end of the world
living on a small island, are ye not afraid that if the world goes to sh*t by this time next year ye shall have no place to escape? i mean, if the worlds gonna end id like to be sippin one on a caribbean island, but then again, id also like somewhere to run. and dont nobody tell me that itll be great living on one of those islands when the rest of the world falls into chaos, cause whoevers got the guns gots the control. just wondering...?
Odd post.
I opened the post because I too think of "the end of the world" when I visit Pt Udall. I imagine what the Conquistadors saw & believed what was the End of the World...looking out from Pt Udall, I could place myself into thw minds of early sailors who thought they would fall off the End of the world...cool.
The OP is referring to the predictions of the end of the world on December 21, 2012.
The Mayans and other ancient cultures all predict the world is going to end this day.
You can run but you can't hide.I'm ready.... are you?
I wonder if I should stop making my mortgage payments.*-)
Happyface...Just make sure you have a really good sprinkler system...cause it's gonna get reeeeaaaaallll HOT!:@)

I'd rather be with 50k at the end, than 50million. I think the VI is a better bet whether the world governments and economies collapse or not. There is a resiience, a self reliance, a sense of ingenuity, creativity, can do, will do on island that I just don't see here stateside. The islands are not as far removed from self sufficiency and ability to make or grow what was needed as people I know here. Most here can't get a splinter out of their own finger. If the SHTF, there would be some rough adjustments, but I have FAR more faith in island people than stateside people to rise to any challenge to meet their basic needs, to react more quickly, and with purpose and will, than 99% up here. Could be I'm just being an optimist, but I don't think so. Island people ROCK!
onthespot, just wondering if you live here? how are all of the thieves ( senators ) going to live if they don't have anyone to steal from?
If the world comes to an end what the heck does it matter where upon it one happens to live?
It's a changing of an age, not an over night zombie apocalypse. They actually have 4 calendars and this will be the fifth time they've all aligned. The other 4 times, major events happened. This time, all the planets will be aligned.
They talk about the divide between rich and poor changing - lots of protests and rebellions going around
They talk about how advanced communications will fail - FB, twitter, cell satellites could all fail because of solar flairs that are predicted next year.
I'm not even going to begin to talk about the weather.
So the times they are a changing, but if you're waiting for a zombie apocalypse, go sit in front of your tv and watch 24 fox news programing. I hear that's the best place to view it.
onthespot, just wondering if you live here? how are all of the thieves ( senators ) going to live if they don't have anyone to steal from?
I don't live there now, but I used to and I want to come back. SOON! Those theiving senators even, most of them came from nothing, and will just as easily go back to nothing. (I mean HAVING nothing, pleas do not infer any other meaning) They just about all have the skills to work together to get things done. Once the money tap shuts off from SHTF, they will be working to stay in some position of power I would think. The only way they can do that is if "the people" see real value in what they do. If not, and "the people" see them stealing them blind, then "they", whomever, would most likely get island justice VERY quickly.
the mayan culture does not predict this. this is just false information that hollywood is grasping onto in an attempt to capitalize off of it in shitty disaster movies.
"Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the day that the calendar will go to the next b'ak'tun.
Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization FAMSI, notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". She considers the portrayal of December 2012 as a doomsday or cosmic-shift event to be "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."[22] The 2009 science fiction apocalyptic disaster film 2012 is based on this belief."
Regardless, if the world ends it doesn't matter who has the guns or where you are...bc the world is ending, see.
I don't think the world will end in a catostrophic sense. I do believe the world economy my collapse in the near future, due to over leveraging, outright theft, and misapropriation and mis spending of the monies levied from the people. Coffers are stripped, Huge debt balances are about to come crashing down that are not payable. Check out this picture illustration of just the US financial situation. It is absolutely mind boggling. Multiply that times pretty much every country out there. Oh yeah, there will be "change" whether we like it or not. When the tipping point comes is anyone's guess, but I believe it will be sooner, rather than later, and does not involve the Mayan calendar, Alien invasion, the planet Niburu, flu pandemic, magnetic polar shifts, the Yellowstone caldera, megatsunami, or killer bees. It's just a math problem folks, and it DOES NOT COMPUTE is the problem at hand, not all that other stuff. The world (money) as we know it is going to end, or change drastically, and soon. Make no mistake about it.
Here's the link. Warning: it is alarming and depressing at the same time. If you want to be cheered up, don't click on it.
I'll have the super-sized asteroid with double bacon, please. 🙂
...collapse in the near future, due to over leveraging, outright theft, and misapropriation and mis spending of the monies levied from the people. Coffers are stripped, Huge debt balances are about to come crashing down that are not payable....
You've just described our beloved VI legislature. 😎
...collapse in the near future, due to over leveraging, outright theft, and misapropriation and mis spending of the monies levied from the people. Coffers are stripped, Huge debt balances are about to come crashing down that are not payable....
You've just described our beloved VI legislature. 😎
No, THIS describes our beloved legislature. Horrifying, really... I mean REALLY!!!
US Budget vs. Household Budget
Financial Situation of the United States;
US Tax Revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
Federal Budget: $3,820,000,000,000
New Debt: $1,650,000,000,000
National Debt: $14,271,000,000,000
Recent Budget Cut: $38,500,000,000
Now, remove 8 zeroes and see how that would be a household budget;
Family Income: $21,700
Money Spent by Family: $38,200
New Credit Card Debt: $16,500
Oustanding Credit Card Balance: $142,710
Total Budget Cuts: $385
How long would it take that family to have to declare bankruptcy?
Is it any wonder why we're in such an economic mess?
I wonder, in a related point, what percentage of folks in the VI are on public assistance? A default would cause riots.
Yes, it would, but riots would get pretty much nothing. The sooner people realize they need to plant stuff if they want to eat stuff, the sooner people would get back to being people.
My understanding of the Mayan prediction has been that "the world as we know it will change". There are so many interpretations available for that.
Question: which calendar are we using? I asked a question a few weeks back: Why are there 12 days of Christmas? There are 12 days because there are 2 calendars:
"In countries of the “west” Christmas is traditionally celebrated on December 25. The disparity between Christmas, (Dec. 25) in the “west” and Christmas, (Jan.6) in eastern oriental orthodox countries is due to the fact that “western” countries follow the “Gregorian” calendar, while Ethiopia and other orthodox countries follow the Julian calendar."
So, when we consider the date of 12/21/2012, which calendar do we use? The Mayans were pre-Gregorian. Maybe we get our "newness" Jan 5th this year 2012???
Oh yeah, forgot to add...that's why 3 Kings Day is celebrated here in the VI...the Julian calendar is base to African culture...
For the Mayans the World as they knew it changed long ago.
Y2K again.
this is great!
rotor -i love the cartoon.
and to clear one tiny thing up, i also agree with others that the "end of the world" does not imply the destruction of the world, but a major, and much digressed, form of our present "civilizied" societies. i use to live on stx and want to come back, but i seriously consider what my options would be there instead of here (mississippi) if things do get chaotic and it became a sort of "every one for themsleves" type of scenario.
the fact that stx has the oil refinery (i have heard 'largest in the west hemisphere'?) also makes the island a delicate strategic position and another reason for dreading a world shift in power for those living around.
and shibuya- i get hollywood exaggerates most things, as is there job. but is it really "just false information"? like Jamison says, the other four times the calendars have ended major world events have occured-
lastly, i of course knew it was dec. when i made the post but had no concious idea that it was the 21st! how ironic.

An interesting series to watch, with a skeptical view, is "The Pyramid Code" on Netflix streaming. It talks about ancient civilizations and their calendars, their belief in the cycles of life and cycles of knowledge, about Plato's Great Year formed by earth's orbital precession. The series talks about ancient structures around the world that are puzzling, such as the unexplained water erosion around the Sphinx and Sphinx enclosure where there has been no significant rainfall since long before the sphinx was supposedly built.
The main premise of the series is that the conventional wisdom that civilization is constantly moving forward and progressing can't explain certain structures around the world. Given the technology that was thought to be available at the time these structures were built it is hard to imagine transporting stone blocks weighing 100's of tons for many, many miles over mountains without even having the wheel. An example of this is Machu Picchu, where the stones were quarried 45 miles away on a different mountain. The Incas never invented the wheel.
We still have many things to learn about our history.
I am trying to grow my own food for the end of the world but my soil sucks too much. Started the compost pile a few days ago!
Also, researching raising chickens. Most the chickens running around the island are feral right? I was thinking about ordering some online. Does home depot have feed and other chicken supplies. Has anyone had any experience raising chickens here. Do you need a coup to be successful? thanks.
sorry if this is way off topic. We gotta plan for the end. vegetables, chickens, and guns to protect your vegetables and chickens!
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