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Joined: February 2, 2011 11:59 am
Last seen: May 26, 2020 10:00 am
Topics: 17 / Replies: 241
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

IslandHops says: "- Any company that fails to comply with their EDC compliance agreement, and is found in non-compliance via EDC review, can be f...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

LiquidFluoride says: "I find jumping to the race card a very weak move & a great way to derail a conversation from uncomfortable topics. " I'm ...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Our islands are small- it might take some time to build your group up. What about joining the VI Young Professionals Network? It seems to be affiliat...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

How refreshing to see a positiver approach and a potential solution to the problem! Cast aside the "maybe" and put it into action. If I could be of a...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Anyone who suggests that we as "local employees" all behave the same is a racist. If you really want to dig deep and uncover the ugly, you will find t...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I have observed terrible animus toward locals from EDC folks. Many have told me (when I am intentionally "yanking" ) that locals are lazy, stupid, do ...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I graduated with honors when I got my AS so I choose to go into something that made me more rounded since I did more learning out of school. (tu...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I'm not trying to derail the thread anymore. All i was trying to prove is they are locals being hired and I don't mean just "living requirement" local...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Good bill. If a company is receiving an almost total concession on taxes, it should be required to tap into the educated local network and start hirin...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Good bill. If a company is receiving an almost total concession on taxes, it should be required to tap into the educated local network and start hirin...

9 years ago
Re: A different take on coming to the Islands

I'm just shaking my head in bewilderment that someone thinking of moving here is so hung up on an apocalyptic meltdown. I would think there are a lot...

9 years ago
Re: A different take on coming to the Islands

The Caribbean will be one of the safer places for Black people in the event the scenarios envisioned by the 'preppers ' come true. The OP brings up ma...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

rotorhead said: I lived most of my life on the west coast working for computer companies. Before I retired from Microsoft I ran a software develo...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

love everything from publix . i am sorry you miss home so much Thanks! One of the nearby Publix has a full-blown Chinese kitchen where ...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

I am a Crucian currently, and very reluctantly, living in Florida. I can say with confidence that you will not experience racism in the VI at the leve...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

"For the people who are still living there but have cited many negative attributes that drive away transplants....what keeps you living on the islands...

9 years ago
Re: Person Burned to Death in Gruesome, ISIS-style Murder

...meanwhile, here in the good old USA, a three-year old toddler put his 19-month old sibling into an oven and another toddler turned it on, roasting ...

9 years ago
Re: Person Burned to Death in Gruesome, ISIS-style Murder

We must all put down the rum and focus on reversing our community's descent into barbarism. This savagely cruel murder should provoke the sort of righ...

9 years ago
Re: Person Burned to Death in Gruesome, ISIS-style Murder

What style of murder is it when someone sits in front of a console in Nevada and uses a remotely piloted drone to incinerate the bride, groom, and doz...

9 years ago
Re: Best single piece of advice for new resident moving from mainland?

Best advice I can give is to be aware that West Indians are not "African-American" so leave all of your preconceptions and biases on the mainland beca...

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

Don't see what a white lady in Nassau shaking her booty has to do with the post. It demonstrates that white people who are unafraid of "local" ot...

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

...let's ask this lady...

9 years ago
Re: St. Croix crime...the truth

I have lived all over the US. Newark, Atlanta, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, Detroit and Memphis. This is the first place that I have ever lived ...

9 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1941
Re: When does the violence stop?

the more I read the more I think maybe St. Croix isn't the right move. I come from a city that is larger than the whole island of St. Croix and we do...

9 years ago
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