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Intersection going towards Sibs on STT

Marty on STT
Posts: 1779
Noble Member
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Is it just me, or does this look kinda goofy to anyone else?

And from the other direction:

I think they are trying to tell anyone turning right coming up from town (not coming up from Mafolie Hotel) that they need to yield to those coming down from Sibs and turning left...I had to look at this for a while before I figured it out! Haha!

And visitors are always amazed that we drive on the left...wait'll they get a load of this intersection! Haha!

Posted : February 21, 2008 2:32 pm
Posts: 3111
Famed Member

I understood what was going on when I looked at it, but if this is the intersection I think it is, aren't they making the main road yield to the secondary road?

Could be it's not where I think it is, but follow the yellow lines in the top picture, and it definitely looks like that is the main road.

Posted : February 21, 2008 2:40 pm
Marty on STT
Posts: 1779
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The road coming up from Mafolie Hotel has to either A.) Yield to turn left to go down to town, or B.) Stop to turn right to go up towards Sibs.

I thought it was goofy because of the way they painted it for people coming down from Sib's and going left (no problem) and the ones coming up from town need to Yield to those turning left coming from Sib's...does this make sense? I tried explaining it to IslandJoan from the board and she didn't get it...maybe I'm explaining wrong?? Either way, it sure looks goofy to me! haha!

Posted : February 21, 2008 2:44 pm
Posts: 3904
Famed Member

I've been here too long. I understood the intersection. 🙁 Those coming down the hill from Sib's have the right-of-way whether they turn left or right. They're on what I would guess is the main road. I suspect this is a way for those coming from the western side of the intersection to get INTO the intersection if those coming from Sib's are all turning left heading towards Mafolie (but nobody EVER uses their turn signal so they'd have to be mind-readers.)

I assume it's just to reenforce that they must also yield to those heading towards Mafolie because it seems that those people think if they can make it into the intersection they can blast in front of the coming-from-Sib's-going-to-Mafolie drivers.

Posted : February 21, 2008 9:31 pm
Posts: 1428
Noble Member

we have a bunch of intersections on STX where the straight-through traffic on a road must yield to turning traffic coming from elsewhere. That's where most of the accidents occur, of course. Cars get t-boned.

Posted : February 21, 2008 10:32 pm
Marty on STT
Posts: 1779
Noble Member
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Yeah, I don't think much 'planning' goes into traffic patterns here! Haha!

Posted : February 22, 2008 9:47 am
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