Driver's License Renewal (Stt)
Has anyone been to the BMV(Stt) to renew their driver's license lately?
I heard you need to bring proof of address, by means of two(2) of the following:
-Utility Bill- Telephone Bill- Cable TV/Satellite TV Bill- Auto Life Insurance Policies-
W-2 and/or other filed taxed forms- Voter Registration Card- Credit Card Statements- Property deeds or rental agreements.
Is that correct?
Aside from the usual documents: birth certificate, social security card, passport.
How much is it to renew your driver's license nowadays? & How about your car registration also?
Thanks in advance.
You'll find information right here:
I see some of that site is "under construction". Doh. Anyway, all the documentation you're listing is for a new license application. You basically need just your expiring license for the renewal. Call them and make sure the camera is working and ask them what you specifically need - and the cost.
For vehicle registration renewal you need title, proof of insurance and your driver's license, plus it has to pass inspection so make sure everything's working properly.
Best time to call them is early AM before they get busy.
Thanks OT. Before I call I just wanted to see if anyone has gone through the process lately because of their website being under construction.
I'll give them a call or drop by for the DL renewal forms.
Anyone know if you can do both in the end month before both expire? Just want to see if anyone knows before I call.
The hours of operation for the St. Thomas office(Sub Base) are as follows:
Vehicle Inspection: 8:00am - 2:45pm (Atlantic Standard Time)
Driver's License and Registration 8:00am - 3:00pm (Atlantic Standard Time)
you might want to double-check. We had issues and needed more "stuff". Even on a renewal. There was an article in the Source, but I don't know how to link it..from 4/22/13 if you do a search on there.
Our property tax bill that comes by mail to our physical address was not on the accepted list, so no good, and "no one available" to allow an exception. What a hassle.
Last yr, when I renewed mine, I took my expiring license and my passport.
Don't think I had a WAPA bill or remember about all the other stuff but you have to pay with either cash or credit card.
You may have to prove where you live when you get a license but don't think they require proof when you renew.
Best just to call MV and find out so you don't waste a trip and time.
I think so. They have some new rules. Homeland security crap. Saw a flyer and it's been out a couple of month's now. Best to call.
I called, spoke to a vey nice woman who told me to bring in 2 documents for proof of residence with social security card & another proof for who you are for example, a passport to renew my VI DL. Cost $35.00.
I'll call the day I plan to go to make sure the camera is working.
(Need to turn over old VI DL.)
I know the procedure for registration renewal and if I remember correctly it cost is $50.00 or $55.00. The receipt is in my car.
She can't quote registration fees over the phone :S
Also, one can renew DL and registration a month before if need to.
Below is the BMV's paper form for a Driver's License Application. I would go with the paper form instead of what the website says. I renewed in March 2013 and the paper form was the gospel then.
The BMV's web page regarding accepted proofs of ID is here and according to The Wayback Machine that page has not been updated since Aug 2012 or earlier, so I would consider it to be out of date. It lists many "acceptable" proofs of ID that are actually not acceptable, based on what the paper form says. I tried to use my voters registration, which is on the web page, and it was not accepted.
If you call BMV, use the paper form as a reference to ask specific questions, rather than ask "What do I need?" because they probably won't answer it in enough detail. They didn't for me, so I had to take two trips.
And bring a book. You could be there for a couple of hours.
STXBob, thanks for the photos of the DL application and what documents one must bring. Great help right there!!
I will be prepared now. Just in case, I will bring extra documents, because I don't have time to be making more than one trip.
Thanks to all who offered advice!
A cell phone bill that shows your physical address should work also. To create that, I changed my address on my cell phone bill to have the first line be my physical address, the second be my mailing address, and then I printed out a PDF of my next bill (I get everything electronically). I brought that, my vehicle insurance document, and my lease to the BMV, just in case they didn't accept one of them -- but they approved them all.
I'm going to change the name on my car registration from me to me + wife, just so she'll have a proof of physical address for her next drivers license renewal. I love games! Everything else with a physical address on it is in our landlord's name, so we'll also get a notarized letter from him.
The new rules are in effect for the states also. Boy were we surprised when we went to get ours. We also had to take written and road test. Last time was when I was 19.
I split up renewing my registration and driver's license into two days.
Day one:
Inspection - no one ahead of me. In and out in five minutes. Thinking all is good. I should've known better seeing that the parking lot was full. I walked in the BMV building and was faced with a room full of people standing and sitting.
Window #1 - Tickets - one person ahead of me. No problems.
Window #2 - Registration, Titles, etc. - long line with one person working with one assistant. No other windows open to separate transactions. I was doing two. Others were doing just one. While others were doing up to five.
I had to change addresses on both car title and renewal registration. No problem with changing the address. Didn't even have to show documents to prove address change, just tell the worker new address.
Ok, sit down and wait and wait and wait.
Finally called up back to window two, follow the line at a snail's pace. My turn, check new registration card for any errors, pay the $53.00 for the renewal/inspection.
Ask where is my new title with my address change. They forgot to do it, "step to the side and we'll type it up quick for you".
Sat down and waited and waited.
Called up, $10.00 for title change. I'm out of here BMV for today, at least.
What I thought usually takes me less than an hour took me almost two hours - forgot Memorial Day holiday is this Monday coming up, that's why the long lines!
I would avoid BMV on Tuesday after Memorial Day, it might be busy. IMO
(One can renew registration two weeks before it's due month. That's where I made my mistake, but I'm on a time crunch.)
Day two:
Driver's license renewal was easy. Make sure you have the proper documents as listed in STXBob's above post and have the application filled out correctly, then you should have no problems and won't have to make additional trips.. I was done in about 30 minutes, if that.
VI DL Renewal - $35.00
(Driver's license on the right where cashier's #6, 7, 8 are located. )
See you next year BMV, but this time I will remember holidays and time of day I arrived to avoid the rush and long lines.
See you next year BMV, but this time I will remember holidays and time of day I arrived to avoid the rush and long lines.
Or for not much more than $100 you can sit home sipping champagne and nibbling on chocolate-covered strawberries while a bona fide expediter can get it all done for you. 😀
OT, the registration renewal was longer than usual, but I really didn't mind it a whole lot.
I like to people watch and some of the conversations I hear are interesting 😀
I'm going to change the name on my car registration from me to me + wife, just so she'll have a proof of physical address for her next drivers license renewal. I love games! Everything else with a physical address on it is in our landlord's name, so we'll also get a notarized letter from him.
If you have a lease doc from your Landlord with your name and address indicated, you can use that.
While they take you SS# on the form, they no longer actually place it on your driver's license as they used to do.
Alana, this thread is from 2013. I'm pretty sure STXBob has finished his business at the BMV.
He can correct me if I'm wrong?
Alana, this thread is from 2013. I'm pretty sure STXBob has finished his business at the BMV.
He can correct me if I'm wrong?
That may be so, yet, the information is still relevant to the topic and may be of help to interested parties... As a side note, it reduces the Over-posting on this board...
I am just saying....
Dam I have to do renewal of DL in a few weeks.
Such a hassle.
I have get a notarized letter from BF saying I
Live at our physical address.
dixie that is what i did too. we had more info than they needed. i did that on the day i was flying out to az. in and out in no time.
I'm going to change the name on my car registration from me to me + wife, just so she'll have a proof of physical address for her next drivers license renewal. I love games! Everything else with a physical address on it is in our landlord's name, so we'll also get a notarized letter from him.
This is what I always recommend to newbies. We have both names on EVERYTHING which makes things much easier.
Procrastinated this month about going in to renew my vehicle registration. Got there this morning at 8:30 and the place was jammed.
I thought "serves me right!" Just to get into the inspection lane lot, itself, was difficult as there were so many cars. However, an officer came out, divided people's cars into 3 lines for inspection so traffic on main road could continue. I have to say I was very impressed.
The lines went quickly, the staff was pleasant and helpful and I was out of there by 9:35AM It was a packed house when I arrived inside.
Glad that's done for another yr.!!:-):-):-)

Just got back from there. It took 1:50 minutes. And it was still packed.
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