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It appears that there was no collusion with Russia

Posts: 1300
Noble Member


Not an article, a research white paper on Bias and Accuracy in the News funded by the Knight Foundation with data collected by Gallup.

Journalism is not propaganda. Op Ed is propaganda. Most of what Fox News broadcasts as news is Op Ed.

The press is the fourth estate.

The founding fathers ruled an agrarian country of few people and many of those men were slave owners. They did not include women among citizens either. Most if not all were wealthy - white and male a given.  A lot has changed over the centuries and I don't think a return to the "origins" is favorable to many in the US today.

The constitution/bill of rights continues to provide a framework for the US government. The constitution laid out the balance of power between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the federal government. It did not specify in anyway that local superseded national government but did talk about how future states can join the union.

Amendment 10 of the bill of rights says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."  That's it.

Please read the document/s.

Age does not make you wiser or deserving of greater respect - it just means you're old and have generationally different life influences.

Posted : September 13, 2019 10:20 am
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

Here's an interesting article on social media information/trust bubbles vs echo chambers.  

Posted : September 13, 2019 11:34 am
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member


if you're still believing in #corrupttrumpletweetythinskin, good luck to you!


Posted : September 30, 2019 8:32 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member


this is the exact reason this was created-for political discussion and anything else deemed off topic about moving too and living in the virgin islands. 

do you have anything to add to the discussion or just 3rd grade insults 

Posted : January 6, 2020 9:39 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member
Posted by: @Alana33


if you're still believing in #corrupttrumpletweetythinskin, good luck to you!


and you still need to use 3rd grade insults 

Posted : January 6, 2020 9:41 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

34 indictments, 7 guilty pleas and 5 people sent to prison because of their involvement ... doesn't exactly sound like a "false narrative" to me. 

Posted : February 7, 2021 2:18 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member
Posted by: @gettermoving

34 indictments, 7 guilty pleas and 5 people sent to prison because of their involvement ... doesn't exactly sound like a "false narrative" to me. 

what were the indictments, guilt pleas and prison for? 

Posted : February 18, 2021 11:07 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member
Posted by: @gettermoving

34 indictments, 7 guilty pleas and 5 people sent to prison because of their involvement ... doesn't exactly sound like a "false narrative" to me. 

Barr quoted Mueller's report, which he said stated: "(T)he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."



Posted : February 18, 2021 11:08 am
Posts: 2534
Famed Member



But that's impossible ! Per Adam Shifff, From the earliest days of the collusion narrative, Mr. Schiff insisted that he had evidence proving the plot. In March 2017 on MSNBC, Mr. Schiff teased that he couldn’t “go into particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now.” ? ? 

Posted : February 19, 2021 7:56 am
speee1dy reacted
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member
Posted by: @cruzaniron



But that's impossible ! Per Adam Shifff, From the earliest days of the collusion narrative, Mr. Schiff insisted that he had evidence proving the plot. In March 2017 on MSNBC, Mr. Schiff teased that he couldn’t “go into particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now.” ? ? 

always more, always evidence, never seen by anyone.  lol 

Posted : February 19, 2021 8:54 am
Posts: 4
New Member

 No collusion was found in the report, but it left the door open for obstruction. Collusion is very difficult to prove since it is secretive by definition.  

Posted : August 8, 2021 11:42 pm
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