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Hopefully moving to STX from Ohio w/ family. Many???

(@David Frese)
Posts: 1
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I have visited St. Croix many times with my family and we love it there. Of course we have always been on vacation and only stayed one week at a time. I am married with 4 children ages 14, 10, 9 & 6. I have the potential to take a transfer with my job and I have many questions.

1. Would you recommend shipping household furniture and other items or trying to purchase all new there? We have a lot of stuff.

2. Coming from Ohio where is the best place to ship items from?

3. I have heard about Country Day school and looked at their tuition prices from the link here on this website. Does anyone know if they give any type of tuition break to families with multiple children?

4. My wife is a RN and works as a Childrens Hospital ER nurse. Is there much opportunity for nurses there?

5. Which area's might you recommend to look for a home?

6. If anyone has made this move recently or has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. I'm sure there are many things I haven't even thought of yet.



Posted : March 20, 2005 3:43 am
Posts: 249
Estimable Member

1 You will find that many of the homes for rent or sale are furnished or partially furnished. Take advantage of this by storing your possessions for a period of time until you know whether you will remain on island. Most stay for a year or two and move back to the States. Living on island will be different than weekly vacations. When you are ready ship the furniture and other possessions in a container. National moving companies or some of the links from this website can help with quotes and other things.
2 Where in Ohio are you from? My husband and I are in Toledo. We have a childrens hospital here. If your close might be able to get together.
3 Can not help with this. Except if your wife is a nurse she could apply for school nurse and tutions for employees of the school are drastically reduced. May be an option.

Posted : March 20, 2005 12:38 pm
Posts: 393
Reputable Member

Eve is right about storing your stuff for a while. Finding a furnished place is pretty easy. That will give you time to find just the right place to live and also make sure you're going to stay. Lots of people have come here since we moved here (a year and a half ago) and have moved back to the states. We brought the mailed the stuff we felt we couldn't live without and stored the rest. We shipped the rest down about six months ago. You said you had a lot of stuff. Get rid of most of it. You will find you don't need as much here as you do in the states. Also the houses and apartments are typically smaller here. Keep in mind what the tropics does to stuff. There's a saying here "If it doesn't rust, it will mildew." It's pretty true.
If your wife is a nurse, she should not have any problem finding a job. She may not find exactly what she wants, but nurses of various types are in demand.
I hope this helps. Feel free to email me directly if you have anymore questions.


Posted : March 26, 2005 1:37 am
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