)based on your past posts.... and mind altering thoughts/drugs..... that's the state of mind your in right now ....but,still like your spunk !!!;)
I applaud your work ethic, military service, and initiative. Yours is a true American success story; you should be very proud! I also totally respect your right to say what you want to say in the way you want to say it. What I have been trying to do is convince you there is a better way. I said once before that your approach on a thread about violent crime is a distraction-since most of the posts have been directed at you in an unfavorable way, I'd say I was correct.
Just out of curiosity, was "firing for effect" the motivational practice you implemented to inspire your employees? :S Me thinks I'd rather have worked for Capt. Bligh.
I knew I;d be carrying the water on this issue so I came out firing like a crazy man to jolt those who may be watching at a safe distance to get involved in the process of change.We all collectively have a fondness for these islands and the people on them.My tirades although inflammatory to some ring true to alot of folk who have Pm 'd me.I think we have established ,by the number of hits on this subject that people have an interest or fear and maybe looking for some answers in how to help those rascals in office about gettin their asses in gear to crank it up a notch.People love a show and by golly if by me lookin like a lunatic will help than so be it. What will really freak you out is I know a number of posters on this board and have even been in their homes(with their permission of course:-o) but anonymity helps preserve our relationships......Didn't see that one comin..... did ya.....Sometimes it 's useful to keep secrets..I love decent hardworking blacks and whites,My contempt for those who take advantage of our country because we are good hearted people makes my cave man in me come out..If it makes the people who still think I.m a racist happy I'd really like to grab all those dumb ass white boys for wearing their pants down to their knees and hat backwards and show them how low class and punkish they are.
poorthang, I think the thing that bothers some is that you seem to ENJOY ticking people off, and your tone sounds contemptuous of the people you'd like to sway.
Thing is, not everything you say is wrong, but the way you sometimes say it overshadows what you want us to hear.
I also vote for more punctuation and paragraph breaks so I can read you. 😎
mind altering drugs/thoughts....NOT!!!
there you went with another assumption...
Poorthang -- you are so insulting I pay zero attention to what you're saying. In fact, I have completely forgotten what you are talking about. I read your posts to see how stupid someone can be. Please, go away. If you live here, move. If you don't, please never visit. I've only lived here for three months but I've never met anyone as abrasive, caustic or downright insulting as you. And that's why I love it here; because almost all of the people are nice, kind, and respectful. Except you. F off.
Let the manscaping begin!!!!! First thing I'd do for you ladies out there is shave my back hair off...To get rid of that neanderthal look..Then I' d just have to have a nose ring piercing so I could be pulled around and made to listen to your endless mindless rants.OOOHHHH JOY !!!Next would be the narrowing of my thought(is that possible some would say;) so any woman who continues to have babies she dumps on our society gets rewarded.... for her courage????HUH ... Then she'll have a few more cause that money is gooood !!,,,,, You can't fix stupid!!!.... Then I guess my eyes would have to go cause lord knows I can.t believe what I.m seeing(lazy assssseess waitin on the first of the mom ff check. ....No kidding that really happens???,,,,I'd have to cut my tongue out cause I'd shoot my mouth off in front the welfare office about ....Why don't yall works for dat money???? and the GRAND FINALE.... oh yea.... the little pee pee ..cause after my wife friends find out how insensitive HE is..... she'd have all the money ,house,unlimited shopping expenses before I'd ever "get any "again.....Please feel free to finish sculpting me (in your mind only) of course......:D
Okay everybody... we get it! Many don't like poorthang, and poorthang doesn't like...
Time to focus on violent crime and what to do about it don't you think? Following is one of the more "on point" posts from STXBob:
I'd like to say two things:
1) Join Crime Stoppers
2) VIPD is improvingPlease become a dues-paying member of Crime Stoppers . You’ll be joining a program that is getting real results. We just completed our second year of operation, and in those two years, we received 931 anonymous tips from the community, including 136 homicide tips, which we passed to law enforcement, helping them to make 101 arrests. We also authorized $81,167 in cash rewards for those tips, of which $34,385 were collected. Most people do not want their reward. They just want to get their info to the police.
Before Crime Stoppers' anonymous tip line, there was no good way for the community to give their info to the police without fear of retaliation.
From :
Lt. Thomas Hannah, St. Croix Law Enforcement Police Coordinator for the program, said that when Crime Stoppers USVI launched two years ago, he had serious doubts about whether it would work in the territory.He has since been convinced that Crime Stoppers provides a valuable tool to investigators that has helped change law enforcement in the territory by getting citizens more involved with police.
With citizen involvement, the Police Department's solve rate for homicides has drastically improved, Hannah said.
"Folks are calling in now. They're telling us what's going on," Hannah said.
UNQUOTEAnother article about Crime Stoppers’ progress as of our second anniversary :
VIPD is also improving. From :
Francis also pointed to the effectiveness of the Crime Stoppers V.I. program, the anonymous tip service that has been bringing in information for the police to act on.But the most important factor, he said, has been hard, aggressive police work, which has resulted in a very high "clearance" rate.
"We're not proud of the numbers (of homicides) we have seen," he said. "We don't have any control over the murders that are committed, we have the responsibility to solve them."
And the V.I.P.D. has been getting very good at that. Their clearance rate has been between 67 and 73 percent all year, better than the national average, which according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports is 65 percent for homicides.
So, have you joined yet? Any other suggestions from someone new? Has the VIPD ever done a gun buyback?
If you'd like to see how someone can go criminally insane.,Read the travel message board (tallen03 lookin for help post.).Put any person you want in the middle of these "LADIES" and watch them ERUPT. ........and you think I'm bad......OMgosh*-)

i think that on the internet people forget that they are working with people.
it's like walking into a room and meeting a lot of different personalities from all walks of life. you don't know until you interact, just how you will be received. since body gestures and facial expressions are not available all we have to go on are the words. flinging them around willy-nilly will get a human response from a human being. imagine walking off the street into a room full of real flesh and blood beings and saying something and then imagine the possible responses. i find that people use the internet's anonymity to say things they would not say in real life.
i find that posting as my real self keeps me honest. if i cannot say it to your face, i won't say it.
Doesn't matter where you live... You will hear gun shots at some point. Call it in they might publish it but no one will respond. Guns flow freely on island. Hopefully you won't be a statistic, but odds are you will be.
if i cannot say it to your face, i won't say it.
And that's honesty.
As I was driving the other day I picked up a brotha carrying two bags,...looked liked he needed a ride .... I took him home and after he thanked me he asked if I wanted to buy some steaks from where do you tink he got those steaks...????.Wonder why the food prices are higher ?????..... No I didn't buy any !!!!:-o..... I'd love to know the theft ratio on island vs states..???

As I was driving the other day I picked up a brotha carrying two bags,...looked liked he needed a ride .... I took him home and after he thanked me he asked if I wanted to buy some steaks from where do you tink he got those steaks...????.Wonder why the food prices are higher ?????..... No I didn't buy any !!!!:-o..... I'd love to know the theft ratio on island vs states..???
be careful... could be law of attraction @ work... would have made a great "Riddler" on Bat Man and Robin........Your" New Thought " space talk/walk has influenced your common sense........Good deeds, although rare, still happen.... even by white men!!!! Now I guess I would have been profiling if the same black guy had been running with his bags of groceries..... and then OBVIOUSLY he must be running away from the scene cause he was shoplifting ......Geezz.....Your law of attraction crap is some designer psychology goop........I am however attracted to guys hanging around my car,snoopin in my hood,wandering around at nite.........I " ll just call it.... RADAR LOVE(great song btw):P

i would not be surprised if every criminal within 100 miles of you likewise finds a way to your side... :@)
I was chased by a man in his pick up truck and shot at because I would not stop after witnessing that person involved in a hit and run. I called 911 in my cell while avoiding bullets. The police very promptly went to his house and caught him still in his vehicle with the gun on the seat, etc. The gun was not registered. The law says 1 year aitomatically. No!!!! he was detained in house arrest with an ankle device. It was found out later that the device was removed and he did what ever he wanted. The justice department is very much at fault for the "bad guys" laughing at the system. The thief that broke into Ft. Augusta and caught on camera has 25 arrests already. They laugh at the system.
It's just a matter of time before someone is home... inside their home.... when one of these burglaries goes bad:-(
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