Historical Question

Does anyone know how Kings Alley (the walk and the hotel) got the name?
Take your pick. Everything in Denmark was named after two kings. Christian and Frederick. Same goes here. There is also King' s Street over there as well. There is a King's Christian Hotel to boot!
Christiansted, was designed by the Dutch West Indies Company as a planned community, They named and recorded the streets. Don't know who named the hotel.
Frederiksted is anybodies guess, because a Hurricane with High waves in 1867 and the fire of 1878 destroyed most of the buildings and roads.
Also the Dutch West Indies Company surveyed ST Croix and divided the island into nine quarters, still existing today.
if you shop for real estate on STX, you will find 11 different quarters listed as parts of the addresses
That would be The Danish West Indian Company.
1735 nine quarters only, and still exist today, don't know when they added the other two, could be fun researching!
That would be, The Danish West INDIA Company!
It was the Dutch West Indies company That designed Christiansted as a planned community. The Danish West India Company came later. Two different Companies.
Lizard, i would cite VI history to Ronnie at my own risk.
Hopefully this is the correct information after further research.
The Dutch West Indies Company Designed Christiansted as a planned community. Named and recorded the streets.
The Danish West India Company surveyed St Croix and divided it into 9 quarters that still exist today;
1. Anna's Hope Village 2. Christiansted 3. East End (ST Croix) 4. Frederiksted 5. North Central 6. North West
7. Sion Farm 8.South Central 9. South West.
Well then Linda J, You and Ronnie named the wrong company "India" Not Indian. You would have lost on Jeopardy!
Lizard, I was pointing out that it was Danish not Dutch. I slipped and put Indian the same way you originally wrote Indies. We call The West Indian Company the entity that runs the docks on St Thomas today, formally the Royal Chartered Danish West India and Guinea Company.
Although I am quite up on Virgin Islands history, my slant is towards St Thomas. I have always read that when the Danes purchased St Croix in 1733, they established two towns. Christiansted and Fredericksted, named for two of their kings. Charlotte Amalie in St Thomas for their queen. Throughout Denmark everything s named pretty much the same way.
Your insistence of it being laid out by the Dutch would require some more research, but I am most confident it was the Danes. If not, I will have learned something new.
It appears that the British and the Dutch occupied Santa Cruz (St Croix) starting in about 1625. It is possible that the Dutch were the early planners of Christensted. The Dutch only remained about 20 years and left the island in about 1645, according to historians, over the killing of the English governor. Soon after that the British were removed by the Spanish who had named the island Santa Cruz and then the French, who named it St Croix. All of this within a relatively short period of time. The French colonist burned their houses in 1695 and left what was now named St Croix. However the French claimed titled for the next 37 years until the island was sold in 1733 to the Danish West India and Guinea Company.
That is funny if the quarters you speak of are still in use. Then what is NA, NB EA.EB Prince, King, Queen,Company, West End, Frederiksted, and Christiansted. Those are the quarters as I know them. I think that is how USPS knows them to.
Just to get you started on your research I'll give you a leg up. http:www.Luketravels.com/SaintCoix.
Look at your Deed, and your title search.
Lizard. I doubt that on me would use a travel web site for historical information. Many times the Dutch West Indies comes up as folks see DWI and assume such. For instance, when searching for memorabilia on eBay, I also look at Dutch West Indies, and more times than not what they display is Danish West Indies.There were two DWIs.
PS. I have emailed my Danish historian friend in Copenhagen for the correct answer. He is up on the histories of all the Danish West Indies..Should save lots of reading. I will post his answer when it comes.
LOL. Lizard, do you live on STJ, STT or STX?
Linda J.
I Live on STX, Why do you ask?
New hint, Williem Usselinex 1567-1647 (1621 one of the founding fathers of the Dutch West India Company)
I love doing historical research on websites with Orbitz ads flashing up at me! It gives me great confidence that the information is completely accurate!!
Lizard, you may be interested in the book A History of the Virgin Islands by Isaac Dookhan. Though Orbitz ads are not included, it is a very interesting, well-researched account of VI history. 🙂
You should go to the Landmark Society 52 Estate Whim (Located on centerline rd RT 70) Frederiksted STX. Lots of info there from all 7 flags. No Pop-ups either.
My recollection of Willem Usselinex was that he did come to St Croix, found no interest in establishing a colony and moved on to found New York. Still waiting for my response from Copenhagen.
He didn't make that decision, You have to look at the ship logs and there were several Regarding (King's Wharf, Kings alley, Company street on Santa Cruz). The Names of the streets were never changed. Additional streets were added over the years but none deleted. The Dutch were there for 20 years but trade was a bust, more emphasis was put on the Dutch East Indies company. The French, English,Spanish kings & Queens had no interest to change street names or descriptions of properties. To date Church records are one source of the Dutch occupancy and settlement of the island. If it wasn't for ST Croix their would be no Aruba today, (ST Eustatius).
The French changed the name to ST Croix, the Danish surveyed the 9 quarters, the designations included Christiansted and Frederiksted. There was a 100 year time line between the two companies.
It was Peter Minuit that made the arrangement for the New York (New Amsterdam Deal for $24.00 Dollars). He was the General Director for the Dutch West Indies Company. 1626!
Quars Mathijs ( Dutch Privateer)
Dutch West INDIA Company?!! LOL
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