Reputable Member
Joined: January 6, 2007 10:16 pm
Last seen: December 27, 2023 7:58 pm
Topics: 21 / Replies: 338
RE: Sargassum on St. Croix

Just saw a patch near the east side of Protestant Cay (where Hotel On The Key is) on Monday.

1 year ago
RE: Virgin Islands shrinking population

Ah, well, I assure you the Regatta was cancelled for a year or two after Hovensa closed. Didn't realize they started it back up. Thanks for letting ...

2 years ago
RE: Virgin Islands shrinking population

Yeah, housing has ALWAYS been a problem on STJ because it's so tiny (11 square miles, 3/4 of which are national park. Contrast that to STT, which is ...

2 years ago
RE: Do you have a house for sale

@vicanuck The refinery Re-opening is a complete pipe dream and won't ever happen. Look at how badly the Limetree morons botched things. At best t...

2 years ago
RE: Virgin Islands shrinking population

Actually, it was 19% in STX. I, for one, was not surprised at all. I've been saying for a decade now that the island has been losing people left and...

2 years ago
RE: Wanting to move from GA to USVI

I gotta say: all the advice in this thread is spot-on and I really can't add anything. Just get here, get your Food Handler's Card and apply. You'll...

3 years ago
RE: Current Real Estate Closing Times.

My last closing was in 2014 and it took NINE MONTHS. Closing is a joke on St. Croix, always has been. Nothing to do but just accept it and sip your ...

3 years ago
RE: How to move 6 kids to St. John?

'Preciate it. You're right: we DO know. Don't get me wrong, I love the islands. But, far too often, I see newcomers sugarcoat things when it comes...

3 years ago
RE: green flash

You can definitely see it from the west end on STX, that's the only place I've seen it. BTW... this thread started 16 years ago... wow

3 years ago
RE: Finding Rentals on St. John?

Why would you want to build on STJ? It's already overcrowded as it is. Have you spent much time in the islands? If not, I'd highly recommend rentin...

3 years ago
RE: Travel Experiences To/From USVI During The COVID Pandemic

That's a total false equivalency! Yes, those measures have of course helped, but they are not the only reason the virus has been conquered on those pl...

3 years ago
RE: How to move 6 kids to St. John?

SIX kids? I'll be blunt: I think it's a terrible idea to even consider moving here with that many kids, especially teenagers. This is a place full ...

3 years ago
RE: Crime

You are partially correct, but in an indirect, roundabout way. See below.A strong leader simply isn't even remotely close to enough to directly affec...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

You nailed it. This is the wisest, most realistic post in this thread, IMO.NOTHING will change until outside forces are brought in from the States pe...

4 years ago
RE: Questions regarding Relocating to St. Thomas

Riding a scooter in the islands is flat-out suicidal. Don't even think about it! As for driving a regular car, the VI is literally the last place i...

4 years ago
RE: is a brewery welcome?

I'll be honest: I don't think starting a brewery is a good idea. No one really cares about craft beer in the VI. Coors Light and Heineken are cheap...

4 years ago
RE: Hate VI

Uh, who do you think you are telling people what they should or shouldn't post? As long as it follows the site guidelines, people have every right to...

4 years ago
RE: Just When Things Were Looking Up.....

This post has not aged well. Still think there'll be a vaccine so quickly and that COVID-19 will be "catalogued away" with the rest?Also, if you want...

4 years ago
RE: Don’t know where to begin!

If you're looking for jobs, St. John is the last island I'd move to. Much better prospects in St. Thomas and St. Croix.

4 years ago
RE: Just When Things Were Looking Up.....

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Here is the best source of scientific facts I've found so far:

4 years ago
RE: Life goes on

You're... you're not... you're not serious... are you? Please tell me you're kidding. Bill Maher is a comedian and was making a joke. You do know t...

4 years ago
RE: Life goes on

Agreed! Had friends down just for the parade, totally SUCKED learning it was cancelled only 24 hours prior.

4 years ago
RE: Relocating

I've spent a lot of time on all the Hawaiian islands and all the US and British Virgin Islands, and here's my take: $1,500 is way too low on STJ. It'...

4 years ago
RE: Adult Fun...?

Pshhh, to those who are saying STX is the wrong place for adult fun: I say you're just looking in the wrong places. There's adult fun all over the i...

4 years ago
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