"Don't Stop The Carnival"
What a great book! It's by Herman Wouk if some of you have not read it. My office gave it to me before my move and said it was a must-read for living in the Caribbean. I had a few books that were already in line ahead of it, so I started it two weeks ago. (7 1/2 months after my move here) I am almost finished with it and I absolutely love it! It's a book that should be read after people have been here for a bit so that they truly get the humor and can relate to it.
Jen, you are so right!!!
I actually read it before I got here and now pass my copy around at work and everybody loves it!!!!
It seems that the island hasn't changed much...sure lots of development and all that, but the general attitude hasn't and I guess in a way, that is what makes life here so unique....definately a page turner..
Told ya you would like it Jen. This is Cory by the way, thanks for pointing me in the direction of this board.

Amazing how the more things change, the more they stay the same. It's been many years since I've read it so thanks for the reminder - I need to read it again.
And Jen,
You know that the house that Wouk lived in with his family is here on STT -- right? It is up on Skyline Drive. I know where it is, but I have never walked onto the property, because it is privately owned property (not by Wouk anymore). Ronnie or Trade, or one of the other long-time residents, I am sure, would know quite a bit more about the house, and the history.
My understanding is that the house is still standing, but barely -- it was apparently damaged pretty badly by Marilyn. (Am I right about this?) I have heard that it was quite the place in its day.
Wonderful book. I read it before I came and will probably read it again sometime soon.

Ronnie probably knows about the house. I don't but do have a friend who died a few years back & she knew him quite well. When he wrote Marjorie Morningstar, it was named after Morning Star beach.
Marjorie Morningstar was written in the mid '55. Isn't that before he moved to STT. Maybe the name is just a coincidence???? Yes! or No!
Yes, I also heard that the hotel they speak of was on Water Island and that the Beachcomber or Carib Beach Resort is the restaurant. Anyone else heard that? Because, I get a little confused when they come over on the gondola, so I guess that makes sense if the hotel was on Water Island?
Hey Cory! You are actually the one who reminded me I needed to read that book! haha glad you like the board. It's very entertaining and helpful.
I also heard it was about Hotel on the Cay off St. Croix, where you have to take the water taxi over to C'sted....but Wouk always maintained it was a conglomeration of many Caribbean islands. Still, a wonderful read for anyone, but particularly after you've been on island for a few months - and you have to check the copyright to make sure it was written as long ago as it was! I had a friend stateside I sent the book to - she never "got it" and didn't even find it particularly humorous - I was busting my sides laughing while I read it, which was after our arrival on St. Croix. It's one of those keeper books - I'll read it again and again!

It's a book that should be read after people have been here for a bit so that they truly get the humor and can relate to it.
Until you have lived in the islands, especially STX, the humor of this book is not the same
Don't know about the state of that house right now but, close to 20 years ago, Jon Bon Jovi was here on holiday and the whole group was staying there for simple R&R.
It's just a story but I had a little red roadster at the time, we happened to meet at at a Northside restaurant, went back to the house but there was nothing there so Jon and I sped off in my little roadster to buy liquor, which we eventually found at the One-Stop right by the bridge.
I'm not telling this story at all well. None of us were groupies, nobody did a famous-lay routine. Jon was an absolute gentleman and just got a kick out of being a passenger in that silly red roadster.
Just a story!

No, it's not a coincidence.
Yes, about checking the copyright, that is so funny! I keep checking it because it feels like it could have been written last week instead of 1966. It's written so well and captures the essence of the islands, the beauty and the frustrations. The beauty far outweigh the frustrations and reading Paperman's obstacles really make any little annoyances I have tiny molehills. A part I find particularly funny is when he goes to the movies and he can't stand the obnoxious crowd!
The hotel was actually on Hassell Island in the middle of the Charlotte Amalie Harbor.
Oops!! Hassel Island (ONE L)
jay, you were right both times.........................
There are numerous theories re the various locations mentioned in this book. One is just as good as the other.
Yea, someone should tell the lady that does the Bike Tours on Water Island that she's lying then when she takes tourists by the site where the hotel used to be.
I just finished the book. Not to ruin it for anyone, but that ending....grrrrrrr 🙁
LOL about you comment re: the ending. THAT is when you are reminded that the book was written in a very different time. Subsequent generations have given the term "monogamous relationship" a much tighter definition, it seems.
Sort of like watching old movies from the 50's and 60's, have you ever noticed the amount of drinking that goes on in those movies? If not, watch for this the next time you see an old movie. Looking at those movies nowadays, it seems like these people all need to be sent off to rehab!!!

Especially the old Thin Man movies from the 30's. They had martinis for breakfast although I know of a few people like that here right now. 😉
I thougth I would love the book- but have started it several times and just can't seem to get into it. I think I always trail off when that lady is at the beach with the guy and her dog??? See, I cant even really remember much- it just never seems to grab me. Is it one of those books that a little deeper in - then it hooks you??
I have many island friends and transplants that think i would love it based on my experiences, perspective of VI life- but every day i had at the beach or pool I'd try to zone in- it just hasnt come for me.
However- with this new post - I think I shall pull it out and see if another round might grab me!!
That might make sense as to why you never got into it — you haven't given the characters a chance to develop. Once they do, you'll become attached to them! Hope you pick it up again and enjoy it. It's great!
Actually, just do any encyclopedia search of Hassel Island and the first thing it says is that it was made famous due to the 1965 novel by Herman Wouk "Don't Stop The Carnival". Anybody who wants to have the lady from Water Island stop saying that it was on her island.......just have her call me....Mr. Wouk is still alive and lives in Palm Springs.....I know s an author, he probably love the debate.....but I alos believe he would be glad to reveal the actual location if someone askes.....
Lets not you could see Government house from the hotel....
Man!!!! I type faster than my ability to think of the next letter.....Lets not forget you can see Government house from the Hotel...
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