Candidate for Governor of the V.I.
Moving forward in a positive spirit;
In your honest opinion, who might you from the "walks of life" of the streets of the V.I. suggest would be a qualified person to lead the this territory going forward as Governor?
Not sure about govenor, but I think I'll work on my platform for the senate - in 2014. 😎
Moving forward in a positive spirit;
In your honest opinion, who might you from the "walks of life" of the streets of the V.I. suggest would be a qualified person to lead the this territory going forward as Governor?
Seriously? I know some incredibly capable people in the private sector but would they be willing to walk into the lion's den? No. The same can be said of national presidential candidates. The Republican nomination campaign was/is a totally baffling, head-shaking-in-disbelief fiasco of sheer buffoonery. 😀
What if you started talking about them and how they could benefit the territory and you! You may not get #1 pick but you never know what will surface? Based on where the territory is now, it would not hurt to "talk some sh-t!"
Put it out there...........
Seems like most people who are actually qualified for a job in the political arena want nothing to do with it, and I can't blame them.
I would just about prefer an appointed governor at this point.
Let the USDOJ, DOI, DOIA, FBI, ATF, and whatever respectable law enforcing US agency come down here, remove the dirty rotten scoundrels, then put someone who passes a lie detector test, a drug test, a background check, and a comprehension exam, then choose that one to be our fearless leader.
Sorta reminds me of the old joke, "Why wasn't Jesus born in (insert country)?"
A. because they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin... ba da BUMP!
I would just about prefer an appointed governor at this point.
Let the USDOJ, DOI, DOIA, FBI, ATF, and whatever respectable law enforcing US agency come down here, remove the dirty rotten scoundrels, then put someone who passes a lie detector test, a drug test, a background check, and a comprehension exam, then choose that one to be our fearless leader.
Yes, and as soon as deJongh is jailed, we will accept the new governor that Obama appoints.
I would like to see a candidate who had an objective of reducing overnment by 50% and having a balanced budget and the government to manage 110,000 people. And we need to reduce the number of senators by popular vote, not the senators vote,down to three! Yes three, as five is too many! And on and on.
I would go into the budget line by line, dollar by ,and go in there with a meat cleaver, not a small knife. Yes there will be a lot of people that loose there jobsthat is too bad. . BUT GOVERNMENT CAN NOT BORROW ITSELF TO A FUTURE! We are now trying to pay for all the give aways of the past.
I would like to see a candidate who had an objective of reducing overnment by 50%...
That platform needs one more plank: Creating private sector jobs. Laid-off government employees still need to work.
We need to reduce the number of political unclassified from 1750 to 300. The total number of All employees is 10,000. Why are almost 20% political? And why do most of them earn more money than the senators?
Here is the new Dept of Personnel web site. The Home Page has the current number of employees by category. Not sure what Per Diem is?
If you want names and numbers by department, just go to Quick Links, then Employee Directory. Then put in any one initial for the last name, pick department and enter. All employees for that department should be listed. Try it for the Office of Gov.
If they want to buy my vote....They only need to get my refund checks to me before the election.
Lance Armstrong for Governor!
He Gets Things Done!
Not sure what Per Diem is?
Convenitonally, per diem refers to someone who is an independent contractor who is hired on a per-day or daily basis.
The feds won't come down and fix things. Were too small potato's to worry about.What needs to be done is some honest local people who are tired of the status quo and who want more for their children to step up to the plate.The unemployment needs to go to 50% of non governmental workers out of work to get people off the dime.Jobs and accountability seems to be the issue.Get paid fairly for a honest days work. No tax free underground jobs,fake disability payments and gross nepotism.
Maybe Lance Armstrong can get the roads paved. If it were not for the Iron Man Triathlon St. croix wouldn't have any paved roads.
According to the directory (link above) we employee approximately 524 people in the legislature. That is almost 35 people for each of the 15 senator positions. That is a surprising figure. A huge waste of tax dollars.
According to the directory (link above) we employee approximately 524 people in the legislature. That is almost 35 people for each of the 15 senator positions. That is a surprising figure. A huge waste of tax dollars.
Reducing the number of senators is the wrong answer. Reducing the number of employees by reducing the allotment per senator is the way to go. I don't want less representation. I don't want a quorum of three senators to make decisions for me. I just want the senatebtonspend less money. Half the number of senators means twice the allotment per senator. Bad move.
And the whole senate spends 20 million. The governor spends 1 thousand million and he has 1750 political employees. That ratio is two to 1750. Way more than the senate's one to 15. Go to the same website if you don't believe. But what can we expect from a guy who graduated from high school at age 20?
But what can we expect from a guy who graduated from high school at age 20?
And the significance of this allegation is? You've brought this up a couple of times and seem to be rather obsessed with something dating back at least 35 years ...
The Governor has a territory to run - that takes resources.
The legislature's purpose is to propose amendments to our laws to meet the changing needs of the territory. That shouldn't take more than 7 intelligent senators and minimal support and legal staffing. 524 people - what a joke on us.
The governor also has a staff of 8000 employees in addition to the 1750 political ones to run the government. That is more than enough resources.
Roberts rules of orders and parliamentary procedures need a minimum of 9 people to run well. Otherwise with seven senators you need 4 to make a quorum and 2 to pass a law. Less representation is not the way. Less cost is the better way. The governor should only have 250 exempt employees and the senators do need to cut their staff in half. The senator's here not only make laws. They serve as zoning boards, city councilmen, and county commissioners. U like the states, we do not have those layers and our senators take the places. True democracy is more representation, not less. Cut deJongh's staff most of whom make more money than each senator. By the way, the senator's salaries are tied to the lowest salary that deJongh pays the commissioners. Therein lies the problem.
But what can we expect from a guy who graduated from high school at age 20?
And the significance of this allegation is? You've brought this up a couple of times and seem to be rather obsessed with something dating back at least 35 years ...
Correct me if I am wrong about his graduation age.. The significance is that he is not very bright considering the way this government is run: borrowing one billion, hiring 1250 political cronies, not drawing down federal Medicaid monies, not paying federally funded school bus transportation on time, letting millions of federal monies go back to the US Dept of Ed. And poor infrastructure on the island of Stx. Just to name a few. If it is not because of incompetence then what is it? Malice? You tell me, Tart.
You should really get some professional help regarding your obsession with the governor. It's not healthy.
Correct me if I am wrong about his graduation age..
Hilarious. You make a big deal about something trivial, see a connection which to you is a monumental cause celebre and yet aren't even sure that it is indeed the truth, that you might be wrong? None of what you spout as "facts" is credible and there's really no point in challenging the plethora of street corner rubbish you blithely toss out as the day only has so many hours and wasting them on such nonsense is hardly a fruitful exercise. But keep trash-talking as it is from time to time quite rib-tickling!
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