What do I need to do to bring guns to USVI
I have a Glock .45 handgun and a 1022 Ruger I want to bring with me when I move to USVI. What do I need to do to bring these guns with me? Any help is appreciated!
call the local shooting range and they will direct you. i think it is dj's shooting gallery. someone correct me if im wrong and maybe add a number
You will need to have a Federally licensed dealer in the states ship them to a licensed dealer in the VI. Once you're on island you'll need to go to the Firearms Division at Police HQ to pick up some forms to apply for your firearms license. They will explain what you need to bring back as far as photos, payments, ID, etc.
YOU NEED TO PASS THE NRA HANDGUN SAFETY COURSE BEFORE YOU CAN POSSESS YOUR WEAPONS! If you've passed it in the states bring your original certificate with you. The officer in charge "may" accept it. If not you'll need to take the course on island. Once you've done that you bring your forms back to HQ. And then you wait. When your license is ready they will call you to go back to HQ. Assuming you already legally own your weapons they will issue your license then and there. Bring it to the dealer to claim your guns. (sometimes they give you a coupon to bring to the dealer to claim your weapons. You then have to bring them directly back to HQ so they can verify serial numbers) But that's usually the case when you're buying down here.
DO NOT bring ammunition with you!!! Not even tucked away with your household belongings. If Customs finds it you'll be in big trouble.
Bring the original and a few copies of the shipping paperwork from your stateside dealer. If you're shipping down belongings in a container Customs may call and ask you some questions before clearing it for delivery. If they ask if there are any weapons or ammo in the container do not lie. If they ask if you own any weapons no not lie. Providing you had them properly shipped to the island tell them you did so using a Federally licensed dealer. You may have to prove this by showing them a copy of the paperwork from your stateside dealer. You also might have to get something from the on-island dealer proving they are in possession of your weapons. It will be time consuming but it'll be easier, and quicker, to do that then to have them search your container.
Which island are you moving to?

Does anyone know when the next VI approved gun safety class is?
Call St Croix Marksman Association-----773-8555 ---they conduct the classes.

(tu) thanks
specialk: Don't you also have to "prove" that you need to have a gun? Like you carry buckets of money to the bank everyday or such?
That would be for a concealed weapon/permit to carry. For home self defense you just need a permit and register the weapons. No bucket of money required.
I`m intrigued, what proof do you need you acted in self defense if someone was to invade your home & use a firearm on them?
Please don`t tell me if you shoot them in the leg, they can sue you!
I`m not expecting a Adelbert Bryan shoot `em in the back with an unlicensed firearm & get away with it, just, is it OK to use & protect yourself with a firearm & when it`s warranted!.
One statement is all that is necessary "I FEARED FOR MY LIFE"!
Wow, sure is a lot different than what we needed to do here in NV, takes about a half hour back ground check, no classes required and you walk out the door. To boot, we are allowed to carry the gun in a glove box or console of your car as your car is considered an extension of your home as well. Just cant have it concealed like in a back pack.
Can you ship the ammo that you have with the guns to the gun dealer or is it just cheaper to buy ammo there?
The safety class, they may deny you for the class and then you have to take another one there? I havent taken any classes yet, but sounds to me to just go ahead and take the class there?
Glad we just didnt pack the guns in the container......
We will be moving to STT in a year to three yrs.
What is a good gun dealer to ship to on STT?
Thanks for the great advice!
East Ender: Lizard is correct. You can apply for a "Home Protection" license which means the registered firearm(s) must stay on the premises to which it is registered. If you want to take it to the shooting range you need to get a home protection/range permit which gives you permission to transport the unloaded weapon between your home, an approved range, and back. You must belong to a shooting club to get one of these.
specialk: Don't you also have to "prove" that you need to have a gun? Like you carry buckets of money to the bank everyday or such?
specialk: I asked because I think people from the states, especially the wild west like skighee, are accustomed to toting their guns everywhere. 😉
specialk: I asked because I think people from the states, especially the wild west like skighee, are accustomed to toting their guns everywhere. 😉
Well it seems that since the police do such a bang up job there with crime, might not be a bad idea to get a concealed weapons permit? I mean out West here we dont have a murder rate like STT with a city of 300,000? I guess why doesnt the govt address the issue?
Anyone know a good gun dealer on STT that I can stop into to see about getting mine shipped down there when I am there next week on a visit?
Next to my bed is a Rueger 1022 with a 25 round banana clip, are those legal?
Funny had to go to a sketchy foreclosed home today in a not too great part of town and wore my Glock on my hip, not that it was even cocked and locked though.....I dont want to ever have to use it.
It's definitely an adjustment to be made when relocating from a "gun friendly" state to the VI.
Skighee: When you move down do not advertise you keep weapons in your house. There are people who will try to steal them. If your weapon is stolen, and subsequently used in the commission of a crime, you can be held liable. The PD strongly suggests storing them in a safe that is bolted to the floor.
specialk: I asked because I think people from the states, especially the wild west like skighee, are accustomed to toting their guns everywhere. 😉
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