I can just imagine how vacationers will perceive this deluge. Hey, I'm thrilled that my cistern is finally gulping in water and that the ground finally has a chance to get a real soaking. Of course not only will my plants and trees enjoy it but the weeds will too. And thus will begin that perpetual chore of backbreaking weedwhacking...
This last period of drought seemed endless and so at odds with the "norm." But the weather "norm" has been shifting so much and so much more quickly in recent years.
Vacationers need not be afeared. Today was basically overcast with sprinkles after last night's late downpour and tonight seems to be repetitive. Most peculiar is the shift. The rain usually comes from the east but this weather pattern has it driving from the west. Cheers!
Quick call Al Gore before the weather pattern changes to much away from drought. Rain isn't in the cards and we need drought for this global warming to hit the ground running.
Don't test me promoguy! Yikes! You can be most astute at times and that I appreciate. I was merely making an observation about weather patterns in general right here where I live and where I have lived fulltime for over two decades. Al Gore's stance, in my opinon, should not be dismissed as should neither Michael Moore's.
My initial post stands, so bite you' tongue m'son! We talkin about d 'wedder, de surf and de wind.
Ditto, STT Resident's YEE HA!. Definitely good for the cistern and the trees were looking so brown so good for the local flora too.
When I was in high school in the early 70s, the big scare was the coming ice age. Now it is global warming. I didn't believe the propoganda then and I don't believe it now. Big Al and Mental Midget Mike are only in it for the money and to bring down capitalism now that comminism has failed in Russia. In the immortal words of Eric Clapton - Let It Rain!
90% of the scientific community agrees that global climate change is occurring. Fascinating how people regard this consensus (derived from decades of research) as "propaganda".
gotta love these 90% numbers that get tossed around. I'd ask what your source is, but that is not the point. Using science and concensus in the same sentence is an oxymoron. Science is fact, not consensus.
I don't disagree that temperatures are warming. The propoganda is that humans cause it. I hear 'we haven't seen these temperatures in 600 years'. To me that means we had seen these temperatures before, and at a time before evil capitalism brought us cars, trucks and hairspray!
So the propoganda against capitalism lives on.

Weather (sic) we caused it or not is not the problem. Whether we decide to do (or even are able to do)something about it before we become crispy critters is. I thought it was all supposed to end in 2012 anyway.....
The purpose of Science is to question yet some on the left of this issue have turned to labeling those who question the data in the same category as holocaust deniers. That is simply bunk. If you take a close look at the groups driving the Global Warming agenda you will quickly find anti globalization, capitalism, socialist and communist that have failed on other levels.
I think everybody agrees that it is common sense to make every attempt to clean up the planet but to claim certainity of the climate based on models with shaky data at best being input is not science.
For anyone willing to watch a differing view on GW there is a great British documentary with some of the top scientist in the world contributing. Warning...this video is 1hr 13minutes and if you only have dial up then you better forget it. But for those who are open to hearing different opinions on a very important topic then here you go...

Scientifically, Al Gore's observations are accurate. His assumptions about the cause remain questionable, though I, as a conservative independent cannot see how all the crap we sling into the air and land would not have some kind of effecgt. His projections are absolutely questionable. Still, if he is right and we don't address it, we are goners. If he is wrong and we do address it, maybe our island(s) might be prettier to live on. Who's up for picking up the roadside/beach litter??
Usually saying "Hey how about this weather" is to spark up a friendly conversation.I think when I move down I will say "Hey how about this aaaaaaa???aaa?? Hello how are you? 🙂
Back to the topic on hand - there is nothing like hearing the rainwater glugging down the pipe into your cistern after a long dry spell! It sounds like...lots of money being saved now you don't have to have water trucked in!!! I am happy for you STT, and I bet the weeds are just waiting for you!
Lord alive, I write a simple YEE HA about finally getting some rain and way too many butt in with their idealogical and political views.
There was more torrential rain for a bit this evening, I had one little bitty leak which will entail a roof search for some small gap and I swear I can hear the weeds screeching on their way up. I'm ready for the buggers with weedwhacker primed and a good supply of RoundUp along with a new sprayer for same to kill them at root level.
Which admission will indubitably result in a further barrage of condemnation from tree huggers who will castigate my use of RoundUp, so I'd like to add to the mix by advising that I also use malathion to rid my bougainvillea of the white flies. If you don't live here, have never lived here, or live here but have never had to deal with unwanted vegetation or killer bugs, please don't comment.
Cheers to all, and hope to see some of you residents out there tomorrow for the silent demonstration at the Alexander Farrelly Justice Department!

Over five inches of precipitation in the past twelve hours where I live on STT and it's still pouring buckets -- YEAH!!!
Laissez les bons temps rouler! (No, it doesn't take much to make me happy 🙂 )
Ok, I am glad the rain is here but I just discovered we have a leak! Yuck...
Hey STT,
you posted -
"Cheers to all, and hope to see some of you residents out there tomorrow for the silent demonstration at the Alexander Farrelly Justice Department!"
I haven't heard of this demonstration - what is it about?
fight the power!
guest - if you have local cable, check out the local Channel 2 news this evening. The Source and the Daily News also covered the event. Cheers.
You can blame (thank) us....we arrived on STT on Saturday.....and it hasn't stopped raining. I figure about 12 inches???
FI, I wouldn't go that far as in 12 inches. I'd venture maybe 2-3".
As much as the major precipitation iinitially pleasured me and then pissed me off when my roof started leaking, the skies at this writing are starting to clear. Cheers!
I received an interesting phone call from my husband last night. The first thing he said was, "You know what I forgot to pack? An umbrella." Apparently he was caught by the downpour while washing his clothes at the laundromat and had to abandon his idea of walking back to the apartment with laundry in tow.
He was surprised, though, that everything was shutting down for the rain. I can definitely understand how the roads would be difficult to maneuver while wet, but it is a foreign concept for rain to stop anything to us natives from South Louisiana. We actually have a swamp right on campus, and the main road through campus has at least 6 inches of water on it every time it rains. Students and professors alike just roll up their pants and wade right through (boy, that doesn't paint a very good picture of Louisianians, does it?) I knew it would be a big change going from the flat swamps to the steep hills of STT, but I never considered the effects of rain. I guess that's another new thing to consider!
Thanks ! Just added umbrellas and raincoat to my never-ending list of things to pack. When I clean out my office desk, my car, and the closets, I will probably have enough umbrellas to start a small business when I get there. (I NEVER have one WITH me when it rains tho!)
guest: just curious, what power did you want to fight? WAPA?

"So the power we want to fight is the local newspaper?"
No, a corrupt V.I. Superior Court Judge.
got it. thanks.
Well thanks Future Islander for bringing the rain with you. ;). I saw on the NOAA site these precipitation figures for the last 24 hours (ending at 8am on the 24th):
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