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Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Posts: 249
Estimable Member

Oh Boy! After driving in a LHD on the left for the past year, I can honestly say that on my visit with hubby here in Toledo, I have a great tan and white knuckles. Thats as the passenger too! I can't seem to get the shoulder to shoulder mantra out of my head! Of course I'm dyslexic so now everything makes sense to me. I really am laughing at this one.

Sensei, I have also heard that you can drive a RHD on the island. Of course finding one and getting it to the island will be difficult. I remember this issue being posted a long while back and will try to search out that thread for you. I recall it had some good info on it.

On the search feature type in right hand drive and click all dates. I did find some things. Sounds like you can find a jeep with RHD from the states and get it shipped to the island.

Although I do feel that the LHD is fine and I personally would not waste my time or the additional money. Just another ting living life in paradox. Plus the VI would have to change the whole campaign slogan of "LIFE IN THE LEFT LANE"

Posted : August 6, 2007 6:24 pm
Posts: 3919
Famed Member

No, every LHD car you've ever had beamed to the right and every RHD car should beam to the left.

Who are you?

Posted : August 6, 2007 6:55 pm
Posts: 25
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Thanks Eve. Nice to see there are some reasonable people who don't live with their head up their rear thinking that they know everything and are special just because they are on the USVI.

[EDIT] I did a search as you suggested and found out that there are some US made RHD Jeeps on the islands. However, these are still US made. My interest is in Japanese made Kei-Cars. The mainland will not allow them as they have never been NHTSA/EPA tested. They will no doubt pass, but due to having absolutely no market for them here, naturally the Japanese companies will not pay for the testing. Only MotoRex bothered to test the Nissan GTR to get it passed and they lied on much of the paperwork and have since lost their RI license.

Some US states don't care, Florida being the most well known for having RHD cars on the streets. California is known as being the most oppressive and it's hard to have a non-NHTSA/EPA compliant car without getting caught and having it impounded. Washington is becoming a close second. I don't know and this is why I'm curious if the USVI DOT is militant on cracking down, certain exemptions exist for the islands, or if they simply don't care as long as you pay the fees.

Again, thanks for the info Eve.


Linda, my car's headlights have always focused straight ahead - either that way when I purchased the car or when I put in the lights and adjusted them to be that way, be it in the US or in Japan. Perhaps, most residents are not car people and don't ever bother to maintain their vehicles.

So, Who the hell are you?

Posted : August 6, 2007 7:37 pm
Posts: 371
Reputable Member

Actually, Linda J is right ... your lights are required to aim slightly down and off center so that they strike the reflective strips on the side of the road and don't shine directly in the face of oncoming drivers thus causing accidents.

As for "So, Who the hell are you?" . . . Please try to be more respectful. Linda J has been nothing but extremely helpful to all of us that are working hard to investigate and plan for moving to the USVI.

Posted : August 6, 2007 8:02 pm
Posts: 25
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Respect is earned. Linda needs to realize that.

I don't kowtow to people who think that they are automatically special just becuase they happen to live in a certain place and have deluded themselves into thinkin that no place else on the planet is different, that they know everything, and that no one can get along without their guidance.

I saw that insecure childish crap in Japan and I see that it is no different down in the USVI. I didn't respect Americans like that there and I'm not about to respect Americans like that on the USVI.

Posted : August 6, 2007 8:08 pm
Posts: 477
Reputable Member

Sensei, you sound like such a car buff, you should ask a mechanic where you are beaming toward.....

Edited to say pun intended


Posted : August 6, 2007 8:33 pm
Posts: 181
Estimable Member

Another thing to consider when car buying is how much the mechanics down here know about it. We only have so many and it's hard to find a really knowledgeable one. Most of the mechanic's tend to specialize in certain cars they deal with on the island more often than not.

I used to live on Grand Cayman and I loved my little car that was RHD for driving on the left. That being said Cayman has nice big roads with lots of shoulder so that when I wanted to I could bike around the island without worry. I don't know about STX, but STT and SJN have horribly narrow roads and like others have said a lot of people decide to just straddle the road as they are driving (I would say straddle the paint lines, but those are few and far between). So as much as I love a RHD vehicle (being a lefty) I simply wouldn't recommend it down here as it I have been swiped by vechicles twice since I got here and I was very grateful to be on the left of my beat up ride.

Posted : August 6, 2007 8:37 pm
Posts: 3904
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Sensei, since you know everything there is to know, why are you asking questions?

Posted : August 6, 2007 10:38 pm
Posts: 25
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Trade, why are you so hurt that I don't need you?

Posted : August 6, 2007 11:31 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

Good Lord! I don't even live there yet and I'm offended. Please don't insult the regulars on this board. They have been more than helpful to me and I know it's selfish, but I don't want them to get disgusted and stop answering our questions. Maybe you should get someone to critique your messages before you post them, since you can't see why you got everyone riled up.

Posted : August 6, 2007 11:53 pm
Posts: 124
Estimable Member

Having lived in may countries with varied driving options, suggest you roll with it.

If you can ship the vehicle you want , go for it. Otherwise, make the adjustments necessary. Life is way too short to be wasting time on what car your drive here....egads, if I remember correctly STT is 32 square miles! Life is learning to adapt. and enjoy.

Posted : August 7, 2007 1:03 am
Posts: 249
Estimable Member

I really feel that in all fairness and after reading this entire thread that I went out on a limb as one of the oldest board members to politely answer the original question on your post. I also have sat on Linda J's front deck and enjoyed cocktails with her and her husband. She is also one of the oldest members of this board. My perspective is different as I have not been able to get on line for a year and I am only on vacation in the states now. Jeesshhhhh I can barely type anymore (as I henpeck my way along).

I will respectfully request in the spirit of this board that you do not be insulting. To anyone. These are just opinions and it is out of hand.

By the way, do wait til you drive on the island. The beams DO point directly into your eyes and I COULD NOT EVEN FIGURE OUR WHERE A DIP OPPPS STICK IS LET ALONE HOW TO ADJUST THE DIRECTION OF MY HEADLIGHTS! Now that said, I do have other talents....

Posted : August 7, 2007 11:38 am
Posts: 83
Trusted Member

Having lived here for two years I am accustomed to driving on the left. I have also lived in the UK. By the logic of "it is safer to drive LHD cars on the left" then it follows that the UK should switch to LHD and the US should switch to RHD. Things are the way the way they are here and they aren't going to change.

Posted : August 7, 2007 1:24 pm
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

The reason I feel better sitting on the left side of the car is due to the many vehicles that drive with two wheels on my side of the road.....especially the water trucks, dumpster trucks and taxis. I have found myself countless times with my two left wheels off the road and LOVE to watch my guests from the states in the right front seat tense up and grab for the handle on the dash and prepare for impact when that water truck is bearing down on them.....Its priceless!!!
Also, just count the number of vehicles with right front damage here on St Thomas.....Based on that alone, anyone who can't see the safety factor of being on the left is not looking very hard.....


Posted : August 7, 2007 2:21 pm
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I was just informed that RHD vehicles cannot be registered in the USVI. Anyone heard of this? I'm building a Land Rover to take with us when we move to STT, so if RHD is illegal, I'm a bit screwed...

Posted : September 9, 2016 1:55 pm
Posts: 1250
Noble Member

I've seen several registered RHD vehicles on St John, so if it's illegal now, it has not always been.

Posted : September 9, 2016 2:02 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Who informed you - BMV? If the info came from anywhere else, call BMV on STT directly at 340-774-4268. If you get the OK verbally, suggest you get a name and BMV email address and follow up with written confirmation/understanding.

Posted : September 9, 2016 2:05 pm
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I tried that. They didn't respond...

Who informed you - BMV? If the info came from anywhere else, call BMV on STT directly at 340-774-4268. If you get the OK verbally, suggest you get a name and BMV email address and follow up with written confirmation/understanding.

Posted : September 9, 2016 2:34 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

I tried that. They didn't respond...

Who informed you - BMV? If the info came from anywhere else, call BMV on STT directly at 340-774-4268. If you get the OK verbally, suggest you get a name and BMV email address and follow up with written confirmation/understanding.

The 'phone wasn't answered? If that's so you just have to keep trying, They're the only agency who can provide you the proper information.

Posted : September 9, 2016 3:40 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

I was just informed.

By whom ?

Posted : September 9, 2016 4:12 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Just called and a Ms Henley said yes, a RH drive vehicle can be legally registered in the USVI.

Posted : September 9, 2016 4:57 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

I asked a Customs agent who says RHD is not a factor. As long as it meets US EPA and Safety standards (which it will have the cert stickers if it's already in the States), bringing it here won't be a problem. OP will have to pay duty if it is originally from the UK, of course.

Posted : September 9, 2016 7:16 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Personally, after driving here on the left for decades with a LHD vehicle,
it makes more sense than driving on the right. You can judge better how close to the edge of the road, drop off, culvert and how much room you've got to climb de hillside, avoid the guard railings, etc., when you've got assholes barreling towards you at a high rate of speed, in the middle or the wrong side of the road. IMO.

Posted : September 9, 2016 7:28 pm
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

There are a few RHD vehicles on STX. After you get used to it, driving on the left makes total sense!

Posted : September 10, 2016 12:58 pm
Posts: 688
Honorable Member

I wonder what ever happened to the original poster...

Posted : September 10, 2016 2:08 pm
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