Fastest You've Gone...
Okay STT is 12x2 miles, and it takes nearly 2 hours to go from West to East. (So I've been told.) That is less than a 10mph average... For fun - what is the top speed you have attained on STT?
It's going to be different not getting the open highways once I arrive!! 😎
120MPH in the middle of the night near One Stop, a 10MPH zone.
13X4 as the crow flys...
but our island in mountainous, there are switchbacks & the roads don't seem to always be well planed(nothing else here is either).
With all the turns, if you go fast, you will probably kill someone.
You can race on the straightaway in Bovoni, or by the airport.
Both places have ripped apart guardrails etc. where the speeding cars crashed into.
I think it's stupid, unless your question is hypothetical!

If I hit 50 mph for 5 seconds or so it is basically reckless driving - you can drive west to east in under 1 hour if you avoid town and Tutu.
Oh no this wasn't at all about stupidity; but for a family that has a lot of truckers the open road can be soothing. To wind through the gears and get wind in your hair so to speak.
I ask one, because driving almost always haas stories attached - and who can resist an amusing antidote? 🙂
Two is because what I come armed with in knowledge and spirit causes less frustrations and mis-communication in reality. 🙂
By the way - for reference purposes only - I live in the rockies now, the speed limit is 75, but I entered triple digits once when I was cutting it too close to the departure time. Plus the airport is 2.5 hours away so making up time was possible. 😉
I'm amazed by all these stories! I finally made it to STT last weekend for my first time in the year we've lived here. I don't know how you guys can stand to live with that traffic and congestion of people! It took my taxi 45 minutes to make it from Seaborne to the Ritz!! I'm sooooooo glad we live on STX, but that's a whole other thread. 😀
icy: You will definitely need to post after you get here. Your story and your attitude throws up red flag after red flag to me....
Absolutely East Ender. I'm sorry if I bother you with misdirected, or uninformed questions. Even if it is me trying to be silly and falling flat. I have always adapted and fit into any culture that surrounds me. So I definitely appreciate your concern, it as mentioned before keeps me open to a new way of life.
As opposed to others the cultures I reference are those of third world countries, cities and remote wilderness. I'm not high class, and live patch to paycheck. So I will adapt. I may even struggle. Regardless I'll do my job and enjoy being alive; wherever I am. 🙂
Driving here can be pretty fun, but not because you can drive fast. It's like a video game -- avoid the potholes, random chickens and iguanas in the road, keep left, step on the gas to get up that hill, slam on the brakes going down it because there's that crazy hairpin curve at the bottom, great! stupid taxi stopped just around that curve slap in the middle of the road, oh yeah, and keep left and hope the cars coming at you are doing the same!
I'm kinda with East Ender, too, Ice Water. I am interested to know what you think once you get here. Nothing is ever what you expect it is going to be. I did a lot of research, too, and I was still not really prepared. I love, love, love it here, though!! And I think you probably will, too.
Driving here can be pretty fun, but not because you can drive fast. It's like a video game -- avoid the potholes, random chickens and iguanas in the road ...
... and goats,
and donkeys,
and cows,
and pigs,
and runaway horses,
and toads so big they should have their own Discovery Network special.
And let's not forget the Cruzan Phonecall. One of those can tie up traffic for twenty minutes.
If. like me, you like driving the open road, feeling the wind in your hair, being able to cruise the countryside at a nice clip with few people around, then St. Croix is the ONLY Virgin Island for you. It's the only island where you can really "go for a drive" in the traditional sense.
On STX, cars in a fender bender will stop in the middle of the road, instead of pulling over so everybody else can get through, and they'll wait however many hours it takes for police to arrive. That blocks the traffic wonderfully.
LOL! I am on St Thomas. The other day I got stopped in traffic on my way home because there were some guys fixing The Axel Breaker (yes, I named this pothole) in front of the Montessori School. I was so happy that I seriously thought about getting out of my car and kissing those guys!
Ice Water cracked me up when he talked about tourists being "Gapers" You gotta watch out for cars just stopped in the road. If someone sees someone he knows on the road, he'll just stop and talk to him for a while. If you treat every possible intersection like a yield, you'll avoid accidents.
I love the random hidden driveway signs...what makes THAT hidden driveway more special than the last 12 I passed without the sign? Same with the curvy road ahead signs. Those should be posted every 100 feet! 😛
I'm in the middle of packing and can't stop laughing. This is going to be an adventure if a whole new kind. 🙂
I fell asleep last night thinking about driving on the left side, and making left and right hand turns... Very interesting! 🙂
VIsnorkler thanks for the vote of confidence (its how I received your comment anyway 🙂 ) I genuinely don't have any pre conceived notions though. I know what I'm getting into with work, but life outside of work? It is going to be a daily adventure of adjustments and a whole new way of life. Especially as STT is going to be the biggest and most populated place I've ever lived! 🙂
If. like me, you like driving the open road, feeling the wind in your hair, being able to cruise the countryside at a nice clip with few people around, then St. Croix is the ONLY Virgin Island for you. It's the only island where you can really "go for a drive" in the traditional sense.
South Shore, no question. The blacktop even oughta stay newish for another year or so.
And for about 3 minutes on the Melvin Evans before you hit another stop light.
I heard rumors the cops have radar guns this year, so I brought mine from the States. Mostly it detects store alarm systems. In particular, getting stuck at the Golden Rock light sucks because either Pueblo or that gas stations has something running on the K band.
I heard rumors the cops have radar guns this year, so I brought mine from the States. Mostly it detects store alarm systems. In particular, getting stuck at the Golden Rock light sucks because either Pueblo or that gas stations has something running on the K band.
Officer: "Do you know you were doing 20mph in a 10mph zone?"
You: "No, I couldn't have been going that fast!"
Officer: "I clocked you! You could have killed someone with recklessly going double the speed limit!"
Heh, I have a close friend who I think is crazy to have a 400hp LS2 powered GTO on STT...
I heard rumors the cops have radar guns this year, so I brought mine from the States. Mostly it detects store alarm systems. In particular, getting stuck at the Golden Rock light sucks because either Pueblo or that gas stations has something running on the K band.
Officer: "Do you know you were doing 20mph in a 10mph zone?"
You: "No, I couldn't have been going that fast!"
Officer: "I clocked you! You could have killed someone with recklessly going double the speed limit!"Heh, I have a close friend who I think is crazy to have a 400hp LS2 powered GTO on STT...
I don't even know what that is, but I assume it falls into the general class of "Midlife Crisis Miatas".
Yeah, other than SS Drive on STX, there isn't anywhere you can usefully drive anything with power to full potential. I laugh at all the souped-up whatevers down here that end up having to slow down to 5MPH to get past a pothole large enough to swallow an Escalade. What's the point? I drive a ten-year-old Cavalier and don't give a shit what happens to the undercarriage or the transmission. And I can still hit 100 on the way out to Divi if I want to.
I don't even know what that is, but I assume it falls into the general class of "Midlife Crisis Miatas".
You're comparing a GTO to a girls car?
I drive a ten-year-old Cavalier and don't give a shit what happens to the undercarriage or the transmission. And I can still hit 100 on the way out to Divi if I want to.
My choice car (I drive a 4 banger 1999 Camry day to day) is an almost mint, all stock 320hp LS1 powered 2000 loaded (yeah it even has the Flowmaster stock exaust) black convertible Trans Am with 46k miles, which surprised me in being completely stable doing 135mph with 3 passengers with the top down.
It is governed to 172mph. THAT is a mid-life crisis car 😉
Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2010 07:25AM by noOne.
I think you set a new forum record for number of edits!
Speaking of going too fast....
Tuesday I got pulled over on Midland Road (mid-isle Mon Bijou area) on St Croix for going 41 mph in a 30 mph zone. Got off with a warning. The officer was very nice about it. There were several squad cars running a speed trap on that road from morning to late evening, and they've been out there several times over the last few months.
Most of Midland road is a long straight shot and not unreasonably paved, --which makes 41 mph extremely easy to achieve, and likely to get you PASSED. Once you get to the goat farm, however, it becomes the worst paved road on the island.
Speaking of going too fast....
Tuesday I got pulled over on Midland Road (mid-isle Mon Bijou area) on St Croix for going 41 mph in a 30 mph zone. Got off with a warning. The officer was very nice about it. There were several squad cars running a speed trap on that road from morning to late evening, and they've been out there several times over the last few months.
Most of Midland road is a long straight shot and not unreasonably paved, --which makes 41 mph extremely easy to achieve, and likely to get you PASSED. Once you get to the goat farm, however, it becomes the worst paved road on the island.
I lived at Carambola for a bit last year and commuted that way. You ain't kiddin'.
So how are they pulling people over? Are they just eyeballing it, or do they have guns? Your post makes me want to do some trial runs with my radar detector to see what it picks up. I've haven't gotten any hits on anything other than store alarm systems since I've been down this year.
I've also heard Hess Road between Gertrude's and the refinery is a speed trap, and poorly marked as to actual limits.
I hope they're doing speed traps at night too. People speed, pass, and run red lights like crazy after dark.
Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2010 07:25AM by noOne.
I think you set a new forum record for number of edits!
I'm a perfectionist, what can I say?
Speaking of going too fast....
Tuesday I got pulled over on Midland Road (mid-isle Mon Bijou area) on St Croix for going 41 mph in a 30 mph zone. Got off with a warning. The officer was very nice about it. There were several squad cars running a speed trap on that road from morning to late evening, and they've been out there several times over the last few months.
Most of Midland road is a long straight shot and not unreasonably paved, --which makes 41 mph extremely easy to achieve, and likely to get you PASSED. Once you get to the goat farm, however, it becomes the worst paved road on the island.
I lived at Carambola for a bit last year and commuted that way. You ain't kiddin'.
So how are they pulling people over? Are they just eyeballing it, or do they have guns? Your post makes me want to do some trial runs with my radar detector to see what it picks up. I've haven't gotten any hits on anything other than store alarm systems since I've been down this year.
I've also heard Hess Road between Gertrude's and the refinery is a speed trap, and poorly marked as to actual limits.
Radar Gun.
They seem to frequently set up alternately at the two big bus stops along Midland Road.
1. The stop by Marvelous Repair shop (east of Mon Bijou Rd)
2. The stop further west near the intersection of Caspar Holstein Rd.
Really think the VIPD is misguided about this. They should be out on the Mel Evans Hwy catching the guys going 70+ and weaving in an out of traffic.
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