Hi All,
I found just the most adorable puppy. He is about three or four months old.
When I found him it appeared that he had been abandoned. He was running on the South Shore road near Hovensa. He was very skinny and wearing a collar that was choking him it was so tight. If he had grown any more, he would have choked himself. It's possible he was skinny because he could not eat with it on. We have been feeding him and fattening him up.
He is very, very loving. He is playful with us and our other dogs. He doesn't quite like our cat though. He is feisty, but when you rub his belly, he almost purrs. He loves to be held.
He needs a good home. We can't afford to keep him. We have a zoo of our own with four dogs and a cat.
The animal shelter is a last resort. We hate the fact to leave him in a cage and they are crowded as it is. He is not fixed, but we are willing to pay for the operation and a months food to anyone who has the space and love for an adorable little puppy.
Pictures can be viewed at Just click on the Bailey picture and more pictures will pop up! 🙂
Please ask for Chris or Chantelle 340-719-4682
I hate the stories of good pets that need homes!
I have a zoo too (if it were up to my wife, she`ed be the stt cat lady).
Why do(most) West Indians hate animals?
This is sad, someone please take this doggy home!
I was just told I can have another dog....if I want a divorce to go with it:-(

I've had 2 rescues dumped by continentals so it's not just West Indians. Both were left in my neighborhood by statesiders who returned to the mainland & couldn't be bothered to even take them to the Shelter. I hope you can find a good home for that cute puppy. I wish I could take him. He looks like a Boxer mix.
Awwww man, you're killing me! What an adorable little baby! My house is already a menagerie.
I am my daughter if she is interested
Sory she said no too may pets already 🙁
Thank you all for reading the post and thinking about taking Bailey. He has found a very warm and loving home! He is one happy Puppy!

Great news!
Awesome news! My "best girl" was a starving, collared 4-month old days away from starving. She's a solid 80lb. ,"grade A" example of how a lot of love and just a chance pays off. All of our animals have been either shelter babies (or adults too) or found in a bad state somewhere. I had my mother name this one (5 yrs. ago) because she's SO not a dog person but I figured if she gave her a name, Mom wouldn't give me as much flak! It worked and she named her "Almacita" (sp?) which she said means" little lost girl soul"...or something like that. We are working with our other 'girl'...a shelter dog...with slow but steady progress.
To all of you out there who have ever helped out one of our needy animals...bless you all!
Also, most West Indians do NOT hate animals!
I am very happy that such a beautiful puppy found a good home. Every puppy should have a nice welcome home to grow and play.
Although I do agree that most west indians do not hate animals, they do seem to be the most cruel...
What a cruel life for a dog to chain him 24/7. Now I'm not saying that all cruzans chain dogs, but come on, I'll bet that if you thought about it, you know of at least two or even three dogs on chains that you have seen in the past year while driving in your car. Did they look like they ever get off the chain? Please tell me, is there someplace to report this?
What about the murderer, and yes I'll call him a murderer, who recently got off because the police didn't care and totally f*cked the case up! Thank you to the one, brave, young man who came forward. He told and testified to what he saw happened that horrible day.
Why would I call him a murderer? What else would you call a man who beats a dog who is chained down? Beat him with a board with nails in it until he almost dies? Didn't the dog lose an eye and almost die? Does anybody know what happened to the dog? I shouldn't even refer to the man who beat the dog as a man because obviously he is NOT!!
Thank you to the AG's Office who prosecuted the case. It maybe a loss but please, please keep up the fight!!!
I, unfortunately, am not in a position to put up a rally or start a protest against animal cruelty. I will however sign a petition or donate to any fund that puts up a table at any Jump Up, or how about the up coming St. Patty's Day Parade?? It would be a perfect time to sign a roster showing our support to the AG's Office who prosecuted the case and those VI Officers who actually do care!!! We need to show these guys and gals support!!! Please, if someone could start this petition and put up a sign so that all the people could see what it is. I know that I have passed up petitions at Jump Ups because the crowd was so, well, crowded. But if I knew it was as important as this, I would stand in line for it.
What about the horse that was found dead a couple of months ago? It was in the papers. He was tied by the neck and legs in such a way that when he struggled, he strangled himself. What kind of person would do such a thing??
There was an animal cruelty convention on St. Croix about a month or so ago at the Divi Hotel and Casino. There were Men and Women in the VI Police Department there who actually care about their duties and want to prosecute these horrific crimes. They know and understand that these cases need to be treated like homicides taking photographs, fingerprints, DNA, etc. They need to be commended!!
Who is the guy that investigates these crimes? From what I understand, there is ONE full time Officer who investigates these crimes. I have seen him in the papers but unfortunately can't remember his name. Mea culpa, WE should all know him. I understand that he does not have arrest authority!!! Maybe that is what the petition should be about also!!!
I don`t like that the dogs around here are chained up either!
I also don`t like the owners of pit bulls that have them swim nearly drowning to condition them for pit bull fights!
I`ve been called a white mudda ***** many times for stopping this.
I had a dog many years ago that we tied up to a tree so we could pick up something from Woolworth's.
A couple minutes latter, an elder west Indian lady approached us & told us"some young boys are beating your dog with a stick,I tried to run them off, but they keep coming back"
I went to the front of the store & acted as if I didn`t know the dog so I could catch them in the act.
I can`t say what happened, but we got even!
Thanks to that lady!
I hope who ever saw the dog that had his throat slashed by the sea plane gets a good loving home. Maybe since a reward is offered someone will come forward with info. But even if you have an eyewitness they seem to still get off. What will it take for the "courts" to throw the book at those felons???
Yes i think most West Indians keep dogs chained. They are scared of them. They have kept their own dogs tied for so long that the dogs have become mean. And why don't they believe in spaying or neutering the their pets????
I could go on and on regarding the way dogs are treated here. It is in the states as well. Maybe Pres. Obama will take a few mintues and address this problem (espically since he is soon to become a father to a 4 legged child).
whoops!!!! i mean the dogs gets a good loving home and the S.O.B. that did this gets a home also. (in jail)
Most West Indians do not abuse/chain/are scared of dogs/don't neuter their pets. Some do, but you find that everywhere. I know several continentals on island and off that keep their dogs chained up outside with little attention. I also know people in the states who do not neuter/spay, even if the dog is a mixed breed. Since you tend to see everything on island in a more condensed space, abuse occurrences may seem more prevalent. But similar things occur all over the world, including in mainland USA.
Animal abuse is a terrible thing but please please stop generalizing it to "most" West Indians.
None of my West Indian friends chain or abuse their animals. Their dogs and cats are members of their families. Some have dogs just as I do who are outside guard dogs but are well taken care of. There is a huge movement here in the VI to educate people on animal abuse and all kinds of fundraisers to benefit the various animal shelters but I have not heard of any fundraisers or benefits for orphanages here on the islands. What about the children? Why aren't all the continentals that move here concerned about these children? Why isn't anyone demanding that our schools are free of mold and the children have proper learning environments. I hate animal abuse. I love animals. I don't understand why we can't have the same passion for our children on the islands.
To Dun: I am not advocating violence to violence, but what we need is more MEN like you!!! Vigilantes? Heroes? I know what I would call you!!
DixieChick: I actually believe that finally THERE IS A PERSON in charge in the VI who actually cares about these crimes. She needs our support!!! It is up to the individual officer who investigates these crimes to step up and do their jobs. We need to support them as well!!! Why don't west indians spay/neuter their pets is beyond me, especially with the low cost operations that are offered.
Please see my earlier post to start a signing petition at jump ups and parades supporting those Men and Women Officers and Prosecutors who support these laws and investigations! I do believe that there are a few who actually care!
stxem: Sorry, I have lived in many places in the US. I have heard of animal cruelty cases on tv news channels while I lived there. But I have never in my life seen, actually seen, the animal abuse by my own eyes until I came here!! And yes, I agree with you, I count chaining a dog to a post/tree 24/7 as abuse. You may want to continue the "condensed spaced " as an excuse for more/prevalent animal cruelty, but I won't buy it.
To Dun: I am not advocating violence to violence, but what we need is more MEN like you!!! Vigilantes? Heroes? I know what I would call you!! Sorry, did I already write this?
Sorry Uttica but I have lived in many places in the States too and have seen cruelty in all places. The dog I adopted from Miami was severely beaten by his owners and to this day is very nervous and timid around men (presumably it was a man that beat him). It took me several months of love and training to get him to stop peeing anytime a human (including me for a while) would approach him. In Boston and New York I have worked at animal shelters with animals that had been abused--neglected, collars left on so the skin has grown up around it, starved almost to death, abandoned. Cases from puppy mills were the worst, especially females who had been bred practically to death with several litters a year. When I lived in England I used to work with a horse whose rump was covered in thick, round scars because the previous owner used to out his cigarette butts on him.
You may not have seen it in the states with your own eyes, and maybe I never saw the exact moment of abuse, but I've seen the consequences. Not seeing something with your own eyes doesn't mean it is not there.
I don't think the issue is whether the dogs are spayed/neutered, but that they are allowed to roam the neighbourhoods freely. Your dog can't be out there making unwanted puppies if it is under your control. I grew up in a family that showed dogs - the females were usually spayed when they retired from showing, which could be quite old if they were very successful, and the males were never castrated. No, we didn't have all those prostrate problems, testicular cancer, temperament problems etc, etc, nor did we have any unwanted pregnancies. Just like the problems people seem to have with their kids, don't forget, you are in charge. Keep your dogs under control and they won't be fathering unwanted puppies - what are they doing on the streets alone anyway? I have been at many shows with literally hundreds of un-neutered male dogs, and not a single fight, yet I have had my dogs attacked here by neutered male dogs. I'm not advocating not spaying/neutering dogs here, but the problem lies much more with the owners than the dogs themselves.
Although I do agree that just because you don't see it means it's not there, but you can not change my mind about the level of abuse not being higher here.
I think that abuse is worse here because no one cares. In the states, you can call the cops if you see anything happening and they will actually do something about it. Don't they have one guy that looks into these crimes and he doesn't have arrest authority? That d!ck who got off beating the dog chained to a tree got off because the officer investigating it was totally incompetent and didn't care.
I do know that there are good Officers who want to prosecute these cases. We need to show them support!!
Sabrina has a good point.
First, I want to say, that i`m(VERY) happy Hiya found a home for the very lucky pup she gave a chance for a happy life!
While I`ve been scolded by others here(& warned by admin) for speaking my mind against crappy local workers, WAPA, mechanics, electricians, TAXI DRIVERS,(those who know me,know the list goes on & on).
I feel is is more than important to speak for the animals who can`t speak for themselves.
I have not seen the animal abuses I`ve seen until arrived here either(I`m not saying they don`t exist), it`s so in your face here!
Please read: Animal Abuse
which was posted this Thursday.
It seems the same local people(I think these are the ones who don`t tip either) bring their children to animal fights in a pit that our local government has no problem with to teach yet another generation how to mistreat animals.
It seems these events are even allowed to be advertised!
Yup that ahum, guy that beat that poor dog with a board with a nail in it tied in the middle of two trees, should get the same torture!
And YES,like the old West Indian lady, there are some who truly have a good heart, I hope more are like minded in the police force & will enforce animal cruelty laws!
To those who get a rush from mistreating animals, take your knife & gun out of your pocket & try the same $hit on me or anyone else who will fight back!
Uttica, you & anyone who fights on the behalf of the animals are My hero!

Do you volunteer for the Humane Society, Dun?
Do you volunteer for the Humane Society, Dun?
Trade, from your past responses to me, i`m sceptical of your question...
To answer your question, no, I`m a workaholic, I work 6 days a week, 10-12 hour days.
Why, do YOU volunteer?
If so, which one are you as my wife & I always give brand new items for the Humane Society(despite the fact we NEVER receive charity statements, but continue to give) to sell & as such, we know most of the staff.
Also,I`d like to have a frank discussion regarding the disposition of many of these items & other issues there...

Due to present physical circumstances, I can't volunteer now but have done tons of volunteering there before & to get a charity statement, which I assume you mean as a deduction form for your taxes then you have to ask for it at the desk when you drop the items off. You list the items without the value & they sign it.
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