Prof. couple need new digs
Hi all. I have been watching for what seems forever for a specific type of apartment to come up. I'm not picky, I just hate thinking about moving. I have called on a couple as well but haven't found a new place yet. Hubby and I don't smoke and have no pets. We have been living on island for over 2 years and both work. We live in a converted garage that is a one bedroom unfurnished 1,100 s.f. in Hermon Hill. Love the land lord. like the place but we have stuff stored over at Sun Self Storage that I want to bring out. I need to get an unfurnished 2 or 3 bedroom with a breeze (view of water would be nice) in either direction from C'sted. As far out as St. John, or the other side of Buccaneer. Currently we spend $900 in rent and $305 on stuff that we don't see. I figure an apartment in the $1,300 to $1,400 range would be perfect. If anyone has that I would love to take a look.
Thank you
edited to say have all equipment for being a caretaker. All woodshop machinery

There's a 3 br unfurnished apt at Peter's Farm Condo's - Go up the hill in Cstd near the OLD hospital. I think I read it is $900.,112948
Hi Marlene,
Linda is referring to a rental that I have available if you are interested. For pics go to and click on Peter's Farm.
Is that building the one just up from the party store the diegos sit at in the morning waiting to run to a job? I think we have seen that place. I wouldn't want to be in that part of town.
I apologize for my ignorance, but what are "diegos"?
Marlene....It is the bldg up from Jiffy Mart and if i hear of anything I will let you know.
Linda..."diegos" are the hispanic guys that are usually at Jiffy Mart in the mornings looking for work.
Then why not just say "the hispanic guys who are hanging around looking for work"? The description used is not one I would expect from soneone who refers to him/her self as a professional person.
I apologize. I wouldn't have thought that was a bad word to use but if I offended anyone, I was ignorant in using it and have now humbly been corrected.
thanks Linda
No harm, no foul. Language is a funny thing. Take the word gringo - used to designate someone from north of the border, right? My daughter-in-law, who was born in Mexico City, tells me that if a Mexican calls you that - unless he is a close friend and kidding with you - you should be insulted.

You choose whether to be insulted or not.
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