The Girl that died was a local stabbed by another local girl. You don't live on the islands and you come up with this tourist crap? You have no conception of crime being committed against locals and tourist. I would suggest you put some boots on the ground before you give out advice.
I didn't ask this question to stir up anything or create a place to argue.
Lizard - I know you've had some rough encounters, and that has changed you in to a disgruntled - unhappy person... as far as I can tell. But recognizing a problem, and spreading negative energy around because of it doesn't benefit anyone, including yourself. I'm not saying this to be combative, but I believe we all make small ripples in the pond, everything and everyone is bouncing off of each other and it's up to you to affect the environment you live in. If you choose to affect it in a negative fashion, negative things will surround you and nothing will ever get better. Why not treat other peoples opinions with respect rather than trying to beat it in to their heads with words... or physically.
I don't doubt the islands are a dangerous place, but don't disregard someone's hardships or run in's with crime because they "haven't experienced" what you have. That's silly. The truth is, none of us know exactly what each other have experienced because we are our own entity. Anyway... sorry for the rant... but I had to say it even if we already know.
And Lizard - no hard feelings brother, I feel you, I can understand why you feel that way, I've been beaten, guns drawn on me.. seen people shot and killed before my eyes.. stabbed. It's infuriating, but If you were to direct that energy elsewhere I believe you might be surprised at the results. Just my 2 cents.
Read the News!:D
Will do. Thanks for the feedback.
my post was not in refernece AT ALL to the stabbing... it was to a (presumably white) guy bringing a young (presumably white) girlfriend, and the general chance that they may or may not be safe. a new, white, young couple is much more along the lines of "tourist" in the crime spectrum than local on local murder over a love triangle. Never the twain shall meet. Completely separate type of crimes they would be susceptible as newbies.
Your presumptions are correct. I am in fact WHITE *dun dun dunnnnn* lol
A Young White women (Local transplant) went to St Thomas by ferry from STX about a month ago. She's been missing to date.
Lizard - That happens everywhere man. People get abducted and murdered everywhere. Ever heard of the green river killer? He's a serial killer that lived not far from where I live... he murdered 71 women. Haha. Stop being such a negative nancy.
Your original question asked {Is STX safe for a young women} I give you my opinion on crime and some facts. You in turn call names
( negative nancy/disgruntled-Unhappy person etc). I guess you just want to hear this is paradise and no problem here. Well my young friend good luck on your new adventure.
I have no ill feelings toward you my friend - I do appreciate your responses.. Now lets let this thread die 😀
Okay brief resurrection... I moved here several years ago as a thirty something single female from Akron, Ohio. I have lived in Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and spent loads of time in Chicago. I didn't know anyone here. I went out ..a lot... after work, all over the island, to restaurants and bars. The friends I made (younger) and I never had a problem. I drove by myself, often being out past "the nothing good ever happens after.." hour. I had a great time...Now I am married...(just kidding!-I met my husband here! Still having fun). I do not feel this island is less safe than any of the cities I have lived in. I have seen crack deals go down in Akron in broad daylight, and no one cared, but saw a rasta not want to sell pot to a man a few feet from me when I was visiting St Thomas. He said "there's a woman over there" ... My first day on St. Croix, I got lost trying to find my rental apt. I had Verizon and it didn't work. It started to get dark. I saw a police station that was lit and I went in and the officer let me use his phone, then I got a police escort to my new place. Will never forget that kindness.
I made sure I went to beaches at the hotels, and tried to use common sense when going out, as in any place. I stayed a week on St. Thomas before moving, and took the safari bus around. The worst experience I had was taxi drivers not wanting to drive me from Charlitte Amalie to my b&b in the hills. Fine, I walked...And people on St Thomas not answering me when I asked questions for directions. An old woman said "just act like you know what you're doing. "
Come, stay got longer than a week to scope it out, if you can. But you don't know ' til you try...
crime itself is really no different here than anywhere
Couldn't disagree more. Crime is quite different here.
St. Croix is no different from any other place in the world.
Huh? Unless you've never left the Caribbean, you'd know that STX is far, far different from just about anywhere else.
I read all about the crime on STX and STT and I think, can it be any worse than Philadelphia? It's crazy up here people.
Yes, it can be worse, and it is. It's worse than any US city I've ever been to, and I've been to most of them. It's crazier down here. Yes, even crazier than Philly.
ST Croix is not Southern Cal. You park your car, go to the beach,"Bam" windows are broken valuables are stolen. It happens everyday. You have to watch your back day and night. You go to a restaurant and find yourself face down on the floor giving up your wallet. To answer your question, STX is not safe for a young and old women. PS. I live on the island and I'm sick of the crime, enough is enough.:-X
1. It's not smart to leave any valuables in your car while at the beach. Would you go to the mall in the states and leave valuables on public display? If you do, you're asking to get rob whether you're in St. Croix or Florida. It's smarter to just leave your car open, when going to the beach on St. Croix.
2. Have you ever personally "find yourself face down on the floor giving up your wallet"? And if so how often has something like that happened to the same person?
I've heard a lot WORST about Southern Cal, than anything happening in St. Croix. So get a grip and stop trying to be overly dramatic.
I am certainly not one to defend Lizard, but she does have a point. She's not being overly dramatic. I know you've been a member of this board for a whole 5 months and all, but try to be patient with us.
You think "finding yourself face down on the floor giving up your wallet" is nonsense? Then you clearly haven't been here long. It happens more than you'd think. And, Southern Cali has nothing on STX. Nothing.
BOTTOM LINE: The fact is, whether people want to accept it or not, that STX and STT have lots of crime, much of it violent. Crime is the norm here and it's far, far worse than anywhere in the states. HOWEVER, I am still here, am I not? The pros of living here still outweigh the cons, and that's all that matters. But, to stick your head in the sand and act like crime isn't a big deal here is foolish and potentially deadly. Watch your back here. Always.
Which is why I would like to find some roommates if possible. 😀
Your original question asked {Is STX safe for a young women} I give you my opinion on crime and some facts. You in turn call names
( negative nancy/disgruntled-Unhappy person etc). I guess you just want to hear this is paradise and no problem here. Well my young friend good luck on your new adventure.
We finally agree on something.

Crime is the norm here and it's far, far worse than anywhere in the states Comment made by Nugblazer......
You said you have visited many a city, but visiting Detroit and living in Detroit are 2 TOTALLY different worlds. I am not saying that crime isn't very bad in the Islands, truth is, I don't know 1st hand. I have to take my buddy's word and your words here on it. But, I can say for a fact, that it is not worse than Detroit.
You said you have visited many a city, but visiting Detroit and living in Detroit are 2 TOTALLY different worlds. I am not saying that crime isn't very bad in the Islands, truth is, I don't know 1st hand. I have to take my buddy's word and your words here on it. But, I can say for a fact, that it is not worse than Detroit.
I'm pretty sure that the homicide rate in the USVI is higher than in any US city.

Per capita there are city's in Metro Detroit that are higher than Detroit itself, doesn't mean that Detroit is safer than those cities though.
For the most part ppl have been speaking of STT and STX, is STJ similar in crime activity?
This is from 1995, but is relevant:
Pulitzer Prize for Public Service given to the VI Daily News.
The first article states:
Something makes the Virgin Islands uniquely hospitable to crime. What is it? Who's to blame for the prevailing belief that crime is part of the way things are done here? Reporter Melvin Claxton spent six months interviewing hundreds of criminals, victims, law officers and justice officials. He hand-searched thousands of records and worked with project editor J. Lowe Davis to organize the information into this 10-part series.
This investigative series identifies the Virgin Islands people and institutions that make crime easy, rewarding and acceptable here. The series also analyzes what the territory can do about crime.
This is particularly indicative.
I might disagree with you about how "relevant" it is now. 17 years is a long time, and there have been numerous reforms and replacements instituted since then. Of course this can be argued both ways, just saying.
Would be GREAT if the VI Daily revisited this subject with another Pulitzer-like effort.
It has not changed, I can see that easily. Just the record double the homicide rate of any place in the USA last year proves that.
Hell, the USVI came in to a close second with the worst homicide rate in the world, only to lose out to Honduras.
Here is a prediction: the USVI will be the #1 in homicide this year, again, in the USA. Why do I make this bet? Because the USVI is already there.
Here is a prediction: the USVI will be the #1 in homicide this year, again, in the USA. Why do I make this bet? Because the USVI is already there.
We're already there? Stats, please.
I'm in my 20s, look "white" (I'm actually half Native American, but I look like the white side of the family), and haven't had a single issue. It all comes down to being smart--your best defense is using your brain. If you don't call attention to yourself, don't act like you've got cash to throw around, and don't let your guard down, you should be fine.
Are there neighborhood watches? Or neighborhood committees that help combat crime? I'm curious what the community is doing about the issues.
Are there neighborhood watches? Or neighborhood committees that help combat crime? I'm curious what the community is doing about the issues.
Kvetching about it on message boards and the radio, mostly. :p
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