Delegates agree....
VI Daily News Article...."Delegates agree that top elected officials should be native Virgin Islanders"
"While discussing qualifications for a possible governor Tuesday night, delegates brought up the question of requiring the governor to be born in the territory - like the U.S. president must be born in the United States."
Is someone REALLY comparing these two elected positions?
A Governor in the States does not have to be American born, nor even born in the state that he or she might represent.
Adelbert Bryan asks: "Why we in here wondering about what little handful of white people not going to like it?"
Who is this jackass and what f***ing planet is he on? I am new here, did I miss something? Are there really that many people here that are in line with this clowns way of thinking that he actually got elected? Does he really think that only a handful of whites won't like it? What about every other citizen of a different nationality or color that lives here, pays taxes here and supports the economy here? It seems as though a lot of people here don't want "outside" interference but they don't seem to mind having "outside" financial assistance from the U.S. Federal Government when it is needed. Last month when Hovensa started to crack down on WAPA's past due bills, what was the first thing out of people's mouths, " The Federal Government (and I mean U.S. Federal Government) is gonna have to step in and help". Why should they when elected officials like this neanderthal are in office. Way to go Virgin Islands! Does he have any brothers who might want to run for office too!
Sorry islandmike,
Being new here to our jewels in the sun, you need to do a search here on this forum as well as on the Web regarding Adelbert Bryant. After you've done that, give us all your following opinion! I'm as "native" as they com here in St. Croix...PLEASE don't EVER confuse him with any of us "natives"...who by the way DON'T have to be born here or whatever ignorance Bryant likes to spout out of his big big trap! He is the poster-child of what IS NOT a Virgin Islander, and has held the title for many many years!
Let me know what you think after your search, OK? 😮

Welcome to the territory. One of the first lessons we all learn is this: Adelbert Bryan has more than quite a few supporters. He seems to have no problem getting elected... even without my vote. Imagine!
He does not represent absolutely everyone who lives here.
Ah, but he does get reelected by some group of people, and that should be enough of a leading indicator to let us all know racism is alive and well and until the dust settles it might be wise to leave, lay low, and return after the implosion and sanity returns...maybe for our kids.

Racism has always been alive and well. It's hard to be on the receiving end of it all of a sudden, I'm sure...
He was not reelected to the senate where he does his most harm. I doubt he will be again.
Adelbert Bryan SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I've got to say. I sure hope he doesn't get into office again.

No worries. Any constitution with any discriminatory langague will not make the FEDRAL CUT.
Bryan is just dancing to the music he hears in his head. The reason he keeps getting elected is because he throws the best fish frys and has the best T shirts. If we ever get districts ,he'll be history. Aren't there term limits?
He is not a senator right now, just a delegate to the waste of our money constitutional convention.
As a young child on St John 10-11 years old and white, I can tell you I could care less for a persons skin color. I am more interested in treating the other as I would like to be treated. If you act like a ass,I will treat you as such. Back to ST John,this is the same time that the movie Roots came out, I some how went from being a kid who got along with all the local children to some how being a white racist who seemed to be responsible for their ancestors treatment,it was not a good enviorment to be in for any child.
My point in case is the fact that Obama stands a real good chance of being the first elected Black President of the United States,it is unfortunate that you still have people in Public offices with this attitude of Black and White,when basically we all want the same things in life. If he were elected to the office I wonder how it would be received on Island,it may not be a good time for me to relocate,so I will set back and read this board daily.
I remember the elders on Island at the time I lived there to be friendly and a hard working bunch of people. While visiting this past March on ST Croix and talking with an older gentlemen who had lived on the islands for as many years as I have been on this Earth the topic of crime came up,he informed me that this seemed to be a generational problem,the ways of the old that I remembered were gone,not to say that there are not friendly people on the islands,they still exist and yes they are Black and White. I never saw any crime while visiting but We did have one elder gentlemen give us a ride back to our Motel one late night,he thought we were crazy trying to walk back and he was Black,we paid him as we would have paid a taxi and he saw us back to our Motel safely.
I think more people will stand together as a race when faced with changing times and for the Virgin Islands times are changing so if Obama is elected to office, I guarantee the issue of race will rear it's ugly head,it is a sad fact but a fact it is. Best wishes to all Native and non Native Virgin Islanders.
just wondering what bryan and his friends would do if all non native virgin islanders would leave and take all of the government funding and welfare that lets the local people live for free and get free medical care. granted they dont live very well. but what would happen to this island if we did what they want and went back to where we came from and took all of the funding the government gets. seems they want their cake and eat it too
When I was playing little league football, a coach taught me that the purpose of a football team was to WIN, and with that goal in mind, he vowed to play his best 11 every play, every game: no matter who our parents were, no matter what race or ethnicity we were. That did not mean only 11 played all the time either - sometimes a tired player is no longer in the best 11 for a while.
He said to us that winning in life is much the same, a person must pick their friends for their qualities as a friend - not on the basis of what others think, etc., and a community must keep putting their best foot forward every day to be a winner. So I do not see how the Virgin Islands can benefit from arbitrarily limiting in advance, the community's choice of who would serve best as a leader. Surely the public can make such judgements on their own at each election. I guess there may naturally be some concern that traditional values of the island might fall prey to short-term perspective interests from time to time, but I hope the delegates know they cannot legislate common sense - only provide a sufficient framework for the public to exercise what common sense is available.
The native VI people have done a great job in running the islands, that is why the education system is so good here, no crime, great roads, great customer service and no political corruption. Have you noticed that amy economic development here is always created by native virgin islanders. Who needs outsiders
Actually maybe we should ban native virgin islanders from holding any office
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