thank you, i will definitely make that a consideration. marc
y'know, i am one of those few people i guess who have no problem (for the most part) standing in a line waiting. i never have. that's not to say i'm...
with my potential visit looking like the month of May, arent you kind of going into (or already in) off season and should have a fair availability of ...
i just got rid of my verizon cell service - cingular is no toll to call to usvi or p.r. and verizon charged like 0.29 a min plus using your minutes fo...
from what i've read in all the various books and research materials i have, i personally (and tell me if this is not suggested) was not going to rent ...
.....--..... you havent experienced humidity until you've lived in the mississippi delta (just south of memphis) in the strong of summer. they bottle...
Thanks guys - hoping to wrap things up next week on flight plans, room/efficiency/apt or what-have-you to rent. I have been spending the last few mon...
where are the houses with a view or nice tradewinds that run like 78k to maybe like 125k ? KIDDING, JUST KIDDING
Kewl - Thanks 2 u both. Betty your posts are always so pleasant and informative - I've gathered you live on STX, and Iguana, ha, I've got 2 iguanas ...
Thanks jane, i'll ck that out - i just thought there would be more inter-activity among the P.R. islands and the USVI as a whole - I mean, i know it's...
So altho I realize you guys are not IN Puerto Rico or Vieques I would have thought there would be mentions of those islands (or from people on those i...
i have indeed emailed villafairview. thank you.