Will I Starve?
Evening everybody,
I'm looking at moving down to the USVI (probably St. Croix) in the fall from Florida. Based on the following information, the big questions are:
- Will I starve before I get a job?
- Is there much of a dating scene there?
- Will most people be welcoming to a "geeky" white guy from the southeastern countryside?
Now, about me and my situation:
- Will probably have about $2,000+ for expenses
- Not very picky with housing (can sleep in a tent for a couple of months:))
- Really don't need cable or internet
- Not very picky with transportation (I may take a Chevy S-10 or an older Volvo down with me depending on $$)
- Will probably arrive with all of my property in three boxes
- I'm a very easy going young person (19) with a positive attitude
- I worked in radio broadcasting, hospitality/hotel (where I work now), and I can make decent mixed drinks.
Obviously, I can't tell you for sure whether or not you will make it... that depends on so many circumstances. Although I came down with very little money, most people do save up to make sure they have quite a large nest egg before coming down here to tide them through the lean months. We got lucky and both got jobs within a couple of weeks of being here.
Living in a tent doesn't seem reasonable unless you are at Mount Victory camp.. I have never stayed there, but I'm sure someone on board can tell you more about them. You can't just go down to the beach and set up a tent. Not the least of which is the chance of getting killed in your sleep.
Still, you can get a very cheap studio apartment, or advertise on this board for a roommate situation. If you have a car, you can find work just about anywhere. If you end up in a full time job across island, you can always move closer later.
So, if you are highly motivated and not afraid to throw yourself out there to get a job, I think it is safe to say you will not starve.
As for the dating scene, I think a single can answer that better, or do a search on this board. I think there was a pretty big thread about it recently.
Realistically, $2K won't get you very far at all, Even if you find a really inexpensive rental, that amount will be eaten up right away with the first, last and security which most landlords require. Shipping a vehicle down here is not inexpensive and trying to get around without one gets very old very fast.
But you might get lucky! In any case, read all the moving stories and threads on this forum. Good luck to you.
Find a roomate. Buy a car on island (a beater). Get a job at a restaurant (they are always hiring it seems) or a bartender. There is a "single" life on island...mostly east end nightlife on STT. I don't know anything about St. Croix, but I know a lot of younger ppl who worked at Havanah Blue, shared a house and expenses, and had a great time....Good luck!
If you have a background in radio, we'd like to talk to you. We're always looking for someone with previous experience and a love for broadcasting. Contact me at Paradise 93.5 FM on St. Croix (340) 773-5935.
Roger W. Morgan
Dating scene on STX will provide very limited options. St. Thomas might be better in that regard, but white females in your age range will more than likely be a scarce commodity.
If you plan to ship your car say goodbye to your $2k of savings. The job market in stt (hotel and restaurant that is)is better and would insure you dont starve. What you are coming down with will not be enough to get a rental and buy a car. On stx it would be very hard to get a job without a car. Taxi's are expensive here and there are no safari type taxi's like on stt and stj. There will also be more people your age on stt. Life on stx is slower and more family and retirement geared IMO. The few single friends I have are older then you and complain about how hard it is to meet the type of people they want to meet.
radiox, Good advice here. Go to St Thomas, more jobs,more oldcars, more roommate chances..
when you get off the plane go to Ronnie's or similar place (less than $100 a night?). Stay a night or two and start talkiing to every one you meet. Read the bulletin boards. If you are not a lost cause, you will have a job, a car and a roommate within a week..
Do not go to the bars and drink your money away.
In answer to the original question, I will answer as follows with an admixture of reality versus fantasy.
(a) Yes you will starve on just a 2K stake.
(b) Dating scene? Many nice young gals come here for a while but the party party scene behooves discretion so well-advsed for either gals or guys to be well-protected, The USVI has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS under the US flag.
(c) You'll be welcomed initially but if you screw up you'll be toast in short shrift! Some of the best people I know are self-professed geeks! Just my quick comment. Cheers!
There are safari type "dollar vans" on STX. I seem the all the time.
Linda, I've never seen one. The stt and stj are usually easily recognized. So these are just regular vans that take dollars?
yeah, they have taxi plates and are just vans. I think they are limited to the Vitran routes so they are of limited use if your not traveling the main drags.
I think that the schooll kids use them
i love the title of his thread - it's so funny and it's so real. i can see a 19 yo guy just breaking out on his own and looking for life in paradise and wondering -hey, am i gonna starve down there or just what ?! ..... i was actually gonna use that title for my first post but didnt know how i'd sound as a 40somethin' professional. 🙂 ...marc laughs...
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