WOW...Really Cares About Customers
So, I have been browsing the web sites and looking to see what's available on STX for homes. I decided to look on the Blue Sky Real
Estate site but after a few weeks I looked at a few others and found that on most others, though it is the same template of an engine, you can search by property size as well. I have been through countless homes that were too small of a plot and no way to filter them out. I know I can have them come up by property size but I want the list according to price.
So, I e-mailed Blue Sky and this is what I said. "
Good Evening,
I have been looking at properties on your web site and am wondering if
there is some way for you to add the size of the property in the search
engine. I've had to look through a lot to find they were too small of a
plot that the home sits on.
Thank you so much for your time.
Here is the response I got this morning...
Hi Tami
Thank you for the feedback. We will take it into consideration.
So happy to see that my time and probable commission are being considered. Whilst they are doing that I have considered moving to a different Real Estate Company, oh wait......I'm done considering, I'm doing it!
Am I dense, missing something or both? I re-read it a few times and am not quite sure why you seem so surprised. :S
Asked if they could add it, yes or no would have been acceptable, it wasn't feedback it was a request.
This mls listing site allows you to search by lot size:
But I'm just curious--what kind of an answer were you expecting? "Yes, we will do it right away?" Most of the real estate businesses down here are quite small, most likely without a full-time webmaster able to change things like mls search functions at the drop of a hat. Blue Sky Real Estate are always very nice and professional to deal with--I'm not quite sure what more you could expect them to do?
I'm still confused. You asked them a question, they accepted your comment as feedback to their website set-up and were kind enough to respond saying they'll look into it so what's da beef?
You haven't yet actually been here, have you? Better make that PMv before you start making any major plans because if something that small bothers you then you might be in for quite a surprise. Just saying!
She probably just responded from her cell phone while on the fly- it doesn't seem like a deal breaker to me. Maybe after they have taken it into consideration you will get a yes or no.
The fact that you got an answer at all, even if it wasn't the one you wanted, would usually be considered to be pretty good service here 🙂 I wouldn't take personal offense to it.
The fact that you got an answer at all, even if it wasn't the one you wanted, would usually be considered to be pretty good service here 🙂
That's enough to make a day! 😀
Seriously TammiP, that got your dander up???? wait till you get here and do some shopping.
I don't think "got my dander up" would be accurate but, considering the amount of money an agent makes on every house deal it surprised me. No, would have been an acceptable answer. Is there something we can help you find, would have been even better. If she was answering from a phone that may be understandable, quick read, quick response.
The shopping can't be worse than some of the places we have lived. I remember one time in particular, it took me over a month to find new tank t-shirts for my husband and the boys. Not quite sure how one has a shortage of under clothes that big but it did indeed happen. I finally found them in an outside market over a three hour drive from our home. They had to have them to wear under their white school uniforms so giving up wasn't an option. All the clothes were washed by hand so they didn't last very long. After that, I really stocked up and always had a supply.
The fact that you got an answer at all, even if it wasn't the one you wanted, would usually be considered to be pretty good service here 🙂 I wouldn't take personal offense to it.
+1. And then to take to the internet to accuse this business of not caring about its customers? Jeesh. Have you been here? Ever try to call WAPA? Spend any quality time in the "customer service lounge" at Innovative?
I'm sorry, but it takes real gall to just come on here and bash ANY small business when so many are fighting tooth and nail just to survive. If you really have a gripe, take a moment to consider whether your complaint rises to the level of publically chastising the business, because guess what people will see now among the results when they Google this real estate company ... yep, this thread.
Had you had contacted them about what exactly you were looking for in terms of purchasing a property, whether it just be a lot or a home on a particular sized lot, they would have responded in more detail to your inquiry. The way it works is unless otherwise noted or contracted, person selling the home pays the Realtor(s) commission, unless you enter into a Buyer's Agent contract with a particular realtor/company.
Even then in most cases, commssion is paid by seller. If you were looking for property on STT, I'd be happy to help.
Give them another chance and be detailed in your inquiry. I am sure they would be delighted to help you as they have full access to MLS
(Multiple Listing Service) which gives Realtors the ability for searching the many different criteria that a customer may require.
Believe me, there are very few Realtors that do not care about their customers whether they are the buyers or the sellers.
To me, your intitial contact had more to do with commenting on their website rather than finding someone to work with you to locate a property that fits your liking and budget.
Good Luck.
Isn't it the realtor's job to filter listings for customers? I would also expect a little more assistance if they really cared about finding a match for you.
However, I also agree with everyone else that this is probably just the tip of the iceberg in terms of frustrations! Cultivate patience and survive... 🙂 And definitely consider renting first instead of buying right away. We rented for 2 and a half years and wished the whole time we could find a place to buy, but when we were ready to leave island, it sure was easy!
We have visited the islands but will be making another slightly extended PMV to be certain that it's St Croix that would fit best. If it turns out differently I will absolutely be calling you Alana. I wouldn't dream of buying anything without a buyers agent because there is way too much that agents need to know about contracts and local laws for a layperson to be able to adequately supervise and make sure they don't get burned.
Perhaps you could answer a question for me though, I had to fill out special paperwork when we bought this house because I wanted to be the one paying my agent yes, it came out of the final settlement but my end of it. I don't understand why the sellers assume the responsibility for the fee of the buyers agent. That just seems odd. I feel like if someone is working for my interest, I need to pay them.
The agent that we had for this house really didn't give me a good answer for that one.
TamiP, I liked your story of shopping for the undershirts. Oftentimes when we are out of something and it can not be found at kmart-we are just out. Might have to order it from an online source. Plenty of those to choose from.
Often when making something for dinner or a dessert, i can not find what i am looking for and have to substitute or do without.
Restaurants often run out of things listed on their menu, you might have to hit ALL of the grocery stores to find something.
I remember my first thanksgiving here , i could not find celery anywhere, went home without it. a few days later my husband found it at a store.
Stock up early for the holidays on things you use for baking-if you use pillsbury ready made crust in the red box in the dairy isle-athenos mini tart shells-snap them up when you see them.
I hope you enjoy your PMV. The island is beautiful but can be VERY frustrating.
Learning the art of improvisation is one of the absolute necessities for living here contentedly. 😀
I'll PM you as don't really want to get into it in a forum.
I've been here for 3 months and found having a sense of humor is the best thing you can bring with you. We are a bowl of cereal here.....fruits, nuts and flakes but damn tasty and like all 3 islands, everyone has a favorite!
The fact that you got an answer at all, even if it wasn't the one you wanted, would usually be considered to be pretty good service here 🙂 I wouldn't take personal offense to it.
+1. And then to take to the internet to accuse this business of not caring about its customers? Jeesh. Have you been here? Ever try to call WAPA? Spend any quality time in the "customer service lounge" at Innovative?
I'm sorry, but it takes real gall to just come on here and bash ANY small business when so many are fighting tooth and nail just to survive. If you really have a gripe, take a moment to consider whether your complaint rises to the level of publically chastising the business, because guess what people will see now among the results when they Google this real estate company ... yep, this thread.
Sorry but I don't agree with you here - companies wouldn't be fighting to stay in business so much if they provided good service to customers! Treating potential customers poorly is very common here - it's a shame because a lot of tourist might never return and pick another destination for their next vacation. I know we can't change the ways here but people who defend this behavior are out of their minds! People deserve to hear the truth. And the owners of these small companies who are fighting to stay in business might want to re-evaluate the employees.
I hope you are just trolling, and aren't serious, but I will take a minute to respond.
1) You mean it's the customer service that has businesses closing their doors? And here I thought it was the deteriorating economy and increasingly high cost of living, rampant debt in the public and private sector along with the loss of Hovensa and the withdrawal of EDC companies from the territory. To think that all of our problems could have been solved with a simple smile and a "you want fries with that?".
2)I think the only ones who are out of their minds are the ones who move here and then want it to be more like the place they came from. Love it or leave it, but know that the culture is different here than the states, and unique in its ways, it's as simple as that. As frustrating as it may seem at times, it is the way things work here. Don't knock it...Embrace it, or go home. The original topic of this post had to do with a simple misunderstanding, from my point of view. I haven't changed my mind on that.
I think the only ones who are out of their minds are the ones who move here and then want it to be more like the place they came from. Love it or leave it, but know that the culture is different here than the states, and unique in its ways, it's as simple as that. As frustrating as it may seem at times, it is the way things work here. Don't knock it...Embrace it, or go home. The original topic of this post had to do with a simple misunderstanding, from my point of view. I haven't changed my mind on that.
When I just read the little "editorial" you're responding to I tiredly shook my head and decided not to respond to it as I couldn't find the right words. You hit the nail on the head. (tu)
I know that after 16 years of owning a small business while the kids finished school that if you are willing to go the extra mile or 10 for your customers, it pays off in the end. We watched other shops go out of business on a regular basis, both while the economy was great and when it wasn't.
I don't think it matters where you are or what your business is, if you make the customer happy, word gets around fast and businesses have a better chance of making it.
When having choices to deal with a business that has great customer service or returning to one that doesn't, I will go back to the great one every time. I don't think I'm alone. Sometimes we don't have choices and have to live with what we get, understood.
I believe someone I was PM'ing with the other day may have a point. I was saying that the advice on here seems to sway far to the "don't come here" side. Never in so many words but the feeling is loud and clear. They said it was because so many move there then leave and trash talk the place. Okay, I completely understand that, after happening repeatedly may make people angry and wanting it to stop.
What I don't understand is, it is almost feeling like people living in the VI are happy to let everyone know that customer service is terrible and seem almost proud of the fact or is this part of discouraging people?
Please don't misunderstand me, I believe that ANYONE moving ANYWHERE needs to abide by the "When In Rome" idea and respect the people and customs of the place. But, becoming overly sensitive so that any comment that can in any way be construed as negative gets a backlash is counter productive and tends to make people and places stagnant.
Lastly, there was NO bashing in my original post, I stated what happened and what my decision was based on the level of customer service I felt I was afforded. That is feedback and since a good number of people wanting to move to the VI will need real estate help I feel this is an appropriate arena. Personal comments aside, the actual dialogue was included and anyone googling this company and coming up with this thread will be able to read that as well and form their own opinions.
With the Internet as it is today, the whole world is like EBay and will get feedback regardless if they want to or not making good customer service even more important.
In our present economy, it does no-one any good to publicly bash a business over what seems to be a misunderstanding.
In cases like this, it might be better to pick up the phone and contact the Realtor, directly, to ask for help and advice on what it is, exactly, that one is looking for, especially if you are a serious buyer or seller. If, at that time, you get blown off or no response, then you have a legitimate complaint to air.
We all know that customer service can be less than desired, at times, which is why it is important to shop where you do get great service and we all know there are places like that with courteous, helpful, knowledgeable, pleasant and efficient staff. Sea Chest in STT, comes right to mind in this catagory. We also know that there are great service people here who are responsive to your needs and when you find your great plumber, mechanic, electrician, handyman, maid, Realtor or whomever, treat them well and keep them forever!
It then becomes a win-win for all!
I believe someone I was PM'ing with the other day may have a point. I was saying that the advice on here seems to sway far to the "don't come here" side. Never in so many words but the feeling is loud and clear.
If I may play psychologist for a second. One of the reasons some people move to the islands from the states is to avoid having to deal with people with a certain personailty type.
I think your original post reminded others of those people.

...and if they get enough of such requests, they will likely implement, budget and time considered.
i would cut them some slack for not having that info in their database for display in search results... if they have the selection you seek, let them help you.
TamiP, I disagree that we are negative re moving to the USVI. But so many people cme here with totally unrealistic ideas and expectations. Don't we all need to let people know what they are getting into. Is it negative to reccomend having a substantial nestegg? To recommend people come here first and look around? That they not bring everything with them at first? That crime and unemployment are problems here?
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