AG's Offfice seems to be a Problem
I have been told that suspects in Peter Des Jardins murder have been identified, and that there has been a warrant issued for the suspects. Problem is the warrants are sitting in the AG's office, and may 4-7 days to be executed. Seems our police have done their job, but there is no priority set by the AG's office. This is a broken system, and energy needs to be focused on the lack of initiative from AG's office. I feel that if these suspects are out and about now, and possibly commit another death crime, then we the people need to personally hold responsible each and every person who works at the AG's office responsible.
How does the breakdown get fixed?

How do we reach the AG? Do you have contact info for them?

This is all I could find online. 10 days till I arrive. Boy will I be busy! Poodle, thanks for that update on where the bottleneck is. Good to know the VIPD has done their part!
Phone Number: (340) 774-5666
Address: Dept. of Justice, G.E.R.S. Complex 488-50C Kronprinsdens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Now that is interesting. Here in California you may arrest and hold for 48 and during that 48 you can file charges. I would be hard pressed to this not being also the case in the VI's. What happens when some one is taken into custody for questioning as a prime suspect. Do they just release the perp and then wait for the AG's office to file the formal charge. I'm not a prosecuting attorney but this seems a lousy way of doing business. If this in fact is the case you have bigger problems than the police. I'm finding this report ver troubling
This is all I could find online. 10 days till I arrive. Boy will I be busy! Poodle, thanks for that update on where the bottleneck is. Good to know the VIPD has done their part!
Thank God you are coming to save us all.

No need to be snippy. It's not my intention to "save us all". But I do find it easier to be active when I am actually on-island. And THAT is my intention. The sarcasm is not warranted and makes you sound mean and bitter, which I hope you are not.
You know, life is short - shorter for some on STX it seems - and I don't waste time on poor attitudes. I will spend my life making these islands a better, safer place to live - because I live here too. I fell in love with St. Croix 22 years ago when I arrived on a cruise ship. This is my home now and I will work hard to make it better for all who live here. I would hope we all would. If people aren't going to do something to resolve the problems - quit b*tching. And don't complain about those of us that will take action.
Linda from Michigan,
Its admirable that you have chosen to take action on the lingering crime problem on STX. However most who live here, haven't been waiting for the messiah of crime fighting to arrive. You may think we (residents, business) have done nothing, is a little over the top and insulting.

Don't think me ignorant. I know alot of people have taken action. There is no Messiah of crime fighting coming. If there was I surely am not it. I am just an everyday person who is like a bulldog when angered. I am frustrated at the state of the islands. That criminals are let go with a mere slap on the hand, and released back into the general population is a travesty. But our problems are co-mingled. They need to be attacked from many angles at the same time. Some of what happens here needs to be thrown out totally and it would be easier to bring in the new and enforce that then to try to change the corrupt, nepotistic systems that are in place now. (this would be like you bringing in the military, etc - only when order is restored we need to have a clean version of government/oversight in place to take over or it will revert back to where we are now).
I have the desire, time, and ability to work to make a difference. I want to join others who are like-minded that will band together to make a change. I've been gone (due to severe illness) for the last year and a half. I'm now in a position to finally get back and do my part. Tell me what groups there are working to change the problems we face with the gun crime, the gang violence, the corruption within the government and her agencies. Let me know who to contact so I can join the effort. Don't talk down to me as if I were living in a fairy tale land. I want to do my part. This is my Island. My Territory. I refuse to sit back, write Anderson Cooper, et al, and hope for someone else to come fix us. It's too easy for us to give up after throwing efforts out there to find nothing changes.
And if you don't/can't/won't point me to specific groups and people who are banding together to fight this war to take back the islands, then don't flame me for wanting to do something on my own. Since you have intimated that there is efforts happening - point me to them. Or be quiet and let someone else fight to make this a safer haven for you.
There was a huge effort a while back by Yearasta who is no longer posting. He tried to get the community together to come to meetings he arranged with Senator Sanes. It seems he got no support. I would think to effect change you need to get the West Indian community together. Most of the people on this message board are stateside transplants and we cannot even quit bickering among ourselves. My local West Indian friends want change as much as anybody. It seems to me that if local leaders, got involved, not politicians, but the pastors of all the churches, teachers, volunteers and those who mentor the young. Change comes from within the community. Yearasta tried to bring us all together on this message board. I guess he gave up. Hopefully he is still trying within the community at large. Maybe we should follow his example and work together to find a solution.

"And if you don't/can't/won't point me to specific groups and people who are banding together to fight this war to take back the islands"
From the above site:
The following are the Community Integration Team’s (CIT) Chairpeople. If you believe you would like to become part of the solution contact your respective Chairperson.
The Women's Coalition
Crime Stoppers
Well lets see,
Gangs and Guns are VIPD, FBI and ATF! You can join the Police Auxiliary Service. Neighborhood Watch Program. Political side is Vote. Go To Clubs and Organizations. Take Your Pick, Names and Phone Numbers are posted. Oh You are not living in a fairy tale land and your not living in Kansas City either. Welcome Back to the USVI.

Thanks Trade. If there are any others as well, please let me know. And Tam, I agree - this is not going to resolve until we bring the whole island community together. The West Indies are probably even more bothered than we are. I just want to do all that I can.
Question> what is with you HBIC?
I get the feeling from posters like saucy, Lizard and HBIC that change and improvement is not wanted. I lived I in STX and taught spanish...remember I was the one that knew 2 sentences and that was " no problem" for the school board who hired me. As a young teacher, I thought that was funny and my stateside friends would laugh. Now I see how that little experience has become a symbol of what is really wrong on STX. Yep, it is wrong to hire people who really know nothing and to pay them and give them retirement and benefits AND a pension.
What an asset people like Linda are to the community..............she is not even getting paid!!!
You state that you participated in a fraud with public funds. Don't tell me that I don't want change. Where did I say that. Why don't you return the monies you collected for your Spanish instruction. I have said we need more police (better pay and benefits). Are we the Citizens going to go house to house to collect guns. Are we the Citizens going to have a sit down with gang members. Are we the citizens going out on a Drug Bust. Get Real, Think real time and place, a place where you are not at now. As a Citizen I want more police protection, A court system that doesn't have a Judge Kendal like New York's Let them loose Bruce. I've seen and heard so many over the years come to the islands with an attitude of I'm going to change things until reality sets in and back to the big island they go. Here is a question for ya. What are you or Linda going to do, whats your agenda "I'm all ears". Oh and you get what you pay for at times.

I think you should answer that question Lizard. What are YOU going to do? We should all be asking ourselves that question. But this time, I'd like to hear what YOU will do - or have done. Beside dissing those that want to take time and energy out of their lives to try to make it better.
Linda from Michigan,
Typical when asked what your agenda is and what are you going to do. You come up with a "blank". I have petitioned our elected officials on various fronts and topics. volunteered my services for various youth programs, I have participated in meetings on crime, education, neighborhood watch program, paid my tax. I also know that change comes slowly and at times with pain. What new grassroots revelation do you have.

Typical of what Lizard? If you ever meet me you will realize I am far from typical ANYTHING.
I have already been setting up meetings with officials and business leaders to discuss Crime and gun violence. I would like to get together the heads of the various groups working on individual issues/betterments to pull them together as an "oversight" panel. I will meet with the chairpersons of the CIT, but need to discover the politics that is being played out within that group - are they actually being effective or are they being effectively played by the VIPD. I have calls in to the various Senator's to schedule a few minutes with whichever ones I can - and am making headway. And I'd like to get with the AG's office. I have time on my hands. I can sit and wait.
Once, when my children were kidnapped by their father, the local prosecutor didn't want to touch it. I sat in his office from the moment it opened. I was repeatedly told he was busy. I thanked them, reminded them of the exact statute in the law that pertained, and said I had nothing better to do than wait for him to find my children and arrest their father. After 5 hours he had the state police go collect my children and arrest their father. I do have patience and persistance. Determination is a wonderful thing.
I've seen and heard so many over the years come to the islands with an attitude of I'm going to change things until reality sets in and back to the big island they go. Here is a question for ya. What are you or Linda going to do, whats your agenda "I'm all ears". Oh and you get what you pay for at times.
I'm with you Lizard; they all come to make our lives better; I've seen them all in my 20+ years here--well I like my life just fine. Keep your stateside attitude and ideas, this is not the states. Your attitude is only going to denigrate things, not improve them.
This is our home, our only home; no place in the states to run back to.
Linda are you inviting the big wigs to the pic-nic?
Might be a low key non-threatening way of establishing contact?
HBIC I am trying really hard to not get my hopes up. But don't want to ever loose hope either. Soon STX will be our only home too so I will hope for something good to come from all this.....
Like I said before, your not in fairy land and not in Kansas City either. Welcome back! Oh I forgot, I believe your approach is not new, been there done that, so have others. A little advice, Knock off the attitude regarding the "VIPD playing thing" its not going to help your cause. Good Luck!
Go Linda!! More power to you girl!
People shoudn't take it as insult when others want to come here to help. I got the same crap when i posted i was moving here a year ago. Some people like to sit back and become arrogant armchair quarterbacks since they have been here for so long and know how it is---beaten down from years of frustration. Too many posters here come across as deeply opinionated, know-it-alls who like to build walls rather than bidges...what a shame.
Quoting Linda, "determination is a wonderful thing"
how much one has seems to vary...

While you have more time on the island, don't discredit the homes we have made here as well. I am not doing this to make your life better. I'm doing it to make mine and anyone who cares life better. If I can help effect (not by my efforts alone) any sort of change for the better why would you complain? Complacency? Acceptance? Tired of the fight? It's the "heard it before - nothing ever changes- here we go again - different face, same line" attitude. I guess I can understand it - but understand this - THAT IS NOT ME!
I argued with my ex-husband about not buying property on STX in 1987 when we were first here. He didn't see the benefit to it. Had I gone against him, HBIC, I'd have been a 20+ year resident - instead of the few years I've been here. Maybe then I'd be worthy in your eyes to take a stand.
Linda from Michigan,
You should thank your ex-husband, you missed HUGO!
Yes, maybe then you would.
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