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seriously this is why the GOP is losing

Posts: 876
Prominent Member

I overheard this conversation at a ST Croix grocery store last week.

"I have 26 children - 9 of them with the same woman."

Posted : December 8, 2012 8:03 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

We live in a Thug Nation. The thugs who come into our houses and rob us get their cue from our thug president. He sends the message that if someone has more stuff than you then it is not your fault, it is their fault and you have a right to take their stuff from them. The NEW American dream.

It's the holiday season and people should be careful because the thugs are looking for stuff the easy way. They don't want to get a job or start a business and earn the money, it is easier to prey on people who have worked hard and been successful.

Why aren't we instead sending a message that hard work pays off. I have a Palestinian friend here on St Croix who told me about his father coming here in the 60's. He had no money. He started going door to door with a suitcase selling stuff. His family worked hard and pooled their money and now own many of the gas stations and grocery stores on the island. They work hard and I respect them for that.

Why can't local people do the same? If Arab immigrants, who many of the locals seem to hate more than whites, can be successful then why can't local people. Instead of complaining about no one giving you a job, start your own business and give yourself a job! I think the problem is that the Palestinians refuse to play the role of victim and many locals were raised to think that they ARE victims. That is the fault of the parents on this island. Teach your kids that they CAN succeed if they study in school and work hard. If you come from a single parent family, that is your parents fault not the fault of some evil rich person who forced your mother to have sex with a man who was irresponsible.

Why does our president hold successful people responsible for the countries problems? Demographics. Class warfare. Demonize the 2% to get more votes.

Anyone who has been successful and makes over $200,000 next year, prepare to get mugged by your president!

Posted : December 8, 2012 8:04 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

damn fine words

noone, i have only one child because i knew i could not afford more than that. i would have liked more but because of finances chose to do the right thing

Posted : December 8, 2012 8:55 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

I overheard this conversation at a ST Croix grocery store last week.

"I have 26 children - 9 of them with the same woman."

I don't know about the rest of you but I think this person with 26 children should be in jail! At hard labor working to pay for his children. Ultimately irresponsible people are the cause of our problems in this country and on these islands. They should be punished not ignored. He should be held responsible for any problems created by his children.

How can anyone give 26 children the attention that they deserve and require?

Posted : December 9, 2012 4:03 pm
Posts: 1495
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Add This Group To Obama's Winning Coalition: 'Religiously Unaffiliated'

Nationally, Obama lost the Protestant vote by 15 points, won the Catholic vote by 2 points, and captured 70 percent of the "nones."


Pew has tracked their growth, and found that in 2010 about a quarter of those in the "millennial generation" defined themselves as religiously unaffiliated. That's up from the 20 percent of Gen X-ers who said they had no religious affiliation, and 13 percent of baby boomers who said the same.

Posted : December 9, 2012 4:51 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

One of the main reasons that the GOP lost is media bias!

Posted : December 13, 2012 9:33 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member
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Failure of both parties:

The biggest Pinocchios of 2012

Posted : December 23, 2012 12:23 am
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