Checking out, need tips and advice.
Well folks, it's been a long time coming. And now that budget cuts have forced me out of my latest job I think it's high time to move on. I have had three jobs since I have been down here and I haven't even made it to four years yet. Some people just aren't meant to stay here it seems.left
So it's time to go. I will be selling things shortly because I need to make some cash. I also plan to stay through the month of February in order to sale my car and other big things in the apartment.
There are some things I want to transport back to the states and I would love some advice on how best to do that. Like I had a thought about just filling this one big TV box I have with things and then shipping it to my folks place. But would that cost me too much as they might charge by weight or is that a good idea?
Also I understand selling a car has changed lately. I sold my first car down here a couple years ago and it was pretty easy, but now you have to take the sticker off or something? What's that about?
Also if anyone who still cruises these boards has left the island if you can think of things you absolutely had to do before you left I would love your advice on that.
Also I need to transport my new puppy with me. He's 20 lbs right now, what's the deal with carrying a dog on a plane of that size?
Any help and advice you can give me would be great. As of today I have 30 days left to get everything done. And the faster I get stuff done the more I can hit the beach a few more times and come home with a tan.
Good night Cory -- so sorry to hear you are leaving.
Visit the USPS Web site to look up shipping rates and maximum box dimensions. If a box is more than 70 lbs, you can't ship it USPS. Also check the weight restrictions on luggage for your flight out -- find out the max and how much your airline will charge you for an overweight bag (they are all different).
There are a lot of threads for shipping a dog to the islands; the same apply in reverse -- a quick search should pull them up. Most important is you will need a health certificate for him from a vet issued within 10 days of travel. Customs and the airline may or may not even glance at this, but if you don't have it the dog ain't going with you. Different airlines have different fees for transporting a pet, and you will need to make a reservation for him once you have booked your ticket.
I can't speak to the car thing, as I haven't sold one, but I'm curious to know whether that's true about the inspection sticker.
Good luck with it all; hope things get better for you!
I bought a car over a year ago. I think it was November. The sticker was good to April. When I went to change the resigtration, they took the old sticker and replaced it with a sticker for April (same year). I asked if I could pay for a whole year and get a sticker that went to November of the next year. Said no! This is so ridiculous to me.
At 20 lbs, you'll probably have to "check" Dude into baggage. (Or put him on a diet:-(, 20 is the cut-off to fly as carry on.) This time of year should not be a problem. I don't know what it will cost, but they don't usually confirm pet reservations in advance. You pay at check-in. DO make a reservation and get there early for check in, to make sure he doesn't get bumped. Sorry to say, but they aren't always accurate on their pet count, and it's first checked-in, first flies. Ask the vet, when you go for the certificate to fly, about doggie tranq's. Some people think they are great, some hate them. You and your vet can decide.
All the best to you and Dude!
Alright, great tips so far.
I normally book my flights through and I am seeing that standard flight from STT to CLT on the date I want. Do I book through Expedia and then contact US Air to get the reservation for the dog?
I personally would call US Airways first just to double-check that a pet reservation is available for that flight, then book through whatever method you like, and call US Air back again for the pet reservation. Odds are it's not going to be a problem, though.
I just bought a car & then sold one. The one I bought expired in Feb and they gave me a sticker good until 2/2011 and charged me for a year registration plus title transfer. When I sold my car the sticker was for October and they left it on the vehicle and said we didn't need to have it inspected because "the sticker still good". The people who bought my car were only charged $40 for the transfer of title & registration.
Cory, so sorry about the jobs and not being able to financially cut it here, it is difficult.
I can only speak to the dog issue for you.
There are 3 ways to get a dog on a plane. First, and least expensive, is the carry on way. He goes under your seat in a soft sided carrier, if he doesnt exceed the weight max. With that being said, I have never seen any agent actually weigh the dog, the do however quickly look in at the animal. That is best case, usually its 100.00 to go carry on. Dont forget to budget for a soft sided carrier (30-50.00) that is FAA approved, mesh sides. No vet certificate needed at all.
Second is if Dude is too heavy for carry on he will go as "Checked baggage" on the same flight with you, exactly like a suitcase or box would. Supposedly the animals are in a separate area of the cargo hold. You will need an FAA approved hard plastic carrier, I think they are about 100. bucks. You will need your vet to see him and complete a health certificate that states that hes healthy, and able to fly. You can NOT sedate Dude. When you call the airline get names of the people, make notes, challenge them if you know what they are saying to be false. Check the airlines website for "correct" info.
Third, worst case, would be shipping by way of " Cargo". That is how we had to get our 86.5 lb Lab down here and it cost a fortune!!! Doubt that you will have to go that route, obviously Dudes weight is not the issue!
Hope this helps a bit. If I think of more info I will post it for you. But, call, call, call, make notes, take names, and if all else fails ask for a supervisor (who still wont know the correct answer!)
Leaving STX............All I can say is I hope Dude isn't a barker, they told me I had to sedate my dog & if she continued to bark the would kick all of us off the flight.
I might add that my poor dog was barking because they put her & her kennel outside in the heat & she was frightened & hot.
I was told by the vet NOT to sedate her & argued with the nitwits at STX...............but you cant argue with rocks.
So I acted like I gave he one in order for the a-holes to allow us passage.
Poor baby sat in the heat, we weren't allowed to walk or water her......planes landing, strangers looking in the kennel, kids poking at her.................I'd be barking too!!! This carried on for over an hour!!!
We demanded to see a person in charge...................but no one was working that day. yeah right
I had a thought about packing up the things I want to keep in my suitcases and then shipping them back. That way I can show up at the airport with just my laptop back and Dude. Is this a good idea or will the cost kill me? Keep in mind I have some money, but no new I have to budget these things.
Hey Cory,
I don't have rates or anything, but if you don't want it to take a very long time, I think you need to send it priority mail. That will be expensive. My husband sent his daughter a Christmas present, weighed about 8 lbs., box was about 18x18x10. Priority was $32. He sent it regular. It was still $18, and I don't think she has gotten it yet.
How much is the airline going to charge? Some have lower baggage rates than others. First checked bag $15, additional $25, or more depending on weight (?), next one $50, so I guess just do the math, and see what works best. I personally always prefer to fly as light as possible.
Well I need to get the luggage back to the states either way, as I do plan to use it again in the future. I thought maybe one of these shipping companies like tropical would be good for this. I plan to call and talk to them about this tomorrow, but if anyone has dealt with a good shipping company before I am all ears.
You're going to CLT? God, I miss it there. Don't get me wrong--I love STX--but I grew up in the Charlotte area (Salisbury, specifically) and I loved it...well, except for the snow.
Hey, I grew up in Hickory so that's where I am going back to. And yes I miss NC a lot and can't wait to return to the land of plenty. I get giddy thinking about. And I am hoping I get to see some snow. I am way too hot natured and have a really hard time here, even now in our 'winter.'
A problem has cropped up. The flight I wanted to take is operated by US Air and they do not allow pet travel. So I desperately need alternative ideas and fast.
Thank you all for your help thus far.
If you haven't booked the flight, then try American Airlines or Delta.
Worse case scenario, you can always see if someone else is flying out on another carrier & can take dude, you can then meet them at the airport. The animal shelter does it all the time, contact them, maybe they know some one traveling in your direction.
Drink a Cheerwine for me when you get there, ok? Because I checked online, and it costs $29 including shipping to get a case of Cheerwine here.
Ha ha, and then I will chase it with a Sun Drop.
Don't forget Biscuit Kitchen.
Stop it! You guys are making me homesick.:P
Biscuit Kitchen? Now that's a new one even to me.
A problem has cropped up. The flight I wanted to take is operated by US Air and they do not allow pet travel. So I desperately need alternative ideas and fast.
Where'd you get that? I don't think it is true --
I spoke directly to a rep who told me that they will not allow a dog in cargo or in cabin unless it was a seeing eye dog. But I just booked a flight on Delta this morning and they will carry Dude, so I am good on that.
Now I need to get rid of my stuff before March 2 so I can get out of here no sweat. Really hope I can get my car sold soon.
Okay got the flight taken care of, but my landlord isn't willing to sell the pet carrier she let me borrow for Dude, so I need to find a good one and fast. Anyone willing to sell one or know or where I can get one on island?
VI cargo is awesome. Check with them.
Kmart or Superior Pet Supply also post hand written signs up at like Schooner Bay market.
Park your car in a high traffic area to sell. We placed ours at the gas station heading east. The owner was real cool about it.
I fly usair every year with my 18lb dog in the cabin? Last time was in oct.
YOU DO NEED a health certificate from the vet. Within 10 days of the flight. Sometimes they ask, sometimes they don't. Better off to get it just in case. usair charges 100 bucks each way.
you have to call them direct to make sure there are not already perts in cabin. I think it is only 4 per flight
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