Bill Bennett on Tru...
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Bill Bennett on Trump

Posts: 2596
Famed Member

What I find most striking about this thread is that there is no real discussion and no respect what so ever between people with differing opinions. I have opinions and can explain why I feel and think the way I do without resorting to anger at others for having a different opinion. In fact I love to hear the opinions of others and I often learn things that I didn't know and sometimes these discussion even provoke me to to do a little research in order to understand why others feel differently than I do. Hopefully I never show disrespect or treat others as inferior or stupid if their views are different from my own. I may feel that they are misguided or don't really have a grasp of the situation but I do always try to be respectful.

Don't get me wrong. I do have quite a temper and can be most vocal when I am attacked but when discussing politics we are talking about differing opinions. Thank goodness we are not all alike and have our individual opinions.

Sorry for using the word opinion so much but it fits.

Those who know me know that I homeschool my son. I have friends and family who disapprove and I respectfully listen to what they have to say. I feel quite honored that they care enough to let me know how they feel. I am sure that some just want to be nasty and belittling but that is their problem. My sister has a doctorate in education and has been teaching for many years. Her daughter is writing her thesis against homeschooling and called me to ask me all the negatives about homeschooling. I was delighted. Without a doubt the very worst thing about homeschooling is a lack of diverse children with different opinions having discussions and debates. I am constantly seeking opportunities to throw my son into groups who think differently from me. I want him to form his own ideas and opinions.

I am very happy to say that it has worked. Though he is very laid back by nature he has become quite the expert in finding value in people who think differently from him. We have the best discussions, debates and even heated though respectful arguments. He has become my teacher on occasion.

It would be incredible if all of us could respect each other. You don't have to like or agree with others.

With that being said:

I am conservative
I carry a gun
Against gun free zones
Everyone should be allowed to open carry. Not a fan of concealed. What's the point?
Hate abortion and planned parenthood
I am a capitalist
Hate government control
I have never made my children wear a bicycle helmet
I have many gay friends but believe states have the right to decide what defines marriage
I think the battle flag of the confederacy is just a symbol of southern pride
I believe the civil war was over northern aggression.
I think its ok to give your kids a swat on the butt
My kids were never bullied because I told them if someone is picking on you, punch them in the nose or bite them. What ever it takes.
I think Obama is the worst president in my lifetime.
Hilary should be in jail
I love how Trump has shaken up American and he makes me laugh.
I like Cruz for president as of now
I do believe in climate change. Climate changes all the time. I don't believe it causes terrorism or will destroy the earth.
I don't think bacon is going to kill me.
All lives matter
By biggest pet peeve is political correctness. I believe we have just raised a generation of young people who are the biggest spoiled rotten elitist crybabies the world has ever seen.

My best friend of 30 years is my complete opposite. Liberal, pro choice, loves Obama and Hilary, thinks every gender this generation can come up with should have their own bathroom and that young college African American students should be able to undo years of desegregation and be allowed to segregate themselves again to remain safe. I am trying to understand that one. She thinks that no one should ever do anything that might offend someone and cringes when she hears me say Merry Christmas though she is a Christian. She loves me though and I love her. It's called respect.

I think this video is awesome!

Posted : November 28, 2015 9:20 pm
Posts: 211
Estimable Member

What I find most striking about this thread is that there is no real discussion and no respect what so ever between people with differing opinions. I have opinions and can explain why I feel and think the way I do without resorting to anger at others for having a different opinion. In fact I love to hear the opinions of others and I often learn things that I didn't know and sometimes these discussion even provoke me to to do a little research in order to understand why others feel differently than I do. Hopefully I never show disrespect or treat others as inferior or stupid if their views are different from my own. I may feel that they are misguided or don't really have a grasp of the situation but I do always try to be respectful.

Don't get me wrong. I do have quite a temper and can be most vocal when I am attacked but when discussing politics we are talking about differing opinions. Thank goodness we are not all alike and have our individual opinions.

Sorry for using the word opinion so much but it fits.

Those who know me know that I homeschool my son. I have friends and family who disapprove and I respectfully listen to what they have to say. I feel quite honored that they care enough to let me know how they feel. I am sure that some just want to be nasty and belittling but that is their problem. My sister has a doctorate in education and has been teaching for many years. Her daughter is writing her thesis against homeschooling and called me to ask me all the negatives about homeschooling. I was delighted. Without a doubt the very worst thing about homeschooling is a lack of diverse children with different opinions having discussions and debates. I am constantly seeking opportunities to throw my son into groups who think differently from me. I want him to form his own ideas and opinions.

I am very happy to say that it has worked. Though he is very laid back by nature he has become quite the expert in finding value in people who think differently from him. We have the best discussions, debates and even heated though respectful arguments. He has become my teacher on occasion.

It would be incredible if all of us could respect each other. You don't have to like or agree with others.

With that being said:

I am conservative
I carry a gun
Against gun free zones
Everyone should be allowed to open carry. Not a fan of concealed. What's the point?
Hate abortion and planned parenthood
I am a capitalist
Hate government control
I have never made my children wear a bicycle helmet
I have many gay friends but believe states have the right to decide what defines marriage
I think the battle flag of the confederacy is just a symbol of southern pride
I believe the civil war was over northern aggression.
I think its ok to give your kids a swat on the butt
My kids were never bullied because I told them if someone is picking on you, punch them in the nose or bite them. What ever it takes.
I think Obama is the worst president in my lifetime.
Hilary should be in jail
I love how Trump has shaken up American and he makes me laugh.
I like Cruz for president as of now
I do believe in climate change. Climate changes all the time. I don't believe it causes terrorism or will destroy the earth.
I don't think bacon is going to kill me.
All lives matter
By biggest pet peeve is political correctness. I believe we have just raised a generation of young people who are the biggest spoiled rotten elitist crybabies the world has ever seen.

My best friend of 30 years is my complete opposite. Liberal, pro choice, loves Obama and Hilary, thinks every gender this generation can come up with should have their own bathroom and that young college African American students should be able to undo years of desegregation and be allowed to segregate themselves again to remain safe. I am trying to understand that one. She thinks that no one should ever do anything that might offend someone and cringes when she hears me say Merry Christmas though she is a Christian. She loves me though and I love her. It's called respect.


I think this video is awesome!

Posted : November 28, 2015 10:47 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

LOL! So we get a lecture on respecting other people and their opinions, but are treated with a mockumentary for dessert. The irony is overwhelming. I like satire as much as the next person - probably more-, but the video was ridiculously sophomoric. I trust you will respect my opinion on that.

Posted : November 28, 2015 11:10 pm
Posts: 2596
Famed Member

You are quite correct watruw8ing4 and I completely respect your opinion on that. Giggles. It took me 2 hours to compose my post because I was distracted by grandchildren and kept leaving the computer to corral them or stop them or make food ect. I am not brilliant and have a hard time even focusing at times. I did not mean to lecture at all. Yes the video was sophomoric but it is so true. LOl! Have a great evening!

Posted : November 29, 2015 12:15 am
Posts: 465
Reputable Member

I haven't heard or read anything from Bennett in years - not since his "hypothetical" statement about aborting black babies to reduce crime. He was crazy then, and it appears he's nuttier than a fruitcake now.

This piece is filled with innuendo, logical and factual fallacy and specious arguments, that are too numerous to mention. But thanks for posting. It was an entertaining break.

It's kinda funny to see people mocking others arguements and being completely unaware that there are scholarly papers out there that tackle the abortion and the effect on crime rates

I'm quite aware that there are scholarly papers out there, and Freakonimics is just one of many. Their analysis may turn out to be correct, but they made some assumptions that are suspect. And among those scholarly papers, there is, as of yet, no clear consensus.

One of several assumptions, as an example, is that abortions prevented unwanted children, and those unwanted children would have committed more crime. Not proven. Another is that there were several other reforms taking place over time that were not given enough weight (or any at all), that could have had an effect on the economic and social positions of youth coming of age when the crime rate started going down.

Bennett jumped the gun without benefit of consensus, because Freakonomics, which has since been proven fallible on several occasions, was popular back then. And unfortunately, he used race as the example to prove his point.

Didn't say the science was settled (it very rarely is with social sciences), rather your comment that it was crazy is way off base and limits any meaningful discussion on the topic. If you were that familiar with Freakonomics I'd find it hard to believe that you'd make the statement.

Freakonomics is a book not a paper. The paper was peer reviewed in a major publication and was cited in his Clark medalnot the bloviations of a political talking head.

Posted : November 29, 2015 1:02 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

I haven't heard or read anything from Bennett in years - not since his "hypothetical" statement about aborting black babies to reduce crime. He was crazy then, and it appears he's nuttier than a fruitcake now.

This piece is filled with innuendo, logical and factual fallacy and specious arguments, that are too numerous to mention. But thanks for posting. It was an entertaining break.

It's kinda funny to see people mocking others arguements and being completely unaware that there are scholarly papers out there that tackle the abortion and the effect on crime rates

I'm quite aware that there are scholarly papers out there, and Freakonimics is just one of many. Their analysis may turn out to be correct, but they made some assumptions that are suspect. And among those scholarly papers, there is, as of yet, no clear consensus.

One of several assumptions, as an example, is that abortions prevented unwanted children, and those unwanted children would have committed more crime. Not proven. Another is that there were several other reforms taking place over time that were not given enough weight (or any at all), that could have had an effect on the economic and social positions of youth coming of age when the crime rate started going down.

Bennett jumped the gun without benefit of consensus, because Freakonomics, which has since been proven fallible on several occasions, was popular back then. And unfortunately, he used race as the example to prove his point.

Didn't say the science was settled (it very rarely is with social sciences), rather your comment that it was crazy is way off base and limits any meaningful discussion on the topic. If you were that familiar with Freakonomics I'd find it hard to believe that you'd make the statement.

Freakonomics is a book not a paper. The paper was peer reviewed in a major publication and was cited in his Clark medalnot the bloviations of a political talking head.

I know Freakonomics is a book. I read it. Sorry I wasn't clear when I lumped it in with the papers. Bennett cited it as the basis for his aborting black babies comment. I never said it was a crazy idea. In fact, I said in one of my posts above that it had merit. My point was that Bennett used it as if it were fact, and singled out black babies, when there were other categories of citizens included in the hypothesis (unwed white mothers, for one, if I recall correctly - it's been about 9 or 10 years since I read it).

Posted : November 29, 2015 1:32 am
Posts: 2596
Famed Member

Lord. Aborting black babies has merit? How about white babies? Do white unwanted babies commit crime too. Seriously. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but is there real evidence that unwanted babies commit crime. I better lock up my unwanted meth addicted baby that I adopted. Poor little guy. He is just a criminal waiting to happen. Maybe I just don't understand. I have a copy of the book sitting on my shelf but didn't find it interesting enough to read it. Maybe I should.

I have another question preying on my mind. I have a very "green" liberal niece. She is a delightful interesting college educated wonderful young girl. She has been trying desperately to convince me that we should not breed and maybe destroy all the animals that people typically eat. Vegan and gluten free is the way to go. I did ask her if she ever get really hungry. She says that we breed so many animals for food and they contribute to the huge global carbon footprint in the world. Very bad for the earth. We must reduce this carbon footprint. She loves loves loves her domesticated animals however but I think that we have way too many of them as well. I mean we eat the animals that we breed for food but what good are the animals that we don't eat. Cats and Dogs. What are they good for? Yes I know they are fun to play with and they don't talk back like human babies. Maybe we should kill them as well. There are so many that are abandoned and become feral carrying disease. Well I know that we are spaying and nutering them but that is so slow. What about horses. I mean I know some people love to ride them but honestly what are they good for? We don't need them to do work anymore. We have machinery for that.

Then there are all the poor people who are a drain on our society. Way too many of them. We should absolutely sterilize them all. Not to mention that their carbon output is contributing to our demise. They really are useless. I think we need some new regulation in the US. I mean seriously we don't need poor uneducated laborers. We have the technology to use automation for most all jobs these days,

Sorry guys all I have is sarcasm to combat the great intellect and common sense to combat scientific studies. I really just don't get it. Sad but true. Aborting babies to lower future crime rate? Did I miss something here? Hopefully I am just tired and missed the point. Good night everyone.

Posted : November 29, 2015 2:49 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

Freakonomics attempted to prove the hypothesis that more abortions enabled by Roe vs Wade was a major cause in the steep crime rate drop a few decades later. Part of the analysis was correlating the numbers of abortions by state (because different states changed their laws at different times), with the crime rates in those states 15-20 years later. The merit was that the numbers are very close and seem to prove that that was the cause. They didn't advocate aborting black babies. It was Bennett that made it seem that that was what he was advocating.

I suspect your niece is aware of factory farming, much of which is detrimental to the carbon footprint, and she has taken an all-or-nothing stance. She has yet to see the shades of gray involved in eliminating all commercial meat sources. One cannot equate liberals with veganism. There are other approaches we can take, advocated by meat-loving liberals, to reduce the problem. The gluten-free fad is a farce, unless you have certain diseases, like celiac disease, and a very small portion of the population does. No scientific evidence to back up the other health claims. It's just making a whole lot of people richer.

I'm with you on the poor people. And seniors, too! I suggest we make Soylent Green a reality. That would take care of both problems - factory farming and the drains on society. We don't have to tell them it's meat. 🙂

Posted : November 29, 2015 11:40 am
Posts: 1885
Noble Member

Actually organic farming leaves a larger carbon footprint than crops grown with biotechnology because of the need to use plowing to control weeds where conventional farming with biotech can apply a no till system.

-- a liberal who doesn't believe in pseudoscience or woo.

Posted : November 29, 2015 2:20 pm
Posts: 905
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Posts: 97
Trusted Member

Hi Novanut:

First: We've been trading thoughts for a while now, would you mind if I call you Nova?

Second: Thanks for taking the time to post the links. I checked them all out (scanning like you), and those you chose have me wondering if you have been playing with me this whole time. Lots of talk about how the RNC is in a tizzy over Trumps continued popularity, and how most considered "in the know" are mystified that his campaign hasn't collapsed. Aside from people from Trump Nation pledging support because "Trump is going to make America great again!" and his campaign manager calling it a movement, there was not much substance. Honestly, don't you agree, the last article from focused more on big money Republican donors being unsure what they would do if Trump became the nominee than anything else? While there was one billionaire mentioned as being pro Trump, some would considering voting for Hillary over nominee Trump, and the rest were noncommittal or lukewarm at best.

"A number of Republican donors interviewed by The Hill, including Minnesota billionaire Stanley Hubbard — who is himself part of the Koch network — are making peace with the fact that there is some chance Trump could win the nomination.

When interviewed several months ago, Hubbard said he would "really have to think about" whether he could bring himself to support Trump.

But in a more recent interview, Hubbard was adamant that he would support whomever the Republican nominee is because they would make a better president than Clinton."

One more thing: Another poster has taken issue with some of the exchanges in this thread as disrespectful. I am not sure if she was referring to one or both of us or not. I want you to know that though we may disagree, I respect your opinions, and hope I have not offended you. If I have, I am sorry. It is my feeling that we are "big kids" playing in the "big kid playground," and a some amount of trash talking keeps it fun, and should be expected. 😛

Posted : November 29, 2015 7:57 pm
Posts: 1885
Noble Member

As far as respecting other's beliefs and opinions.. Here is a NSFW view by Patton Oswalt.
Warning if you are offended by language, liberalism, atheism do not watch

Posted : November 29, 2015 9:03 pm
Posts: 2596
Famed Member

Hi Novanut:

First: We've been trading thoughts for a while now, would you mind if I call you Nova?

Second: Thanks for taking the time to post the links. I checked them all out (scanning like you), and those you chose have me wondering if you have been playing with me this whole time. Lots of talk about how the RNC is in a tizzy over Trumps continued popularity, and how most considered "in the know" are mystified that his campaign hasn't collapsed. Aside from people from Trump Nation pledging support because "Trump is going to make America great again!" and his campaign manager calling it a movement, there was not much substance. Honestly, don't you agree, the last article from focused more on big money Republican donors being unsure what they would do if Trump became the nominee than anything else? While there was one billionaire mentioned as being pro Trump, some would considering voting for Hillary over nominee Trump, and the rest were noncommittal or lukewarm at best.

"A number of Republican donors interviewed by The Hill, including Minnesota billionaire Stanley Hubbard — who is himself part of the Koch network — are making peace with the fact that there is some chance Trump could win the nomination.

When interviewed several months ago, Hubbard said he would "really have to think about" whether he could bring himself to support Trump.

But in a more recent interview, Hubbard was adamant that he would support whomever the Republican nominee is because they would make a better president than Clinton."

One more thing: Another poster has taken issue with some of the exchanges in this thread as disrespectful. I am not sure if she was referring to one or both of us or not. I want you to know that though we may disagree, I respect your opinions, and hope I have not offended you. If I have, I am sorry. It is my feeling that we are "big kids" playing in the "big kid playground," and a some amount of trash talking keeps it fun, and should be expected. 😛

I guess that poster would be me. No worries Sadie, if I may call you that. Actually I don't even know why I posted what I did. I think I felt for a moment that I was watching main stream media where all anyone does is insult each other without making a point and most of what comes out of their mouth are lies and taken out of context. I certainly was not singling out you or Nova. It is an adult sand box. Let the trash talking battle begin. It is amusing. I don't have a PC bone in my body. In fact I will participate in the conversation with asking why does anyone like, believe, respect or think that Hillary is fit to be commander in chief and why would she be better than Trump? Please don't worry about offending me. I understand that I have crawled out of my crib and entered the big kid playground.

Posted : November 29, 2015 10:35 pm
Posts: 905
Prominent Member
Topic starter


I'm sure you couldn't have guessed that I used to own a 63 SS convertible. Sold it for the cash to move here… No problem.

Interesting thing I missed was Stanley Hubbard's comments. Worked at one of his stations for a number of years. From camera grunt to station manager…

Agreed that most of the sites spoke of his flamboyancy, ego, etc.. But several points seemed clear; the country is fed up with the way D.C. has been running and Trump has latched onto that like ugly on an ape (oh wait, hope I'm not being politically incorrect to all the ape's out there). That's the jist I got and that's why, if he's the nominee, and if I could vote I would place my money on him. Hell! He couldn't screw it up more than who's in there now. I'm a firm believer the Clintons would though…

I think you may also agree that many, if not most presidential elections boil down to the lesser of two evils. We can debate, snipe and throw stones but we'll all just have to wait till next November, won't we?

As I said earlier this was just my experiment in learning who's out there and what stripes they're wearing. Always knew I would be the brunt. Just didn't know for how much and how long…

Only thing I was sad about was being bumped to the minor leagues by someone early on. Guess I got off my rocker too soon, huh OT?

It's all good and thanks to all who added their two cents.

BTW Bennett has horrible table manners. And his GAS! Had to call the medics for half the restaurant. :}

Posted : November 29, 2015 11:06 pm
Posts: 97
Trusted Member

With that being said:

I am conservative
No one's perfect!
I carry a gun
I'll be sure not to cut you off.
Against gun free zones
Because nothing says "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." like a Glock in church!
Everyone should be allowed to open carry. Not a fan of concealed. What's the point?
Everyone? Really? EVERYONE? It only took me five seconds to think of six people I would not want to see carrying a gun. And how does one accessorize with a Sig? Come to think of it though, the culling would cut back on global warming.
Hate abortion and planned parenthood
So don't have one, and don't go there. You are aware PP provides healthcare services for millions of clients, and not just abortions? I don't care for organized religion, but I'm not going to try and deny anyone access.
I am a capitalist
Money is nice.
Hate government control
Those implants bug me too.
I have never made my children wear a bicycle helmet
I think it depends on the location/circumstances, and the kid.
I have many gay friends but believe states have the right to decide what defines marriage
Kind of has to be the same all over, no? Wasn't denying homosexual persons the right to marry a restriction of rights imposed by the government?
I think the battle flag of the confederacy is just a symbol of southern pride
When I see the Confederate flag, I see the attempt to raise an empire in slavery. It really, really is that simple. I don't understand how anybody with any sort of education on the Civil War can see anything else.
Ta-Nehisi Coates

I believe the civil war was over northern aggression.
Northern aggression, or an attempt by the south to maintain racial oppression? See above.
I think its ok to give your kids a swat on the butt
My mom used a brush. I still remember my two spankings. Thankfully telling my kids about them was enough for them to appreciate what could be and they behaved.
My kids were never bullied because I told them if someone is picking on you, punch them in the nose or bite them. What ever it takes.
Krav Maga practiced here too.
I think Obama is the worst president in my lifetime.
Did you forget about George W. Bush?
Hilary should be in jail
Hillary has, and is being investigated. So far nothing has stuck. How about we look at Bush and Cheney next?
I love how Trump has shaken up American and he makes me laugh.
I would laugh too if the thought of his having any political office weren't so scary.
I like Cruz for president as of now
Uh... Umm...
I do believe in climate change. Climate changes all the time. I don't believe it causes terrorism or will destroy the earth.
I don't believe climate change will destroy the earth either; just us and/or our children, and/or our children's children. How about NASA? They put men on the moon (Or don't you believe that either?), and they believe in climate change/global warming:
I don't think bacon is going to kill me.
Kevin? Probably not, even if you make him really, really angry.
All lives matter
Right on! So you agree people should be treated equally, and are entitled to the same rights without discrimination.
By biggest pet peeve is political correctness. I believe we have just raised a generation of young people who are the biggest spoiled rotten elitist crybabies the world has ever seen.
I understand. I'm all live and let live, but it gets a little tiresome when my daughter comes home from college and gives me grief because I don't always refer to Bruce/Caitlyn with the "correct" pronoun. However, it doesn't take all that much effort to empathize with and respect most cultural/ethnic sensitivities does it?

Hope we can be friends if and when my wife and I make the move.


(Sadie was my sweet, sweet Rhodesian Ridgeback)

Posted : November 30, 2015 5:08 am
Posts: 2596
Famed Member

With that being said:

I am conservative

No one's perfect!

True, I am far from perfect and I try never to be divisive or condescending to those who think they are.

I carry a gun

I'll be sure not to cut you off.

No worries. If I have a gun in my car it is locked away separate from the ammo as per the laws of my state. If I open carry you still would not be in danger as I would never point a gun at anyone unless I was in danger for my life and could not get away.

Against gun free zones

Because nothing says "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." like a Glock in church!

When I was a little girl in Appalachia many men walked in the door with their rifles and checked them at the door so as not to leave them in their trucks. I don't know why all men and some women carried their rifles everywhere. Probably in case they could bag a squirrel or rabbit for Sunday dinner on the way home.

Everyone should be allowed to open carry. Not a fan of concealed. What's the point?

Everyone? Really? EVERYONE? It only took me five seconds to think of six people I would not want to see carrying a gun. And how does one accessorize with a Sig? Come to think of it though, the culling would cut back on global warming.

I don't personally know anyone that shouldn't have a gun. I do know a few mentally ill people but they aren't violent. I really hate that violent, rapist, murderers and other felons have guns but they do. I don't mind if they cull each other but I sure want to be able to prevent them from culling me.

Hate abortion and planned parenthood

So don't have one, and don't go there. You are aware PP provides healthcare services for millions of clients, and not just abortions? I don't care for organized religion, but I'm not going to try and deny anyone access.

I did go there 38 years ago when I was 18, pregnant and homeless by choice because I refused to have an abortion. I went to PP for help and medical care and begged for advice on where to go. They told me that abortion was my best option and offered no other suggestion and provided no care for me what so ever. They didn't so much as give me a cracker or a glass of water when I told them I had no food. With that being said, abortion is legal in the US and I would not ever interfere with someone making that choice but I don't want to pay for it.

I am a capitalist

Money is nice.

Yes it is and the employees of my small business greatly appreciate my efforts to continue to employ them and pay for their medical despite the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

Hate government control

Those implants bug me too.

Ignoring that.

I have never made my children wear a bicycle helmet
I think it depends on the location/circumstances, and the kid.

True but the government doesn't need to tell me that.

I have many gay friends but believe states have the right to decide what defines marriage

Kind of has to be the same all over, no? Wasn't denying homosexual persons the right to marry a restriction of rights imposed by the government?

With that same argument then all states must be subject to with what ever the President decides with no input of the people and their states. We do have a President right now that believes what he thinks is the rule of the land so I guess your way of thinking is coming to pass. Scares me a bit. I personally don't have a problem with gay marriage and attending the wedding of my niece and her girlfriend.

I think the battle flag of the confederacy is just a symbol of southern pride

When I see the Confederate flag, I see the attempt to raise an empire in slavery. It really, really is that simple. I don't understand how anybody with any sort of education on the Civil War can see anything else.
Ta-Nehisi Coates

I guess I should be more specific. People can and do take any symbol and turn it into hate. Sad but true. To me, a southern girl, that flag is a symbol of southern pride. I have read Mr. Coates books. As far as my education on the Civil War, I believe I have a pretty good grasp of it all but I do not have a degree in History.

I believe the civil war was over northern aggression.

Northern aggression, or an attempt by the south to maintain racial oppression? See above.

I guess I could provide links that would argue the point but I doubt it would convince you otherwise. Off of the top of my head I would cite the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861 or the fact that slavery was even an issue during the war until maybe 1861 or 1862. Sorry I am terrible with exact dates. Maybe read Lincolns inaugural address or maybe some of his letters where he says that he didn't want to bring the slavery issue into the war at all. He really just wanted to preserve the Union.

I think its ok to give your kids a swat on the butt

My mom used a brush. I still remember my two spankings. Thankfully telling my kids about them was enough for them to appreciate what could be and they behaved.

Mine only had one and that was enough.

My kids were never bullied because I told them if someone is picking on you, punch them in the nose or bite them. What ever it takes.

Krav Maga practiced here too.

Just some good old fashion boxing in my house.

I think Obama is the worst president in my lifetime
Did you forget about George W. Bush?

Nope I didn't forget him. I'm a bit partial to good ole southern boys from Texas.

Hilary should be in jail

Hillary has, and is being investigated. So far nothing has stuck. How about we look at Bush and Cheney next?

I have no clue as why things don't stick to that woman.

I love how Trump has shaken up American and he makes me laugh.

I would laugh too if the thought of his having any political office weren't so scary.

It could be an adventure.

I like Cruz for president as of now

Uh... Umm...


I do believe in climate change. Climate changes all the time. I don't believe it causes terrorism or will destroy the earth.

I don't believe climate change will destroy the earth either; just us and/or our children, and/or our children's children. How about NASA? They put men on the moon (Or don't you believe that either?), and they believe in climate change/global warming:


I don't think bacon is going to kill me.

Kevin? Probably not, even if you make him really, really angry.

See above.

All lives matter

Right on! So you agree people should be treated equally, and are entitled to the same rights without discrimination.


By biggest pet peeve is political correctness. I believe we have just raised a generation of young people who are the biggest spoiled rotten elitist crybabies the world has ever seen.

I understand. I'm all live and let live, but it gets a little tiresome when my daughter comes home from college and gives me grief because I don't always refer to Bruce/Caitlyn with the "correct" pronoun. However, it doesn't take all that much effort to empathize with and respect most cultural/ethnic sensitivities does it?

I'm glad we are in agreement. No, it doesn't take much effort to empathize with and respect most cultural/ethnic sensitivities and that will be a very important thing when you and your wife make the move.

Hope we can be friends if and when my wife and I make the move.

me too!


(Sadie was my sweet, sweet Rhodesian Ridgeback)

I'm sorry for your loss of Sadie. My beautiful rottie, Lady, was the same for me.


Posted : November 30, 2015 3:39 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

this post has been very entertaining. thank you all who have and continue to participate

Posted : December 1, 2015 2:45 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

this post has been very entertaining. thank you all who have and continue to participate


Trump for President!

Posted : December 3, 2015 8:49 pm
Posts: 97
Trusted Member

Hi Tammy:

I wanted to get back to you about a couple of things:

Sorry about Lady, losing a good friend sucks!

Certainly didn't mean to be condescending. Just having fun. My apologies.

Sorry to read that you were not treated well at PP. I have friends who went there long ago, were treated well, and got the services they needed.

I was surprised by the link you provided regarding the Civil War. Unless I missed something, it supported the notion that ending slavery was on the Republican agenda.

While Lincoln may have expressed his primary desire to be the preservation of the Union, it is pretty clear that he was not comfortable with the institution of slavery, and wanted to see it ended. I think he was also an incrementalist. He couldn't have garnered the support he needed at the start of the war by making slavery the focus. He framed the conflict in the preservation of the Union, but the ending of slavery was an end goal.

Posted : December 6, 2015 9:03 pm
Posts: 2596
Famed Member

No worries redeyesadie. I'll have to go back and read the article again. LOL! The good news is no matter what started the war, slavery was ended.


Posted : December 7, 2015 5:40 pm
Posts: 596
Honorable Member

Trump made it to the list of the "most admired men", scoring the same number of points as Pope Francis. WTF is going on?

Posted : December 28, 2015 5:08 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Trump made it to the list of the "most admired men", scoring the same number of points as Pope Francis. WTF is going on?

Ohhh USA, you SO deserve this!

Posted : December 29, 2015 12:21 am
Posts: 596
Honorable Member

Ohhh USA, you SO deserve this!

Yes, if things progress in this direction, I am going to start referring to it as Murica.

Posted : December 29, 2015 1:59 am
Posts: 2473
Famed Member

Ohhh USA, you SO deserve this!

Yes, if things progress in this direction, I am going to start referring to it as Murica.

Or if Sanders wins we will refer to it as The Socialist Democratic Peoples Republic of America.

Posted : December 29, 2015 2:20 pm
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