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Joined: March 29, 2006 4:22 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 130
Re: Who does Subaru maintainance / repairs on STX

Armed with the complete list of possible CEL codes (that I got from a Forester's user group) I got someone w/ an analyzer to check it for me. The cod...

12 years ago
Replies: 29
Views: 5009
13 years ago
13 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 1451
Re: delta bought a refinery

OK, so they own a refinery. They still have to buy the oil to refine.

13 years ago
Re: Christiansted businesses....

Go figure, Good Friday is not a federal holiday -- but the post offices are closed!

13 years ago
Re: Easter Sunrise Service?

There's always a sunrise service at Judith's Fancy.

13 years ago
13 years ago
Re: Bonfires near Judiths Fancy?

It's my understanding that no open fires are permitted. When in question or in doubt, contact the fire dept and ask them for a permit. I suspect the...

13 years ago
Re: Another feather in the VI govs cap

Political axiom of the times: If you say something enough times, the public will believe it to be true. It doesn't have to have even a kernel ...

13 years ago
Re: Average Monthly Residential Electric Bill by State

I'm sorry; that's a distinction that is irrelavent to me when I write my check. The cost to me is 44 cents per KWH. You can slice it any way you wan...

13 years ago
Re: Average Monthly Residential Electric Bill by State

It really hurts to see that some states are paying only 8 cents per KWH when we're here paying 44 cents per KWH. Even Hawaii pays just about half wha...

13 years ago
Re: Am I Hallucinating?

It's the fog lights that really bother me. When's the last time we had fog? Fog lights on wet road surfaces create an enormous amount of reflected g...

13 years ago
Re: DISH Problems?

Dish program listings at night frequently show a channel to be "Off the Air" when, in fact, it's on the air and showing programming. Very strange.

13 years ago
Re: Vehicle Registration

You said your car was manufactured in the US -- but is it primarily of US origin? If 50% or more of the parts were made elswhere and just assembled i...

13 years ago
Re: Home Depot-10% Discount For Veterans

So it's a discount for military / military dependents / military retirees. As a veteran do I qualify for a discount? What do I have to show, my DD-2...

13 years ago
Re: Late Night Muggings at Gov't Lot in C'Sted

When I went off to war, my dad told me it's really nice to be acquitted by a court martial, but you should never put yourself in a position that makes...

13 years ago
Re: Where did you buy your Kindle?

Just went to and put in my location as Virgin Islands, U.S. and got this response in a pop-up: We are excited to now ship Kindle to Vi...

13 years ago
Re: What is the lowest price for a bottle of Cruzan light or dark 1.75L rum??

Not sure, but it will sure beat the $19.99 for a 750ml flavored Cruzan rum I saw in south Jersey last week.

14 years ago
Re: Multi-million Dollar Camera in VI

Bless you, Anita; and a life of caramel-coated popcorn to you. Remember what Thumper's mother said in "Bambi:" "If you can't say something nice,...

14 years ago
Re: 8% Pay Cut For VI Employees-What's Next, Retiree Benefit Cuts

Back to VI debt: the USVI is now more in debt (per-capita) than were Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., when each of those cities w...

14 years ago
Re: KUDOS TO BMV -Less Than An Hour To Inspect And Register cars

Great! Yesterday it took me15 min to get inspected and an hour to be called once the paperwork was turned in. I obviously picked the wrong day.

14 years ago
Re: Cisterns...

Then there are those of us who drink our cistern water unfiltered. The pick-up is about a foot above the floor of the cistern, so unless you're got s...

14 years ago
Re: Getting married

Congrats, Edward. Get her scuba certified and then come down here and get Capt Ed to perform the wedding ceremony underwater!

14 years ago
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