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Limetree Bay agreement is hardly 'manna from heaven'

Posts: 1016
Noble Member

So maybe an extreme global weather event is just what we need. Wipe out several billion to cull the herd and clean things up a bit.

Perhaps it’s all completely out of our hands. Maybe the planet works just like a self cleaning oven?

One thing is for sure though, all the glorious rain that’s been falling for the last two days has given me far to much time to chime in on this forum.

Posted : August 30, 2018 2:09 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Anybody who has taken refuge from the sun under a shade tree should be able to tell you how much cooler it is in the shade. The world is replacing trees with concrete, glass, and steel which are basically multi story ovens.

Species become extinct every day due to change/loss of habitat. Humans are ingenious but not invulnerable.

Posted : August 30, 2018 3:58 pm
Posts: 231
Estimable Member

IslandJoan, agreed! When the vast majority of scientists say that our current climate model is unprecedented AND caused by human activity I believe it. Science is always a theory, it is never 100%, that is the nature of it. But if my doctor said that 97% of doctors says this is the right treatment for you I wouldn't disagree with them!

To anyone who makes this argument, I always reply with the following:

Large scale industry and manufacturing did not exist prior to the 18th century.

The amount of humans walking the planet has increased exponentially from around 1 billion in 1800 to around 7.2 billion now.

So, these two factors combined most surely have had a negative impact on the environment, and hence, weather patterns and global climate change.

We DON'T KNOW if humankind will be able to deal with it!!!!

We see daily that the weather is definitely changing - stuck patterns of weather are causing REPEAT events in the same locations, whether it be rain, snow, heat or cold, or fires. You see it on TWC every day!

Environmentalists are not "constantly shouting"! They are trying to help!!! (now I"m shouting because this is a sore topic for me. All the naysayers out there bug the heck out of me)

Not to drift to far off topic, but the environmentalists are constantly shouting about how every human endeavor is leading to “global warming.”
Global warming & cooling has been taking place since man first walked on this planet, and our species has been able to overcome and adapt to each change, ice age and all.
I’m sure humans are affecting the climate, but the point is we’ll deal with it as we have before, in fact with all our technological advancements, better than before. Even WAPA manufactures mass quantities of “drinking water” from our surrounding sea water for instance.
This is not the end of the world, the sky is not falling... or is it?

Posted : August 30, 2018 5:40 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Yes I forgot to mention all the concrete, glass and steel. So true!

Anybody who has taken refuge from the sun under a shade tree should be able to tell you how much cooler it is in the shade. The world is replacing trees with concrete, glass, and steel which are basically multi story ovens.

Species become extinct every day due to change/loss of habitat. Humans are ingenious but not invulnerable.

Posted : August 30, 2018 5:53 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member


IslandJoan, agreed! When the vast majority of scientists say that our current climate model is unprecedented AND caused by human activity I believe it. Science is always a theory, it is never 100%, that is the nature of it. But if my doctor said that 97% of doctors says this is the right treatment for you I wouldn't disagree with them!

Posted : August 30, 2018 5:53 pm
Posts: 253
Reputable Member

Do you ever go to the beaches?
I grew up here and have seen profound changes
How many times are your STX beaches labeled as unsafe to swim due to ENTEROCCI BACTERIA?
No Sargassum?
No degraded reef systems?
Do you live upwind or downwind?

The point is that you can't continue to degrade the environment and not have consequences
Where do you get your drinking water from?

Yes, I do go to the beaches. And fish off the south shore. I still can't find the black beaches he is lying about.

Posted : August 31, 2018 2:36 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

They might be at that little island off Hovensa or maybe Campo Rico beaches? I have never seen any black beaches either.

Yes, I do go to the beaches. And fish off the south shore. I still can't find the black beaches he is lying about.

Posted : August 31, 2018 4:39 pm
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

They might be at that little island off Hovensa or maybe Campo Rico beaches? I have never seen any black beaches either.

Yes, I do go to the beaches. And fish off the south shore. I still can't find the black beaches he is lying about.

If there is any blackness west of Hovensa near Campo Rico, its probably molasses waste from Cruzan Rum. They used to dump right into the ocean.

Posted : August 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Tourists would pay to swim in Cruzan Rum.
Who am I kidding... I know I would.

Posted : September 1, 2018 1:41 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

You can see the black streak from the air. I have a drone shot... will see if I can find it.

Posted : September 2, 2018 3:36 am
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

I’ve come to believe that the residents of this island are very accepting. That’s a great attribute to have for many reasons, however many of the problems we have here wouldn’t exist if the people were less so.

In other words, we accept the poor road conditions, limited health care options, intermittent electrical service, unethical politicians, and so many other things often debated about here.

Things could be different.
But then things would be different.
Classic catch-22 situation...

Unfortunately, that's true.
The majority of newcomers just aren't invested nor involved in long term, become activists nor vote.
I've always believed that "squeaky wheel. get grease."

As sunshinefun stated:
They're here for: for a good time, not a long time.

Hard times come, they move on and while they're here, they're either not aware or don't give a crap 'cause it's not their problem.
No offense intended BTW.

Yea but also hard for a newcomer to want to make a useful difference with the them vs us mentality that’s shoved in your face daily. It gets old quick, trying to talk sense into some people when things don’t have to be so hard or so broken down. Work smarter not harder DOES NOT APPLY HERE lol. Lawd forbid I talk about something eco/animal related. I’m not bahn here so don’t try to come in here telling us what to do. Why you care more about dogs than people? I mean WTAF. The lack of island pride disgusts me daily. You can’t say there is pride because all you have to do is look around. Like today when I picked up a nasty bag of trash that someone tossed out onto the road, unknowingly filling my car with fire ants and then took it to the dump where more disgusting humans left stuff that can’t be disposed of, not even IN the bins. I mean how hard would it be to man the trash stations? Mapp promised jobs right? Puts someone at each place. Look how amazing the site in STX and Mahogany looks. Oh wait no, can’t suggest that. Not born here, just a “colonizer”. I WISH I could not give a crap about the horrible things that happen here. Ignorance is bliss.. kinda wish I had some of that. I think a lot more transplants would be a lot more willing to help if it was actually allowed instead of being seen as trying to change culture. Sometimes, culture needs changing.

Posted : September 2, 2018 3:47 am
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

So maybe an extreme global weather event is just what we need. Wipe out several billion to cull the herd and clean things up a bit.


And less humans reproducing.

Posted : September 2, 2018 3:48 am
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

My comment about “culling the herd” was chock full of sarcasm. Can’t believe you triple thumbed-up that one AandA2VI.

Posted : September 2, 2018 10:08 pm
Posts: 68
Trusted Member

IslandJoan, agreed! When the vast majority of scientists say that our current climate model is unprecedented AND caused by human activity I believe it. Science is always a theory, it is never 100%, that is the nature of it. But if my doctor said that 97% of doctors says this is the right treatment for you I wouldn't disagree with them!

To anyone who makes this argument, I always reply with the following:

Large scale industry and manufacturing did not exist prior to the 18th century.

The amount of humans walking the planet has increased exponentially from around 1 billion in 1800 to around 7.2 billion now.

So, these two factors combined most surely have had a negative impact on the environment, and hence, weather patterns and global climate change.

We DON'T KNOW if humankind will be able to deal with it!!!!

We see daily that the weather is definitely changing - stuck patterns of weather are causing REPEAT events in the same locations, whether it be rain, snow, heat or cold, or fires. You see it on TWC every day!

Environmentalists are not "constantly shouting"! They are trying to help!!! (now I"m shouting because this is a sore topic for me. All the naysayers out there bug the heck out of me)

Not to drift to far off topic, but the environmentalists are constantly shouting about how every human endeavor is leading to “global warming.”
Global warming & cooling has been taking place since man first walked on this planet, and our species has been able to overcome and adapt to each change, ice age and all.
I’m sure humans are affecting the climate, but the point is we’ll deal with it as we have before, in fact with all our technological advancements, better than before. Even WAPA manufactures mass quantities of “drinking water” from our surrounding sea water for instance.
This is not the end of the world, the sky is not falling... or is it?

And which pharmaceutical companies or insurance companies influence the 97% of these doctors?

Posted : September 2, 2018 11:03 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

My comment about “culling the herd” was chock full of sarcasm. Can’t believe you triple thumbed-up that one AandA2VI.

Believe it, we have a mass extinction happening right now as a direct result of humans actions. I do believe it’ll be after my time on this planet but there will be a huge culling of the human race, already starting it would seem. Might not wipe us out completely but maybe to a manageable level. The earth will be here looooong after humans are gone and she’s better for it IMO. Sorry, not a fan of our species at all, I look around and see what we’ve done and it just fills me with sadness. We really don’t belong in this ecosystem. We’re the only animal to blatantly destroy the very thing that gives us life.

Posted : September 3, 2018 1:06 am
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Thats one heck of an outlook on things.

Posted : September 3, 2018 11:20 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

AandA is just saying what is - it's a sobering and sad reality.

Thats one heck of an outlook on things.

Posted : September 3, 2018 12:39 pm
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

AandA2VI, what are you doing about it?

Have you given up your car?
Have you given up electricity, I'm guessing not since you are on the internet.
Have you given up your phone?
Have you given up going home to see family, or having family and friends come see you? That takes Jet fuel!
Do you grow your own food? Do you know how much diesel fuel the farmer burns to grow it? The it has to be trucked to the warehouse, the trucked to the distributor, the trucked to the port, the shipped to the island, then trucked to the distribution center, then trucked to either the store or the restaurant so you can drive there to get it.

What is YOUR answer???

Do you know what was on of the big selling points of the automobile? Pollution control. Think of the big cities with thousands of horses or oxen sitting , peeing and dying in the streets.

Posted : September 3, 2018 2:07 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

“A sobering and sad reality”

Really ???

I think we’re pretty fortunate to be living in the age we do. I even own a “Life is Good” t-shirt.
But seriously,

I can’t conceive spending so much precious time peering into an abyss of negativity and hoping for worst case scenarios. I don’t classify us as animals. I have faith in humanity, the vast majority of it anyway. Human history may be littered with screw-ups, but we do learn from our mistakes and eventually we do the right thing.

Posted : September 3, 2018 6:04 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Singlefin, I am most definitely not hoping for worst case scenarios, but I am a realist and it is clear that humans are f&cking up the planet regardless of what optimists or deniers think.

Posted : September 3, 2018 10:16 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Total agreement, islandjoan.
I was seriously appalled they voted to create a pipeline for offloading fuel thru a reef system and removing corals.
Black beach here = Dirty beach.
Not volcanic Black beaches.

For some reason, it seems that STT and STJ are more committed to environmental concerns that STX.

Now I might be wrong but when we seriously oppose things and attend hearings there is a great community opposition and standing room only.

Often we win.
But we commit and continue to fight.

Posted : September 3, 2018 11:36 pm
Posts: 2596
Famed Member

“A sobering and sad reality”

Really ???

I think we’re pretty fortunate to be living in the age we do. I even own a “Life is Good” t-shirt.
But seriously,

I can’t conceive spending so much precious time peering into an abyss of negativity and hoping for worst case scenarios. I don’t classify us as animals. I have faith in humanity, the vast majority of it anyway. Human history may be littered with screw-ups, but we do learn from our mistakes and eventually we do the right thing.


Posted : September 3, 2018 11:49 pm
Posts: 688
Honorable Member

And yet here you are adding to the problem. How do you live with yourself knowing that every day you are a contributor to the problem?

Believe it, we have a mass extinction happening right now as a direct result of humans actions. I do believe it’ll be after my time on this planet but there will be a huge culling of the human race, already starting it would seem. Might not wipe us out completely but maybe to a manageable level. The earth will be here looooong after humans are gone and she’s better for it IMO. Sorry, not a fan of our species at all, I look around and see what we’ve done and it just fills me with sadness. We really don’t belong in this ecosystem. We’re the only animal to blatantly destroy the very thing that gives us life.

Posted : September 3, 2018 11:53 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

What problem?

Seeing something?
Having an opinion?
Doing research and discovering facts?.

All I have to say is that while AandA2 have moved here they've had their hearts here in the VI.

I'm 12th generation.
The bays, beaches, sea and land life, the freedom, safety, confidence and support I was luckily allowed, your children or future generations shall never see or experience.

Please try to make a difference in a positive environmental way

For your children's children y'all better figure out what kind of planet you want to interact with

Posted : September 4, 2018 1:14 am
Posts: 2437
Noble Member

Total agreement, islandjoan.
I was seriously appalled they voted to create a pipeline for offloading fuel thru a reef system and removing corals.
Black beach here = Dirty beach.
Not volcanic Black beaches.

I'd like to know who's bright idea it was to bury a 30inch sewer line under all of Sugar beach only 50 feet from the water line. Any now the beach is gone and the sewer line is under water, manholes and all, leaking into the sea. Or the sea leaks into the sewer. Well, I guess it was the 70s. Condo row developers probably paid for it on the cheap. And now we get to pay for it all over again to move it where it should have been in the first place. At least there is a project to move it. St. Croix Coastal Interceptor Relocation Project Was supposed to start last summer. Although I don't know how far they've gotten with it, Irmaria probably threw a wrench it that one too.

Posted : September 4, 2018 1:47 am
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