Another feather in the VI govs cap
"A U.S. Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance executives who were indicted under court seal within the past 13 months, but never arrested or prosecuted.
The sitting governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, his attorney general and an unspecified number of Virgin Islands legislators also accepted bribes, the source said, adding that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is aware prosecutors and elected officials were bribed and otherwise compromised, but has not held anyone accountable."
Read the entire article, very interesting, Prosser seems to be filling in some of the details concerning the alleged campaign to silence his accusations against CFC which forced the bancruptcy of Innovative. Ties the whole tale into the recent raid on the Legislature's Offices.
That is absolutely appalling, by any standard. Down with corruption!
This has also hit "foxnation" which I think is part of foxnews:
I'll let you be the judge on if FoxNews is any more credible than
The Daily Caller is even less credible than Fox, if you can believe it. There is a kernel of truth (several) in that article, but it is so deeply camouflaged by partisan distortion that it is meaningless.
are you saying that you dont believe bribes have been taking place?
While down at Innovative's offices today I bumped into an old friend who whispered, "Have you heard about DeJongh?" I had no idea what he was talking about and he said he would send me an email concerning DeJongh having accepted a $20 million bribe! I just shook my head and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, and what was it for?" He didn't know. Doh. But he said he would email me the article. Good grief. Island gossip at its best and "As The Island Turns". A few hours later I heard from the Innovative repairman that he'd heard it allegedly had something to do with Prosser but he wasn't buying it either based solely on local melee. Fox and The Daily Caller, sure.
Just a couple of days ago I saw on the internet that (Breaking News!) the actor Rainn Wilson had been killed when he fell off a mountain in New Zealand while filming a movie. Just a few months ago the same source reported that actor Tony Danza had been killed under the exact same circumstances in exactly the same place at exactly the same time ...
And, no, I don't believe that the "powers that be" here are any more immune to bribery than government officials elsewhere in the world but neither do I condone jumping to conclusions based on scurrilous gossip from "sources".
Oh dear!
Oh dear!
It does say "Read Full Story At The Daily Caller", on the bottom right, which is also a link.
This is the link: (I think it is the same one the OP posted)
Anything that the DailyCaller or Fox News claims to be true is usually NOT... Both are both right wing hate mongers.
While I might believe that VI government officials are incompetent crooks, this crap thrown against the wall by the Caller will not stick.
They claim slander. If they take this to trial I will believe it. If it gets swept under the rug, it may very well be the truth that they will be breathing a sigh of relief they escaped this one too.
They claim slander. If they take this to trial I will believe it. If it gets swept under the rug, it may very well be the truth that they will be breathing a sigh of relief they escaped this one too.
Sure. (td) Conspiracy theories are so popular.
The same article is in the St Thomas Source so let's for now put an end to the melee. Anybody who's followed the continuing Prosser saga had an inkling of what was going on here.
They claim slander. If they take this to trial I will believe it. If it gets swept under the rug, it may very well be the truth that they will be breathing a sigh of relief they escaped this one too.
More evidence of idiocy. It's not SLANDER if it was WRITTEN. That would be libel.
If you don't know or can't remember, just say "defamation".
I hate stoopid people.
right wing hate mongers.
Ah, the Left... full of peace and love.(tu)
As I am not willing to accept the Daily Caller's account without further information, I am also not willing to accept Government House's account without further information.
Daily Caller reports are AUTOMATICALLY echoed by a number of websites. Let's not let what could be a very important thread devolve into left versus right, please. There are plenty of other online forums for that.
Political axiom of the times: If you say something enough times, the public will believe it to be true.
It doesn't have to have even a kernel of truth in it. And, that's how Daily Caller and FOX news operate.

Political axiom of the times: If you say something enough times, the public will believe it to be true.
It doesn't have to have even a kernel of truth in it. And, that's how Daily Caller and FOX news operate.
I'd say that's how the media in general operate.
There's an article now on VINow on "A Lesson in Rumors" about this discussion - scroll down a bit.
Yes, like DeJongh says over and over it's the senate's fault. I guess enough people will believe that it is true. Never mind that they signed off on most of his borrowing schemes. Never mind that he hired 1200 people in exempt categories to fuel his reelection. Never mind that last March he vetoed the Senate's austerity bill. Never mind that he signed off on two disastrous rum deals that together have cut our total rum revenues to less than half of what we used to get (from $110 to $47 million). Never mind that he has borrowed more than a billion dollars to create a rosy "country's running good" picture before the election, with the rosy picture turning bleak 3 days after the election. Never mind that he is an admitted thief. He stole $490,000 of public money to improve his private residence. Never mind that he is admitted liar. He initially lied about the theft, and then admitted it, and then promised to pay it back until the United States Inspector General's report said that it was improperly removed.
The Daily News, Avis, and the Source must think the contrapositive is true. "Not mention something forever, and after a while, no one will remember that it is true." DeJongh is a liar and a thief. These are facts. He may not necessary have been named in a bribery indictment, but he may be charged for conversion. It is long overdue.
And he is not a financial guru, but a financial burro.
So far, MissJustice, you have lied more in 4 posts than deJongh has in two terms. We on this board represent all different viewpoints, but we are all smart enough to know a shill when we see one. If you have anything substantial to add, supported by anything like facts, bring it. Otherwise fly off.
So far, MissJustice, you have lied more in 4 posts than deJongh has in two terms. We on this board represent all different viewpoints, but we are all smart enough to know a shill when we see one. If you have anything substantial to add, supported by anything like facts, bring it. Otherwise fly off.
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