Are Nobel Prizes a political joke?

Five years ago, Al Gore predicted the North Pole’s ice cap would become a fond memory, a casualty of the raging inferno of global warming. The “entire North Polar ice cap will be gone in five years,” he solemnly told a German TV audience.
When Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, Tom Lehrer quipped that the prize, "made political satire obsolete."
The same could be said about the award that went to Barack Obama in 2009. It summed up his whole political career – celebrated before he'd actually done anything, the jar into which millions of liberals poured their dreams, and, most importantly, an utter disappointment when in office. Barack Obama deserves a peace prize in the way that Pat Robertson deserves the trophy for Mr Gay USA 2013.
Yeah I was surprised Obama received the Peace Prize. I knew he did not deserve it at the time, and wondered if he would earn it. In my opinion, he has not.

I wonder how many women and children (collateral damage) he will have to kill with his drone war to win a second Nobel Peace Prize?
Why was George Bush called a war criminal and not Barack Obama?
The 9/11 attack happened just 8 months into Bush's presidency. Did he blame Clinton?
Obama is still blaming Bush after 5 years. Our Teflon, affirmative-action president can do no wrong.

Al Gore got a Nobel Peace Prize for lying. An Inconvenient Truth!
I wonder why when I dropped my pencil, while I was on my laptop using Windows 7 ,that I couldn't fry a Parakeet on my shoulder, but my waffles seemed okay?
I wonder why when I dropped my pencil, while I was on my laptop using Windows 7 ,that I couldn't fry a Parakeet on my shoulder, but my waffles seemed okay?
makes about as much sense as quite a few of the recent nobel laureates.

The most transparent administration in American history?!?
“I think of lot commenters have pointed out that the Obama administration has charged more people who leak information of public concern to the press as spies under the Espionage Act than all previous administrations combined,” German said. “But what that doesn’t capture is how aggressively the Obama administration has gone after people who leak information to the press – exclusively when that information is critical of government policy.”
And don't forget, if you disagree with President Obama then you are racist!

I wonder why when I dropped my pencil, while I was on my laptop using Windows 7 ,that I couldn't fry a Parakeet on my shoulder, but my waffles seemed okay?
Sorry, I don't speak stupid. Any translators? aggressively the Obama administration has gone after people who leak information to the press – exclusively when that information is critical of government policy.
This is another thing that I am unhappy with Obama over that the Republicans are saying nothing about. All they want to talk about is Obamacare and freekin Benghazi.
Some people have the nerve to think a program that directly affects 15-20% of GDP and would impact most US citizens should have been subject to more scrutiny than "But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy"
All they want to talk about is Obamacare and freekin Benghazi.
well benghazi is a pretty important issue when you look at the dirty underpinnings of it, especially the seemingly fake "muslim out rage video" and apparent lies of why the incident (was allowed to?) (happen)(ed.
Oh give me a break, they have had, what, eight investigations into Benghazi and haven't found anything? Republicans need to get a grip and go after Obama for the things that he is doing wrong, LIKE KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS WITH DRONES for example, but nooooo Obamacare and Benghazi!
Santa Barbara shooting was a anti-MRA gun grabbing false flag because, of course, why not?
Elliot Rodger we know you are gay. OK. Lets wiki mkultra and false flag. We now also know that his father Peter Rodger was assistant director on The Hunger Games which was written by Suzanne Collins who just happens to live in Sandy Hook.
Every mass murder is a liberal conspiracy to take away our guns...
I'm hearing lots of left vs right in your posts... I chose not to take part in the self imposed divide and conquer struggle.
Benghazi is equitable with the done travesties, look just a bit deeper into what was happening in Libya and you'll see the ugly mark of special forces "force multiplying" gone wrong with a local lash back that included a planned attack...the principle its more important in that issue than anything....
i find it interesting that for this new killer they focus on the gun he had and not the knife or the car. he tried to kill with the car and he killed 3 with the knife. but the politicos who run the news organizations have their own agenda and bias when it comes to gun control
i find it interesting that for this new killer they focus on the gun he had and not the knife or the car. he tried to kill with the car and he killed 3 with the knife. but the politicos who run the news organizations have their own agenda and bias when it comes to gun control
YUPPPP, agenda based policy.
who wants to bet that nutbag was on SSRI inhibitors (anti-depressants) like, oh every other mass murder lately has been?
i have no doubt as he had aspergers and some form of mental illness
i find it interesting that for this new killer they focus on the gun he had and not the knife or the car. he tried to kill with the car and he killed 3 with the knife. but the politicos who run the news organizations have their own agenda and bias when it comes to gun control
YUPPPP, agenda based policy.
who wants to bet that nutbag was on SSRI inhibitors (anti-depressants) like, oh every other mass murder lately has been?
Yeah I have to been extremely careful of SSRIs - Zoloft makes me go into an instant manic episode (it's supposed to take two weeks to take effect) and gives me super strength. I took it once when i was locked in Worcester State Hospital for cutting my arm open a long time ago, and within hours I was at it with staff.
The next day I told my psychiatrist that if I was not let out I would lay into the the staff in a specific manner (i'd rather not repeat what I said) and I don't care how much Haldol they pump me eventually they have to let me out of the restraints and I will force myself to do the intended.
Because of my documented history of jail and institution time and previous violence, they gave me $15 and ride to the bus station.
A long time friend (known him since we were ten) took me off the streets and fed me. One day He, his younger brother, my younger brother, and a mutual friend were about to leave to go to the bar. On the way out we are talking, and i turn quickly to say something, and in my incontrol I hit him with my elbow by accident.
He cold cocked me, giving me a nice shiner. I picked him up off the ground and threw him a good 4 feet into a wall and jumped on top of him. My brother grabbed one of my arms, his brother grab the other, and our friend put me in a sleeper hold to knock me out.
Hell of a fight. I stopped taking zoloft after the pills ran out and decided to never take SSRIs again...
Sorry for the long semi-scary story, it is not my intention to intimidate anyone here, it's just a story from a long time ago and i am not like that anymore...
If Obama lied after Benghazi, what do you say about Bush who lied before Iraq?
In Benghazi 4 died. In Iraq 4 thousand died. What do you say to that?
And by the way, it was the Republicans who first came up with the idea for personal responsibility for healthcare, most recently Romneycare. Would you have been okay with it if the party that dusted off the plan wasn't Democrat?
See you next week. I'll be getting my prepaid pap and mammogram so that my breast cancer can get discovered early, I live, and the tax layers don't have to pay SSI to my kids. Just another way our kick butt is using Obamacare to help you. Oh and by the way, the Dow Nones is at 16,000+, compared to the 6,000 it was when Dubya stepped down. My 401k is smiling now. And oh by the way, I am hiring right now. I guess that marked drop in unemployment since 2009 is making it tougher for me to find qualified folk. Have a good day.
All they want to talk about is Obamacare and freekin Benghazi.
well benghazi is a pretty important issue when you look at the dirty underpinnings of it, especially the seemingly fake "muslim out rage video" and apparent lies of why the incident (was allowed to?) (happen)(ed.
hahahahahahahaha, your quote made me think of a movie that I saw several years ago called "Wag the Dog" I believe and it starred Al Pacino and who was hired by the government to make a news video of a war in some small country. The video was supposed to be used as a smoke screen to cover up something if I remember correctly. Well that is what that video that they keep referring to brings to mind. I wouldn't be a bit surprised the government didn't pay to have the video made. I thought it was way to convinient for them to just pull that out of thin air.
All they want to talk about is Obamacare and freekin Benghazi.
well benghazi is a pretty important issue when you look at the dirty underpinnings of it, especially the seemingly fake "muslim out rage video" and apparent lies of why the incident (was allowed to?) (happen)(ed.
hahahahahahahaha, your quote made me think of a movie that I saw several years ago called "Wag the Dog" I believe and it starred Al Pacino and who was hired by the government to make a news video of a war in some small country. The video was supposed to be used as a smoke screen to cover up something if I remember correctly. Well that is what that video that they keep referring to brings to mind. I wouldn't be a bit surprised the government didn't pay to have the video made. I thought it was way to convinient for them to just pull that out of thin air.
Funny you say that....
Investigative Findings: Benghazi video linked to the CIA
miss justice-bush is over obama has been in the house for going on 6 years. time he took some responsibility
noone, did you know they give adhd/add meds to infants. that is scary
If Obama lied after Benghazi, what do you say about Bush who lied before Iraq?
In Benghazi 4 died. In Iraq 4 thousand died. What do you say to that?
And by the way, it was the Republicans who first came up with the idea for personal responsibility for healthcare, most recently Romneycare. Would you have been okay with it if the party that dusted off the plan wasn't Democrat?
See you next week. I'll be getting my prepaid pap and mammogram so that my breast cancer can get discovered early, I live, and the tax layers don't have to pay SSI to my kids. Just another way our kick butt is using Obamacare to help you. Oh and by the way, the Dow Nones is at 16,000+, compared to the 6,000 it was when Dubya stepped down. My 401k is smiling now. And oh by the way, I am hiring right now. I guess that marked drop in unemployment since 2009 is making it tougher for me to find qualified folk. Have a good day.
They have yet to prove that President Bush knowingly lied to the American people or to Congress in order to go to war with Iraq. He was fed bad intell, which was passed on to Congress. CONGRESS could have chosen not to go to war in Iraq. I think it funny how everyone was ready to grab a gun and head to the middle east right after 911, but once reality set it with all the youth that hey, they could reinstitute the draft and force me to go and fight, so now all of a sudden every excuse in the world popped up as why we should not hav gone to war with Iraq. But history hasn't fully been written yet and when it is, it might be that the decision was a good one. We know President Obama can't tell the truth even if it jumps up and bites him because his moto is the same as all the left wingers moto, THE END JUSTFIES THE MEANS as long as we get the results we want. Example: You have to vote for the bill before you can read it. .
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