Looking for a place (two parter)
Okay, so I have a two part lodging request.
First one being temporary, almost immediate move in (aiming for April 4th). I'm looking for a quick hold up shack for about 1 month while I look for a permanent place to live. Location: not in a bad neighborhood. Allow dogs (one german shepherd, 16mnths old). I can live out of a suit case for a month.
Second one is, well, the permanent location. A 1brd apartment that would be avail around the beginning of May (give the above). Willing to consider roommates or studios [providing there's a murphy bed].
This is really a two part dependency: a place to hold up, for up to a month, while I look for a permanent place to stay (6+ mnths. 1yr+).
Message me if you have any leads. Thanks!
(most importantly the first one -- work wants me to start as soon as I can. And I want to start as soon as I can, but that's providing I find temporary lodging -- I already have a call into Two Sandals by the Sea, but no call back yet)
Call me, We have a pet friendly secluded hilltop apartment with great views of Christiansted and Buck Island available immediately. 340.227.8574
Doh! I forgot to mention STT. Sorry! Not use to dealing with multiple islands. lol
Try Villa Fairview for short term. Owner posts here. Don't know about the dog.
Try Villa Fairview for short term. Owner posts here. Don't know about the dog.
Do you know his username? The reviews aren't speaking too fondly of this place -- like the people are pretty much sent there "and forgotten." Apparently he owns The Crystal Palace, too, and that has great, recent reviews. I did manage to find The Crystal Palace site at http://www.crystalpalaceusvi.com/ (*cringe* -- I'm a web developer that site makes me go hmmm...). However, their link to the Villa Fairview doesn't work; domain isn't registered (did they accidentally let it expire? Kinda speaks words to the "and forgotten" part. lol).

Making assumptions like that are not really as valid here - people do not have the addiction to internet technology and magic phones that has pervaded the stateside society - much more valid to have face to face interaction here but hey, you have spent a few days looking around, maybe you know better.
You haven't heard of carnival? - you may think WAPA cares a hoot about its customers - think we all drive jeeps - and your comments on the 'positive things to say' thread have been undermining and probably destroying any credibility locally before you even get on island.
My comments in that thread were directly to those specific two individuals. That one, at first, because they directly bashed atheist. Extremely rude, and a sign of intolerable behavior. The other I picked up after he responded to me, and noOne picked up, too.
Now, as for my comments here; I made no assumptions. I am a web developer. Just how an oil painter will critique other oil paintings, I critique other web sites. I've seen the culture; I get it. It's one reason why I still want to get ahold of him. Why else would I ask for his username on the forums? I want to see if he had any options for me and say "and btw, where you aware your villa domain has expired? May want to get ahold of your tech guy to get that fixed." I can't see how I'm being rude here by any means. I also wanted to ask for referrals if he didn't cause I understand on the island, it's extreme word-of-mouth. I'm networking here my friend. I seemed to have gone dry on the forums for places, so now I'm trying to get outside the box: asking who I was referred to for referrals.
I'm sorry if I've offended anybody. Yes, I was rude to JRF. He made some pretty outlandish extreme accusations there I had to point out. Seriously. That dude has seen too many horror flicks! lol (not to mention his apparent lack of respect for women)
(*edit fyi: number one causes of murders state-side are all personal. And cannibalism isn't actively practiced. lol. I'm sorry; just him making that statement -- assumption some call it -- is hilarious to me.)
I'm the new guy. Help me out here. Culture differences means I'm most likely wrong. While I may think I'm coming off fine; you may see me as a complete dick. I fully admit I was being a dick to JRF. But who else?
(now, if your culture is to be equally disrespectful to woman as JRF appears to be, then I'm sorry. I'm going against the grain there.)
As for your carnival comment... Please give me some credit here. Take a look at my comment a little more closely: I don't expect anything to be affected, unless I'm seriously under estimating your May carnival (first I've heard of it).
This is the first I've heard of you having a carnival on the first week of May. Does it happen yearly? I didn't expect it to close government businesses or WAPA. Or am I seriously underestimating your carnivals?
Am I mistaken on any of this? I'm the foreigner. I'm still learning your culture. I'm looking to you to correct where I go astray.
Seriously underestimating Carnival!
Seriously underestimating Carnival!
Very interesting. Well, lets hope I find a place sooner then! Else I won't be doing anything that week. lol
You wanted something cheap and quick. If you are presently on-island, I still suggest you go LOOK at Villa Fairview. It may not be for you, but you won't know until you check it out. If you sit and wait for a call-back, from anybody, you will be waiting a long time. The islands definitely prefer to do business face-to-face.
And no, as far a government or business is concerned, you will not accomplish anything during carnival.
You wanted something cheap and quick. If you are presently on-island, I still suggest you go LOOK at Villa Fairview. It may not be for you, but you won't know until you check it out. If you sit and wait for a call-back, from anybody, you will be waiting a long time. The islands definitely prefer to do business face-to-face.
And no, as far a government or business is concerned, you will not accomplish anything during carnival.
I'm not currently on-island. This temp. place is what I'm using to get me on-island. Right now, I'm in Dallas wrapping up final details here. My time frame for moving to the island is highly dependent on finding a place to move to. I know. It's extremely hard searching remotely. But it's the only option I have. I'm "stuck in Dallas" you may say because I cannot find a location to move TO that would also accept my dog.
(just yesterday my back-up for temp. housing my dog here just fell through, too... ugh)
I'm doing my best here; I'm very much limited in my options; I don't have any other choice. :S (that's why just about anything, safe, is okay)
Now, once I do move to the island, then I'll be looking locally at permanent locations.
*The key here, for me, is getting on-island.
Update: Villa Fairview shut down last year. Got ahold of Ronnie (I'm assuming) via his 866 number.
Seems like last year was the hight for relocates. A few places now are saying, "yes last year, but not any more."
Sorry you're having such a tough time finding a place on STT. You mentioned a temp arrangement for your dog. Since that fell through, maybe try to find another. Finding a short term rental, via the Internet, with a large dog, is going to be very, very difficult. If you can just book an inexpensive hotel for yourself for a week and use that time to find either a permanent, or even 1-3 month deal, THEN bring the dog, that's your best bet.
Second suggestion, call all the real estate offices. May not be the best/cheapest way, but I've seen some good deals through some of the Realtors. Try Joy Stanley at Coldwell Banker on STT. She does a lot of advertising on craigslist and even on here some. She usually has lots of rentals, both high end and reasonably priced.
Did Two Sandals ever call you back? Try them again, but it may be the dog....
There is another place called Sunset View (???) Google it, and that should be close enought that it will come up.
Didn't know Villa Fairview was closed...If Ronnie mentioned it on here, I guess I missed it.
Good luck!
Thanks Juanita. I was suggested to look at local boarding there, too. The main reason I'm trying to bring him down on the initial move is solely for those "let me meet the dog first before I give a yes" situations. I'm told they are fairly common.
I did talked to Two Sandals; they stopped accepting dogs last year. Best Western is pet friendly, up to 50lb (doh! My Sampson is a fatty--he's 120lb).
I'll check out Sunset View. Thanks.
I am talking to a couple retailers there now. There are a few places, but all long term rentals though for 6+ months. No recommendations from them yet for short term.
Thanks again.
Boarding the dog locally is a great suggestion. Not too expensive, you can visit him daily, and you don't have to make another trip or arrange to have him sent to you.
Bring him ASAP or you'll run into the temperature restriction on the tarmac.
Bring him ASAP or you'll run into the temperature restriction on the tarmac.
Good point. Alright, will do.
Does anybody have any boarding recommendations? Since I'll be bringing him, might as well start looking these options. I have the number to one animal clinic. Others would be helpful. It'll allow me to get an idea on costs, and give me some additional options.

Market Square next to Kokopellis advertises boarding -- 626-7558
I know someone who lived in Dolphin Cove (not far from Two Sandals place) and they had two or three dogs. I never saw the inside of the place, but the area is safe. 340-715-2683 is the number I found for them in the phone book.
Dolphin Cove is now Paradise Cove. They have cleaned up the place considerably...
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