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fire department

(@barney howard)
Posts: 1
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*I am looking to find out how to get a job at the fire department in st croix or st thomas ? Iam Batt Chief in Charleston South Carolina and will be retireing soon , but would like to get a job with the fire department in the islands.

Thank You
Barney Howard

Posted : December 7, 2004 11:37 am
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

IMO, that may be difficult. I am not saying that it can't happen, but, due to the fact that these islands are small and "cliquey", you may find some dissention. Anyone else?

Posted : December 8, 2004 8:25 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

I'm a firefighter here on St. Thomas and I can tell you it's going to be very hard. The first person that responded is correct in saying that the islands are small and it's a lot about "who you know". Even locals can have a hard time finding a "good job" without some type of pull. Politics or should I say "Politricks". Now, what I would suggest is looking into going into business for yourself whereby you can provide training to firefighters, if you can develop such contacts. I say this because the government here sends firefighters stateside for certain training that cannot be obtained locally. Something like that would be beneificial.

Posted : December 8, 2004 11:07 pm
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