Welcome Back Alexan...
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Welcome Back Alexandra

Posts: 184
Estimable Member
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It's nice to see you regularly posting here again. It sounds like you had a rocky year. I have always enjoyed your thoughtful and interesting comments. Good luck and welcome back.

Posted : January 21, 2011 3:30 pm
Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Yes indeed. I had wondered what had become of you. Your postings were always informative and helpful, and the PMs were appreciated. Glad to see you back on the board!

Posted : January 21, 2011 4:50 pm
Posts: 695
Noble Member


It's good to hear from you, Alexandra.



Posted : January 22, 2011 2:32 am
Posts: 812
Prominent Member

You know I'm excited!

Posted : January 22, 2011 12:24 pm
Posts: 1428
Noble Member

LOL DUN. I know we had a couple of differences of opinion a few years back, but that's life. I appreciate more of your posts than not.

I know I was away for a while and I appreciate the welcome messages. I had originally thought I'd take a couple months off the board at a time when I had some trips planned with my youngest son while he was visiting from school during the summer and the board had been going through some in-fighting that made conversations difficult to keep on track. Then a few other things came up that required my time and attention... and I had a really bad bout of Dengue Fever that wiped me out for months. I was about ready to return to participation on the board when my 2nd husband died in the plane crash here on STX 15 months ago. That definitely rocked my world emotionally and it was best not to do much of anything for a while until the shock wore off.

The opportunity came up to crew on a few sailboats and a scuba live aboard motor yacht all over the Caribbean the past 6 months and the time away helped me resolve emotions and the memories of David that were all pervasive here on STX. I've been home now for a few weeks and really enjoying life. We only get one shot at this and clearly none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow. I'm a firm believer in accepting the opportunities that come your way in life and making the most of them.

For those who are still in the dreaming of "someday" stage, I can't encourage you strongly enough to take the leap as soon as you can make it happen. Live each day as fully as you can and enjoy the little things that make you smile. Today I am enjoying the fact that I woke up WARM (I really love that!) and I am appreciative of my fabulous view and the steady breeze blowing through as I find it immensely relaxing. I sit here with a smile on my face knowing that life has difficulties to face and overcome, yet I get to experience so much that is beautiful and wonderful, too.

If only this island had a dating pool... lol. Life here or anywhere is best when shared with someone we care about.

Thank you for the Welcome Back. I'm glad to be here.


Posted : January 25, 2011 5:11 pm
Posts: 137
Estimable Member

I'm so glad you are doing well, Alexandra. 🙂

Posted : January 26, 2011 1:26 am
Posts: 812
Prominent Member

Welcome back Alex, I'm looking forward to our interactions the second time around.
I really like your outlook, yes your right we only get one chance at this life!
Sorry to hear of your loss, though I'm envious of this outlook you have, i hope to be at that level soon & can fully relate with you.

Again, welcome back!

Posted : January 26, 2011 2:46 am
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