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Banking Jobs

Posts: 12
Active Member
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I'll be heading to STT in the fall. I have vast operational experience in the Banking industry. Anybody have any leads? Sending resumes does not work without contacts. Thanks for any help.

Posted : August 9, 2006 2:23 pm
Posts: 12
Active Member

There are 3 major banks in the USVI. FirstBankVI, Scotia Bank & Banco Popular.

I am partial to FirstBankVI -- the largest -- having worked there for several years. You can call the HR department of any of these 3 banks to learn about job opportunities. Having a contact is not necessary.

Like many many others have stated before, be aware that any potential USVI employer -- banking included -- only become interested in a candidate when they can interview them in person. Too many people dream it would be cool to move to America's Paradise but never do the homework or make the effort to actually relocate. Employers are understandably tired of expending a lot of effort interviewing a candidate over the phone at their stateside address when a move to the USVI often never takes place.

Bottom line: Get job listings before you go. If you want to be extra pro-active, 2 weeks before arriving, snail mail a cover letter including your arrival date and a copy of your CV. But don't expect any real interest in your skills and availability until you can actually set up a face-to-face interview.

Also you can check online the classifieds in the STT VI Daily News. FirstBankVI sometimes posts there. And finally you can go to the USVI online newspaper to check postings. FirstBankVI regularly lists openings on this and its sister site

Good luck!

Posted : August 9, 2006 4:40 pm
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