Leo's in Five C...
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Leo's in Five Corners

Posts: 508
Honorable Member

It's just fried chicken!

What are we coming to when we get excited about another fried chicken establishment???

Sure, I like fried chicken, and now we have another fried chicken joint to go to...

Posted : December 15, 2012 4:42 am
Posts: 956
Prominent Member

I get your point Poodle. But I don't think it's just chicken, I think people are excited for others to still feel that St. Croix is a good place to come and do business despite all of the negative things that sometimes feel overwhelming. I look forward to eating at Leo's and supporting someone else who is willing to give it a shot here. Leo, any chance you could get a drive thru working at that location, there is a menu board on the outside of the building but Church's never got a drive thru setup. With 2 little kids a drivethru is fantastic as it avoids the carseat dance in and out of the car. Wish we had more drive thru's here on island!


Posted : December 15, 2012 11:30 am
Posts: 1914
Noble Member

I agree with Stiphy! It's refreshing to see new places open whatever it is. John Eddie's Low Life, Maria's Cantina, Mocha Jumbie, soon to open at the old Pleasant's will be U R Here Bar and Grill, Leos World famous........... (tu) It shows that despite the downsides of doing business here, and being warned about WAPA, licensing, Gross reciepts, crime........... people are willing to take a risk and invest in our little slice of Paradise.

Welcome and good luck to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : December 15, 2012 12:40 pm
Posts: 215
Estimable Member

I agree with Stiphy! It's refreshing to see new places open whatever it is. John Eddie's Low Life, Maria's Cantina, Mocha Jumbie, soon to open at the old Pleasant's will be U R Here Bar and Grill, Leos World famous........... (tu) It shows that despite the downsides of doing business here, and being warned about WAPA, licensing, Gross reciepts, crime........... people are willing to take a risk and invest in our little slice of Paradise.

Welcome and good luck to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(tu) (tu) (tu) :@)

Posted : December 15, 2012 2:34 pm
Posts: 428
Reputable Member

Sky, I'm with you. Any positive news compared to the news we have been receiving this year on STX is refreshing!

Also heard but can't confirm that someone may be looking at opening a new place where Zebos once was?

I agree with Stiphy! It's refreshing to see new places open whatever it is. John Eddie's Low Life, Maria's Cantina, Mocha Jumbie, soon to open at the old Pleasant's will be U R Here Bar and Grill, Leos World famous........... (tu) It shows that despite the downsides of doing business here, and being warned about WAPA, licensing, Gross reciepts, crime........... people are willing to take a risk and invest in our little slice of Paradise.

Welcome and good luck to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : December 16, 2012 10:01 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

congrats to all of the new places opening and may they have great success

Posted : December 19, 2012 7:43 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

2 thumbs up, Great prices, Great service, Great Staff.

Posted : January 22, 2013 2:27 am
Posts: 1
New Member

Hello. I've actually been there looking for work but I'm lost. Please help

Posted : May 7, 2013 6:00 pm
Posts: 1914
Noble Member

Stopped by Leos last week. It was about 130pm, 2 people at a table eating and what appeared to be 2 people working. Stood at the counter looking at the menu board, made my decision, ready to order........The girl in the back didn't acknowledge me, (tons of cold soggy looking waffle frys in the bin), then a guy comes out of the back, glances my way and then looked away. Again no acknowledgement.
The first weeks they were open they were cheerful and greeted you upon walking in.

I then said "goodbye, this place won't make it much longer" and left. Why pour that kind of money into a venture to let it go downhill so fast? Where is the manager? :S

Posted : May 7, 2013 6:13 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

I had exactly the same experience last week. I also walked out after waiting for 10 minutes without my presence even being acknowledged. I have given up on them.

Posted : May 7, 2013 8:14 pm
Posts: 18
Active Member

Rotorhead, Skysthelimit: Don't quit on us. I'll guarantee that if you come in tomorrow or anytime after right now that wont happen again. If it does, I'll buy you a meal anywhere on this island, anywhere..

Posted : May 7, 2013 9:14 pm
Posts: 296
Reputable Member

Last time I was there I tossed the food in the trash can; it was awful--this after a 30 minute wait.....

Posted : May 8, 2013 12:20 am
Posts: 130
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Leo, I was there about 20min. before you closed. Your workers were very very responsive and polite, don't know what you did but keep it up. BTW: I had tenders and that was the best chicken that I have ever eaten. My wife and I will come back for lunch tomorrow. One of the workers was telling me that you are now ventilating the containers? Is that to prevent heat from making the food sweat and sog?

Posted : May 8, 2013 2:51 am
Posts: 1914
Noble Member

Thanks for the kind offer. I'm not looking for a free meal. I just expect to be seen and acknowledge when I walk in your establishment. If not I walk out.

You have posted 5 times on the message board. All 5 are about Leos. Hmmmm*-)

Posted : May 8, 2013 2:53 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

You have posted 5 times on the message board. All 5 are about Leos. Hmmmm*-)

Good catch! Became a forum subscriber just about the same time as Leo, too, and authored this thread. Shill is just another five letter word. 😀

Posted : May 8, 2013 3:10 pm
Posts: 130
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Topic starter

I started the post to find out who they are because all my google searches came up here, so I guess you guys are inferring that since I am not joining your bashing of them, that I am somehow associated? Im not, other than to say that I am a customer and happy that they add variety to the existing McDonalds, Subway, KFC lineup. In fact for a long time after Churches closed, thats all we had, and instead of hoping that they shut down as you guys do, I will do everything that I can to support them, because they really do have good food and good prices.

Posted : May 8, 2013 3:56 pm
Posts: 130
Estimable Member
Topic starter

And after reviewing the entire board, I have not noticed any posts by you guys hoping that McDonalds, KFC or Subway shuts down, and we all know that service at all of thoses places is terrible, so hmm??

Posted : May 8, 2013 3:58 pm
Posts: 330
Reputable Member

Longhorn, at least at these other places, McDonald's, KFC and Subway, the employees greet you immediately when you walk in. Example, "Welcome to Subway", "Good Morning, may I help you". Co-incidence indeed that you appeared on this board at the same time Leo's came into existence. Just saying....

Posted : May 8, 2013 4:25 pm
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

I find the direction this thread has taken amusing because there was a time when I was the bad guy on this forum for doing the same thing Oldtart is doing now.

Hypocrite is just another 9 letter word:D

Posted : May 8, 2013 4:37 pm
Posts: 130
Estimable Member
Topic starter

It wasn't a coincidence. I googled them, there were unanswered posts here, so I started an account, didn't think that I would be required to post on things that don't interest me. Hopefully they hear your concerns. I just had lunch there and again I am happy that there is one place on this island where I can eat a good meal for $5, other than McDonalds.

Posted : May 8, 2013 4:42 pm
Posts: 1914
Noble Member

If you see my post below you'll see I don't want anyone to close down. Just the opposite.
My bashing post was what I experienced. If the management doesn't have a presence and the employees don't seem to care they have a big problem. Happy to hear you are consistently happy with Leos! I'll give them another try. The chicken and fish has been pretty good in the past. We know from Leo's post that he has seen this and responded. I hope he can get the place running smoothly. I know it's not easy to operate a restaurant here but start with acknowledging the customer. It doesn't have to be immediate either. But,... Several minutes passing and 2 employees seeing you and not a word? Cya!

I agree with Stiphy! It's refreshing to see new places open whatever it is. John Eddie's Low Life, Maria's Cantina, Mocha Jumbie, soon to open at the old Pleasant's will be U R Here Bar and Grill, Leos World famous........... (tu) It shows that despite the downsides of doing business here, and being warned about WAPA, licensing, Gross reciepts, crime........... people are willing to take a risk and invest in our little slice of Paradise.

Welcome and good luck to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : May 8, 2013 5:01 pm
Posts: 18
Active Member

Thank you for the feedback, we're open to all of it and accept it. I agree with everyone on here. The fact that we pay a 5 figure a month wapa bill alone is enough to greet you guys when you walk in; indeed, there is no reason we're not acknowledging you when you are ready to order, or disappearing from the front. There is no reason that the food is inconsistent, we've got timers and the equipment to do so. Your feedback has been taken to the Manager of this business and a line has been drawn in the sand.

LuckyGirl, Boyd46, Rotorhead, Skysthelimit: We've done enough to earn your negative feedback, please allow me to earn your positive feedback on me.

Thank you,

340 719 5367

Posted : May 8, 2013 5:03 pm
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member

Now, that's cool! Hopefully Leo will get his staff sorted out and everyone will flock to his business and make it a sucess.

Customer service in the Vi is notoriusly bad, unfortunately, no matter where you go so having Leo respond and make those changes to get the positive feedback and repeat customers is great. Tis the slow season starting so word of mouth to attract locals is so important.
Good luck.

Posted : May 8, 2013 5:11 pm
Posts: 521
Honorable Member

You have posted 5 times on the message board. All 5 are about Leos. Hmmmm*-)

LOL... I needed a good laugh today, thank you... 😀

And after reviewing the entire board, I have not noticed any posts by you guys hoping that McDonalds, KFC or Subway shuts down, and we all know that service at all of thoses places is terrible, so hmm??

Sorry, I humbly totally disagree... I don't think anybody in their right mind would "hope" that more businesses close their doors in the VIs... Do you?...

As for the service on said franchises, well, they may be slow but it is not terrible service... and yes, they do acknowledge and greet you...

Now, that's cool! Hopefully Leo will get his staff sorted out and everyone will flock to his business and make it a sucess.

Customer service in the Vi is notoriusly bad, unfortunately, no matter where you go so having Leo respond and make those changes to get the positive feedback and repeat customers is great. Tis the slow season starting so word of mouth to attract locals is so important.
Good luck.

That is a bit harsh to say... There are many places where you can get good service (and consistently)... Just nit picking a bit at that... Yes, I know, there are also consistently bad placess too...

I've been to STX several times the last few months but I've never stopped at Leo's. Now, I feel compelled to try it out on my next visit... So, I wll be there next month...

It is hard to take it on chin, stand-up to customers, and try to do the right thing... Attaboy!

Posted : May 8, 2013 7:59 pm
Posts: 119
Estimable Member

I stopped going to "leo's"

I went there SEVERAL times once they opened, least once a week for 2 months since I live in the area

EVERY time I went there they were outta this, outta that, fryer was down, etc... walked out a couple times in my last visits after waiting in line

seems like they were out of half of what I wanted to order each visit, mostly wing sauces, hush puppies, other stuff

I understand being new, but 2 months later

I said to the cashier... why is it you are out of half the things I want to order all the time week after week, she says.. its a matter of supply and demand.. what is it I can get you that we do have "rudely" I must add

I say.. well I been coming here every week and trying to order what is on your menu and you never have it so it is not a matter of supply and demand.. you just don't have what your menu says since you opened

she looks at the guy behind me in line and says to him.. can I take your order

never been back.. never will

Posted : May 9, 2013 3:45 am
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