Jump Up last night
Fantastic turnout! Especially being middle of summer! I've been here 15 years and it feels like St Croix is on the rise. Nothing in particular really. Just lots of happy people out enjoying themselves and spending money.
there did seem to be a lot more people than the last jump up i went to last year. not as many stores of course, since it seems half of them were closed. we did not see many of the faces we used to see at jump ups though and that was kind of sad
went to small world and the owner was wonderful. went to a few other stores. we were actually there for about 3 hours, not bad considering the last one we went to , we were back home within 2 hours

I had a great time and agree that there seemed to be a ton of people.
But what was with the obnoxious helicopter hovering around for WAY too long?
i heard it was filming stuff for the amazing race which was in stt???
No, they were filming an upcoming HGTV show Caribbean Life! My house I am currently leasing was one chosen, but, because the homeowner and I have the walls of this house covered in what they called way too much "local" art, they would need too much time to remove it, repair walls, get permission from all the local artists or if they blurred it in the filming, it would've been too distracting. They shoul be filming here on STX all week! I'm just glad they didn't film here, but, since I don't own the house, I wasn't involved other than getting it ready for a showing!
No, they were filming an upcoming HGTV show Caribbean Life! My house I am currently leasing was one chosen, but, because the homeowner and I have the walls of this house covered in what they called way too much "local" art, they would need too much time to remove it, repair walls, get permission from all the local artists or if they blurred it in the filming, it would've been too distracting. They shoul be filming here on STX all week! I'm just glad they didn't film here, but, since I don't own the house, I wasn't involved other than getting it ready for a showing!
Why do you need permission to show art that you own? That is kooky and probably bs.
Why do you need permission to show art that you own? That is kooky and probably bs.
"When you buy an original painting, you buy the physical object to have and enjoy. In most circumstances you own only the artwork, not the copyright to it. That remains with the artist unless they specifically sign over their copyright to the buyer, or it was done as work for hire, or the copyright has expired."
thank you rosiesland

The director for the HGTV show said that the helicopter was not theirs. My friend in the tower said that it was an AS350 visiting from PR.
I heard a different story about why Trisha's house in Herman Hill was not shown. Not the artwork.
Rotor, either report what you "heard", or hold your tongue. I hate when people say things like that.

Rotor, either report what you "heard", or hold your tongue. I hate when people say things like that.
Thanks for your input. I said what I felt comfortable saying. The reason for not using the house was not the artwork. If that is not enough for you then simply ignore it.
Will do.
Truth of the matter, it was more likely the condition of this house, not my staging! The home has obviously been neglected and lacked any love or improvements for many, many years. Between the owner's art and the art I brought, it does have more than it's fair share of art, much of it is local. If you watch HGTV frequently, you will see art blurred in shots. I thought it stupid of them to pick this run down home in the first place (unless it was the one they would immediately cross off their whittled down list of three homes) and if they came to it with more than a couple of vehicles, they'd have no place to park. Location is terrible!
I didn't want this home I live in filmed as the neglect of it would be embarrassing for the world to see. You can cleanup and dress up a pig but, it still is recognized as a pig! That's definitely this house! And I will be glad when my lease is up next month!
The house we sold on stx was filmed and shown
Recently.. Beach front bargain hunters.
Film crew didn't change anything.
We had art work hanging.
Truth of the matter, they probably didn't think the deck would support them, it's rotten and loose boards are horrible. I was only repeating what I was told when they said they wouldn't be back and I could return to the house. Obviously, it needs work and tons of it! I would have never chosen this home for any show other than shows that are particularly looking for a fixer-upper!

The director for the HGTV show said that the helicopter was not theirs. My friend in the tower said that it was an AS350 visiting from PR
So in either case, aren't there altitude restrictions in place to keep aircraft from doing exactly what this helicopter was doing?
How do we keep it from happening again? It was entirely unpleasant.
It was obvious that they were filming, due to the front mounted gyro camera. Whether it was for HGTV, Tourism, Beach bargain hunt,........St Croix can benefit from the good press. It didn't bother us at all, while our server at Rum Runners was apologizing. 🙂
SO DIXIE, I SAW THAT episode of the tv show. i was pretty excited to see hubby's handiwork in the downstairs newly built bedroom. looked beautiful but then hubby did do the work.
the show was nice and the house looked great being filmed and the pool/garden are was beautiful

The director for the HGTV show said that the helicopter was not theirs. My friend in the tower said that it was an AS350 visiting from PR
So in either case, aren't there altitude restrictions in place to keep aircraft from doing exactly what this helicopter was doing?
How do we keep it from happening again? It was entirely unpleasant.
There is an ongoing discussion about whether the helicopter was a private helicopter or a commercial helicopter. The rules are different depending on whether it was operating "for-hire" or privately.
If it was a private flight then FAR 91.119 applies.
If it was "for-hire" then FAR 135.203 applies.
Summary. A private helicopter must operate such that if it loses power it can land without endangering anyone on the ground. No specific altitude is specified and a lot of discretion is given to the pilot.
A pilot operating "for-hire" must remain at least 300 feet above densely populated areas. Christiansted is considered densely populated. If he was over the water then he was not over a densely populated area.
In either case if you want the incident investigated then you must write to the FSDO (Flight Standards District Office) in San Juan. A phone call to the tower on STX or a phone call to the FSDO will do nothing. The are required to investigate written complaints.
It didn't seem like such a big deal to me or my group. It was apparent that there was a pan/tilt/zoom camera mounted on the front so they must have been gathering footage for something.
When they filmed our house they used a drone.
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