Independent AG for VI?
Independent from governor appointment, though not necessarily elected. Thoughts? I'm definitely for it in theory.
After Soroya Coffelt's radio interview today about why she resigned,
I wholeheartedly agree that the AG position should NOT be a position filled by any sitting governor to be used or abused by and for him as has been done in the past and apparently shall continue under Mapp's heavy hand.
I am already disgusted with Mapp's reign and it's only been how many days?!
Here's the link for the VI consortium article. Couldn't find anything in the Source about the interview. It's pretty eye opening! No wonder she walked.
What radio station had the interview? Or was it the press conference? She thought she could trust Mapp? Where has she been for 20 years?
I think it was on radio one at 10AM this morning.
I missed the radio press conference as had an appointment during that time so I was curious to see what she had to say.
The woman's got some integrity, which is more than I can say for Mapp.
She would have made a much better Governor. I read the story reporting her news conference. It seemed to me like she was taking a very professional approach to organizing the AG Office and was promised she would have the independence to do so. Another 4 years of "same as it ever was"
I called Diase office and asked if press conference on YouTube. They said they would call back. That was 5 hours ago.
Another 4 years of "same as it ever was"
I actually disagree with you. In my opinion this is not, "the same as it ever was" but a distinct regression. I realized only the other day that the majority of subscribers to this forum weren't here when Schneider was governor with Mapp as his Lt Governor. Time really does fly and I had to do a quick recount to realize that that was indeed 20 years ago.
Donna Christian Green would have been my choice but no point bemoaning the fact - only great concern that those years under the Schneider administration are coming around again and can cause havoc if not checked.
Fair enough OT. I stand corrected.
I agree with OT. There was a reason Mapp lost twice before. People chose deJongh as the lesser of evils. Mapp made it this time because of deJongh's Diageo deal which was hinted as supported by Mapp's opponent. The voters wanted an aggressive fighter who won't let corporations walk over the VI and to most voters, Mapp fits that description.
Never mind his habit for lying.
Here's a related piece about the governor's unchecked powers, written by Paul Murphy, who is a former prosecutor and current professor:
"Op-Ed: Kings of The United States Virgin Islands"
"In order to conduct themselves as monarchs, it is absolutely essential that the governors control the Virgin Islands Department of Justice (VIDOJ). It is a fundamental error in the ROA that the governor chooses the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands (VIAG), and worse, has the power to remove the VIAG at any time without cause."
Excellent op-ed from Paul Murphy.
Frankly, given Monarch Mapp's history, from being involved with Innovative/Prosser, being fired by Schneider, impeached as a Senator, I am not surprised at the way his "reign" is unfolding.
He can't afford to have someone with as much integrity as Soroya Coffelt as the VIAG. He is displaying more blatant nepotism, cronyism and horrendously bad choices for key positions.
I was hoping that with his choice of Soroya Coffelt as the AG, we would be seeing positive change, qualified leadership and a halt to political corruption. Those hopes are dashed.
It's going to be a long 4 years, folks!
(tu) same song. different choir
Ms. Coffelt is exactly what these islands needed in a governor. I'm just sorry the courage and selflessness wasn't there in enough quantity to elect her.
1. Why didn't Soraya call for an independent AG during the eight years of the deJongh crimes?
2. Why didn't Soraya call for an independent AG when she was the AG? I am disappointed that this light bulb only came on for her after the divorce.
I fully support having an AG that is independent, elected or appointed for a term. Even if along with the current model concurrently. In fact, I attempted unsuccessfully to launch an initiative on the ballot to have an elected AG. I encourage all that herein read my comments, start the initiative.
You, who were her first cheerleader when she was running for governor, should have asked her if she would work to change the appointment requirement.
I, too, wonder why she didn't express outrage over deJongh's maneuvers.
But, at least she's doing something now, and seems to be very passionate about her mission. She now has a website HTTP://
I think she didn't call for an independent AG when she was the AG because she was assured she would be allowed to operate in the best interest of the territory. When she realized that she'd been used for her support, the decision was made to work for an independent AG. I think many people realize that if corruption is to be brought under control, it must happen that way.
There is an inherent conflict of interest having an appointed AG regardless of which governor, which attorney, and what degree of autonomy that attorney has. By law, a governor controls all hires, period. And under the current system, it is preposterous to imagine an AG arresting the governor if he, the governor, commits a crime.
This is bigger than Mapp and Soraya. And unfortunately, too late for deJongh.
The VI needs an AG that is completely independent of a governor to keep an administration and a legislature in check.

Mapp lied to her. That means that he lied to us.
That's all that I need to know.
Agreed, but the current Governor had a chance to change things and a qualified person to do it. Instead we have business as usual.
We will never know, will we?
We will never know, will we?
Sure we will. Some of us knew what was coming because we'd already had a taste of Mapp, Others will remain deluded for a while longer.
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