Is Crime in STX really that bad?
I have noticed a variety of posts from people discussing the crime on the islands. Violent crimes occur everyday on the mainland but I dont get on message boards and discuss it. Im curious to know if violent crime is really that bad on the island, or does the slower pace of life make it seem worse than it is in the states. Is is not safe to walk down the street at night? Are we talking about an occasional broken into car? Or are we talking about muggings and murder?
Any input would be appreciated. I want to live in the tropics but not at expense of safety.
There are places that I'm not comfortable in at night.
The big difference between an island and most cities on the mainland:
In you city, there are bad areas, as in any town or city, that you may not want to go through. You can probably keep from going into those areas by going around them. In my city, I can go for months or longer without going through a bad area.
On any island, being so small to get to many places, you have to go through bad areas to get to where you are going.
I don't find that true for myself. I'm from STX and YES. crime is bad here, tho' many times it's due to drugs and that aspect committing and being the "victims" of crime. I certainly know where the bad areas are here on the Christiansted side, but if you know where you are and where you're going, I have never HAD to go through a bad area. There are places that I have no problem with driving through during the day, but don't want to risk at night if I don't have to. The few times I have, nothing ever happened, but why bother if you don't have to.
StCroixbound, I would treat it here as you would in most cities...get to know where the bad areas are, but don't feel paranoid about the island. Know where you are and make the same smart choices you would if you were in the states. Hope this helps...and as is often suggested here, do try a PMV before a permanent move. Great advice!
For example, all areas of downtown C'sted are fine during the day. But as I drive through the same areas coming home from work at 10pm, I am very cautious and always make sure my doors are locked. I would not walk through this area (around Market Square) at night. And if you're drinking and flashing money around at 2 am -- You might as well put a sign around your neck - ROB ME.
i live in christiansted and every now and then we hear guns, not too often. as a previous poster said most of the crime is drug related. if we go downtown at night my bf does carry a gun, yes he has a carry permit. we have been robbed before. at least 4 times on one job and when we lived in mill harbor before they cleaned it up we had 3 cars broken into. you just have to keep on your toes like you would any where you live. crime happens all over
The article that Betty posted is a must-read on the topic. Thanks for sharing it.
There are a few reasons I wouldn't want to live on St. Croix or St. Thomas, but crime is always in the top two.
Per's unacceptable!
The islands are most beautiful and so are most the people here. Just know your surroundings, don't wear flashy jewelry & pull out wads of money. Keep nothing in your of value in your car and do not become attached to any personal items in your home. (Electronic, jewelry etc.).
The first homicide in 2009 occurred on St. John.
Thanks for all the input guys...sounds to me like the answer is yes....I live in Nashville Tn and dont have a second thought about going out till 3 in the morning downtown. I'm sure crimes occur here everyday, but Ive never met a single person who has had there house broken into, been robbed while out drinking, or been held up at a restaurant. So from what I can gather from your responses is that your trading a little extra crime to live in climate paradise. Thanks

Interesting discussion here. As they say, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. Forty-two homicides per 100,000 residents? A horrible number any way you look at it. However, I'd bet if you investigated the nature of those 42 homicides, you'd find that few if any involved "normal" (I use this term flinchingly) people going about their everyday business and avoiding places known to be hotspots for bad-guy gatherings (e.g., bars with bad reps, shady areas of town). In other words, if you're not out looking for drugs, going to clubs in sketchy parts of town until 3 a.m., or wandering aimlessly through the projects, you're probably no more likely to be a murder victim here than in any big city on the mainland.
Of course, this doesn't rule out other stuff, such as muggings, car break-ins or house burglaries. That kind of crap, sadly, happens to all kinds of people everywhere.
Lets see now:
Our stores robbed on coast of CA.
Van broken into in Boston & Cambridge MA
Tools and kayaks stolen from farm in rural SC
Garden Ctrs. vandalized and tools stolen in two towns in SC
Bike stolen in "upscale" condo cplx, Mt. Pleasant, SC
Bike stolen on Caye Caulker, Belize
Thats enough for now.
Live simply and enjoy life. As a good friend told me "they're only things"
Cheers, and Peace be with You!
The first homicide in 2009 occurred on St. John.
That's true -- it shocked and saddened everyone. And it was especially tragic after more than a year had passed without a single murder on the island. Rest in peace, Mr. Ayala.
i for one do not believe that crime has spiraled out of control here,my 2 cents
Sometimes I feel like everyone has experienced a crime here. Why don't we do a board survey of "normal people" - are the people who post here normal? 😉
If you want to share, what crimes have been committed against you or your family in the length of time you've lived here?
My house was broken into and $5000 worth of stuff (computers, cameras, jewelry, etc.) was stolen at 12 noon on a Saturday. I've lived here for 10 months.
14 years and not yet a "victim"

This is my 27th year & no crime of any kind. Not saying there is none but none has happened to me.
Edited to add location: STT.

2 1/2 years and car was broken into--lost wallet and cell phone (but we were new and forgot the cookies!) Wife was held up at gunpoint where she was working at mid day. I have had my life threatened at work.
STX On and Off 43 years. 10 years half time, 9 years full time. Nothing, never a victim.
STX for 7 years and no issues.
14 years. Dinghy stolen in Red Hook, later found behind customs dock on St. John, where the lady working there told us it took them days to get the motor off. No, she never called the cops! When my husband suggested to her that she must have known it was stolen, she suddenly didn't remember anything.
Have never felt personally threatened.
One time in 6 years. I was in a restaurant that was robbed. they didn't take anything from me. I still feel generally safe.
other than the items mentioned above, nothing. these also happened when we were not present. i did get shoved while walking downtown but i shoved back. stupid, maybe but i dont like being pushed around. that happened in the daylight. also like i said when we go downtown at night my bf carries a gun so he feels more protected that way. his theory is why let the bad guy win. personally i dont like guns, my first husband held a gun on me one night in a drunken rage and i left him the next day.
when i lived in the states in section 8 i never locked my doors and was never robber or bothered. ( section 8 where i lived is nothing like the projects here) i would go to work and come back home from work at 1 or so in the am and was never scared.
i would not go to certain places here at night alone but would with another person.

I'm a teacher at an elementary school. This fall, my room was broken into and many of my personal teaching items were stolen.
I have lived here for almost 4 years, after 1 year had my house broken into while asleep, but then woke up to see 5 guys running past my bedroom window. By the time we ran outside they were stealing both our cars. We tried to stop them but couldn't. Had personal items stolen also, and my husband tools.
Had our next car broken into in Christiansted right on King street. They didn't get anything.
We recently were at a restaurant during an armed robbery, very scary, but ran up the beach from the restaurant and hid in the bush.
We have been ready to leave the island for about 2 years now, we just can't sell our house, so we are still here hoping nothing else will happen.
I guess we just have bad luck. At least that's how I feel.
Most of my freinds here have been burglarized. Weather a car break in or house or restaurant robberies.
I'm glad to hear that alot of posters here have not had a problem, maybe my luck can change.
What really sucks is that I really love this island and I have so many friends here but I feel like I'm being ran off.
I think this would be a good time to start a new thread on how you can protect yourself and your property.
We have put sensor alarms around our property and an alarm system on the house, we also have lots of lights outside, and sensor lights. Of course a big dog helps.
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