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Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I wasn't bashing it either, just pointing out the truth of the matter. Your point about minimum wage isn't valid as you can spend less in Florida for much more than here. So your dollar goes farther there, I'm sure Alana will agree with that. Also Florida's mean income is 49k vs 35k here. Again, 49k goes much farther in spending power than 35k in the USVI. Also the median income does come into play when retailers look to explore opportunities for new locations and to be realistic and take the emotion out as you have not done, it would be iffy at best for new companies to locate here due to many factors, but mainly, will they generate enough revenue to support the location and most importantly their Brand. It's all about ROI (return on investment). Nothing knocking down the USVI, but companies just don't build something because they 'believe' it's a good bet. I love St. Croix and wish it could attract more.

I'm from St. Croix, currently living in Florida (can't wait to come back home, BTW)...
Every time I go to Best Buy, it is full of people buying electronics.

Your comment about income levels is insulting. BTW, the minimum wage on St. Croix is higher than what it is in Florida.

Customer service sucks in a lot of places. I shop at Publix mainly because I don't get treated like a criminal there just because of my skin color. You'd be amazed at how many times I've had my change literally thrown at me because people think the black rubs off.

While you're busy bashing St. Croix, she's rising like a Phoenix.

It is what it is. If the VI was an attractive environment for retailers, they would already be here. But it's not. I wasn't "bashing" St. Croix, just pointing out reality.

And yes, St. Croix is rising nicely these days. But, even at its economic peak several years ago, none of those retailers choose to come to STX during their growth years. Now that these retailers are downsizing and closing stores, what makes you think they'll be coming here now? Will the lack of air conditioning in Sunshine Mall attract them? Lol...

Posted : June 14, 2018 12:54 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

there is a rumor than years ago they tried to get the gap to come down here, even paying the first years rent and they turned it down. dont know if it is true

but old navy , ashley stewart, new york & company. places that offer business ware for the ladies and men would be nice. we have kmart.....

Posted : June 14, 2018 1:21 pm
Posts: 2937
Famed Member

We can't even get Walmart to come here and they have 20 stores and a distribution center 50 miles away!

Posted : June 14, 2018 1:51 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

I think that there will be several existing retailers very interested in relocating to the mall. One convenient common location would drive more traffic to all the businesses. That is the the basic business concept behind malls and shopping centers.

Hopefully, we will see some new retailers. But even if we don't, a new modern mall would be a welcome addition to St Croix.

Posted : June 14, 2018 1:53 pm
Posts: 2937
Famed Member

I think that there will be several existing retailers very interested in relocating to the mall. One convenient common location would drive more traffic to all the businesses. That is the the basic business concept behind malls and shopping centers.

Hopefully, we will see some new retailers. But even if we don't, a new modern mall would be a welcome addition to St Croix.

Sunshine Mall has been in that location for 20+ years and the retailers didn't come.

It won't be new and it won't even have air conditioning anymore (modern malls have air conditioning, I think).

The guy that owns it doesn't have the necessary capital to make it work or to provide the incentives that the big anchor retailers demand to put a store in there.

It will continue to be a failure as it always has been.

Just my opinion.

Posted : June 14, 2018 2:20 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Lol 2019.... OK. *-)

I’ll believe it when I see it. By the time it’s mismanaged there MIGHT be enough money for a Payless.

Posted : June 14, 2018 2:24 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Population density rules in where companies open. I'm just glad we've got a Home Depot.

Night and day difference in services usually between here in FL and STT but I was impressed on my return to see the service in the STT store vastly improved.

I asked a salesperson where to find something and instead of vaguely pointing, she took me to the location of the item and helped me find it.
I congratulated and thanked her.

I was helping my sister, who lives in STJ, look for a replacement washer and dryer and the young man that helped me in the appliance dept. was helpful and knowledgeable.

Very much improved service tho unfortunate that they were out of stock for many items and couldn't say when the they would be restocked which has been par for the course over the years.
Of course the demand after hurricanes didn't help.

I purchased all new windows and a sliding glass door for my FL home last year. They sent the installers to verify the various sizes, did all the paperwork for the permit, got me the order in 3 weeks, everything was installed within 2 days.
They cleaned up after themselves, removed the old off-gassed windows and cleaned the new windows before they left. I could put the purchase on my credit card with ZERO % interest for 2 years.
I was in love!

The inspector from county came, said they did an excellent job and signed off on the project.
I've been extremely pleased with the purchase.

I'd replaced windows and sliding glass doors before (not using HD nor would I in the VI) with a licensed contractor for my home on STT.
It took forever and I was constantly cleaning up after them. Had to ask if they expected me to clean all the windows!

I have to say that I love the VI, warts and all, except WAPA.
However, I'm enjoy the ability to have reasonable and affordable prices especially for gas and groceries, great service wherever I go, the options of ordering online and having delivery, FREE, to my front door.
Enjoying the non pothole factor and very affordable healthcare insurance, too.

Posted : June 14, 2018 5:15 pm
Posts: 447
Reputable Member

Can't imagine any big retailer would get enough income to justify being there. There are some not-big places that would be nice on island, like the Walgreens that is in STT, but being near the K-mart pharmacy would take away from both...and I would not drive from east end to Sunshine on a regular basis...
Back when there were some stores out at that west-end spot, like Cost-U-Less before they moved, Dr Petersen who used to have his plants on Saturdays, and some others in the area, I would drive out there with a list, going perhaps every month or so. And would often see people I knew, doing the same occasional shopping. Much more likely to shop mid-island than out west, but just my opinion.

Posted : June 14, 2018 5:29 pm
Posts: 2937
Famed Member

Lol 2019.... OK. *-)

I’ll believe it when I see it. By the time it’s mismanaged there MIGHT be enough money for a Payless.

Haha...Payless is another bankrupt chain closing hundreds of stores.

The only reason Kmart and Payless keep the VI stores open is so they can ship the crap from the mainland stores here and sell it at a much higher price.

Posted : June 14, 2018 5:56 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Just using it as an example. The bottom line is we don't have the population density with high enough median incomes to facilitate many big box retail stores. Honestly very lucky to have HD and OMX even though they're run like shit shows. I'd assume thats another reason big box stays away. Our workforce... or lack there of.

Hows the STX OMX since my Fiancé left?? The STT store is a HOT HOT HOT STEAMING MESS. I cant even believe they allow it to be open like that. I heard that the store manager who's been running STT OMX was fired for sexual harassment.

Posted : June 14, 2018 7:04 pm
Posts: 2937
Famed Member

Just using it as an example. The bottom line is we don't have the population density with high enough median incomes to facilitate many big box retail stores. Honestly very lucky to have HD and OMX even though they're run like shit shows. I'd assume thats another reason big box stays away. Our workforce... or lack there of.

Hows the STX OMX since my Fiancé left?? The STT store is a HOT HOT HOT STEAMING MESS. I cant even believe they allow it to be open like that. I heard that the store manager who's been running STT OMX was fired for sexual harassment.

The store on STX is so bad I won't even go in there anymore! When I need office supplies, I order them from Amazon and they ship them right to my door in a week or two at half the price.

No out of stocks, no teeth sucking!

Posted : June 14, 2018 8:16 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

They lost a good ting with Hakko.
I can't even imagine an Office Max STX store without him and experienced tthe STT branch, before and after his employment.

I don't know about STX but the STT store has a constant turnover.
They're expensive and don't even stock replacement batteries for UPS systems. Bah and humbug!

Posted : June 14, 2018 11:26 pm
Posts: 259
Reputable Member

Malls are not meant for everywhere...there are malls closing all over the United States.
Here are some nice pictures...

A much better model for St. Croix is local mom/pop type businesses, established in the towns. Malls KILL your towns. Imagine how invigorated Christiansted and Frederiksted would be if people shopped in town instead of flocking to a mall. The current business model has sucked the life out of the towns. Can't you see that?

There should be NO malls on St. Croix. Instead, businesses should be encouraged to renovate the ruins in the towns and set up shop there. Imagine going into a restored great house to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables. Gosh, even tourists might like that.

the problem here is a devastating lack of vision, and greed. Someone decided that they wanted all of the marbles, so gee, let's set up one big shopping area and make everyone come buy from there.

There should be NO big box stores, huge supermarkets, etc. on St. Croix. That business model is not sustainable here, this is not the mainland. Y'all keep missing the boat by trying to squeeze square pegs into round holes.

PS...anyone who tries to tell me that my dollar goes further in Florida obviously doesn't live in Florida. My CAR goes further, though. If you buy gas at 3.00 per gallon and drive five miles to get to work, how is that more expensive than buying gas at 2.70 a gallon and driving 40 miles to work, on I-whatever, at 90 mph just to keep up with traffic, with semi-trailers tailgating you and road-ragers wanting to shoot you for only doing 90 in a 70 mph zone?

IMHO, the cost of living in Florida is equal to, or greater than, the cost of living in the VI. It is NOT lower.

Posted : June 15, 2018 10:37 am
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

why cant the locals open up shop at the mall?

Posted : June 15, 2018 10:45 am
Posts: 259
Reputable Member

why cant the locals open up shop at the mall?

Because a mall does not invigorate a town. It kills the town. All those people walking around in the mall should be in town listening to street musicians and supporting local mom/pop establishments. Just imagine...

Posted : June 15, 2018 10:52 am
Posts: 2437
Noble Member

why cant the locals open up shop at the mall?

Because a mall does not invigorate a town. It kills the town.

It would be great to have a thriving downtown where everyone shops. Problem is the traffic and parking in C'sted are not conducive to this. F'sted may have slightly better opportunity with the streets/traffic but still limited parking. It's an event just to get in and out of a store in C'sted. Compare that to just going to Seaside Market at the edge of town, relatively easy in/easy out. Gallows Bay wouldn't be so bad if they'd just fix the roads.

Posted : June 15, 2018 11:00 am
Posts: 259
Reputable Member

why cant the locals open up shop at the mall?

Because a mall does not invigorate a town. It kills the town.

It would be great to have a thriving downtown where everyone shops. Problem is the traffic and parking in C'sted are not conducive to this. F'sted may have slightly better opportunity with the streets/traffic but still limited parking. It's an event just to get in and out of a store in C'sted. Compare that to just going to Seaside Market at the edge of town, relatively easy in/easy out. Gallows Bay wouldn't be so bad if they'd just fix the roads.

That's easy...You demolish the "old Senate Building" and build a multi-level parking garage. You turn Christiansted into a pedestrian-only zone on weekends, and establish a thriving local business of rickshaw-type entrepreneurs to ferry people to and from the parking garage. You also sit back and enjoy the increased revenue generated by this new local adventure, as tourists will love it. And don't tell me that the guys who now wash cars wouldn't happily do a bicycle rickshaw...

Imagine this scenario:
You get up on Saturday to go shopping. You pile your family into the car, and drive from Strawberry to Christiansted. Once there, you park on the second level of the parking garage. You go down to ground level, and engage the services of a couple of rickshaw drivers who take your family into town...or you just walk and enjoy the street musicians and festive atmosphere. people holler about walking, then go to Manhattan and walk for fifty blocks LOL.

Once in town, you can visit numerous mom/pop stores that have been established in what were once ruins. Tourists love the Danish architecture, especially the Danes.

When you're done with your thoroughly enjoyable shopping experience, you hail a couple of rickshaws to take you back to the parking garage. You have supported local entrepreneurs, and your economy is booming.

The alternative: continue to support a failed business model that is not sustainable, while complaining bitterly and doing nothing visionary.

Posted : June 15, 2018 11:06 am
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

The key to all these ideas is $$$.

I definitely agree with the construction of parking garages in the center of both Fsted & Csted, that would vastly improve any reason for going into either town.

Before anything grand takes place with private investment though, the local government has to show a real commitment to infrastructure improvement. That’s going to mean higher taxes for everyone. Would the majority of local voters support a tax increase to finance such improvements?

Having BP invest in rebuilding the refinery is a good first step to bring in much needed revenue and good jobs. We need more of that. One reason they’ll succeed, is because they generate their own reliable electricity and properly maintain their own infrastructure on their sprawling property. Smaller businesses can’t do that.

Posted : June 15, 2018 12:21 pm
Posts: 259
Reputable Member

A wise old man once said to me "you have to tax the people"...

You're right, it would mean an increase in taxes. Everyone has to sacrifice a little for the greater good.

However, anything that involves an increase in taxes is probably dead in the water, due to the wailing and gnashing of teeth that would occur LOL.

We are our own worst enemy.

Posted : June 15, 2018 12:41 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

why cant the locals open up shop at the mall?

Because a mall does not invigorate a town. It kills the town.

It would be great to have a thriving downtown where everyone shops. Problem is the traffic and parking in C'sted are not conducive to this. F'sted may have slightly better opportunity with the streets/traffic but still limited parking. It's an event just to get in and out of a store in C'sted. Compare that to just going to Seaside Market at the edge of town, relatively easy in/easy out. Gallows Bay wouldn't be so bad if they'd just fix the roads.

That's easy...You demolish the "old Senate Building" and build a multi-level parking garage. You turn Christiansted into a pedestrian-only zone on weekends, and establish a thriving local business of rickshaw-type entrepreneurs to ferry people to and from the parking garage. You also sit back and enjoy the increased revenue generated by this new local adventure, as tourists will love it. And don't tell me that the guys who now wash cars wouldn't happily do a bicycle rickshaw...

Imagine this scenario:
You get up on Saturday to go shopping. You pile your family into the car, and drive from Strawberry to Christiansted. Once there, you park on the second level of the parking garage. You go down to ground level, and engage the services of a couple of rickshaw drivers who take your family into town...or you just walk and enjoy the street musicians and festive atmosphere. people holler about walking, then go to Manhattan and walk for fifty blocks LOL.

Once in town, you can visit numerous mom/pop stores that have been established in what were once ruins. Tourists love the Danish architecture, especially the Danes.

When you're done with your thoroughly enjoyable shopping experience, you hail a couple of rickshaws to take you back to the parking garage. You have supported local entrepreneurs, and your economy is booming.

The alternative: continue to support a failed business model that is not sustainable, while complaining bitterly and doing nothing visionary.

If you ever visit Charleston, SC they actually have guys on bikes with an attached carriage that drive you all over at a reasonable price. Not sure if you need it Christiansted as it's small enough to walk. I love the idea of parking garage as it's always a problem finding a place to park unless you are there at 7am and then nothing is open anyways.

Posted : June 15, 2018 12:52 pm
Posts: 259
Reputable Member

Definitely small enough to walk, as evidenced by the crowds that follow the bands on j'ouvert and carnival parades 😀

Posted : June 15, 2018 1:40 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

My point is, it could be like that at the mall. Local mom and pop stores with local musicians and entertainers at the mall. Why does it ha e to be either frederiksted or cnristiansted. Why can't it be at the mall also


why cant the locals open up shop at the mall?

Because a mall does not invigorate a town. It kills the town. All those people walking around in the mall should be in town listening to street musicians and supporting local mom/pop establishments. Just imagine...

Posted : June 16, 2018 9:25 pm
Posts: 5404
Illustrious Member

If the VI would create a Land and Water Use Plan, like those that have been discussed forever, there wouldn't be these problems. We wouldn't lose open spaces like golf courses to development. We would have parks. We would have planned retail space with required landscaping. We would have areas to walk without getting run over or harassed by barkers.

Posted : June 16, 2018 9:29 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member


Posted : June 17, 2018 4:31 pm
Posts: 1914
Noble Member

Malls are a thing of that past. However St Croix is such a market with minimal choices that a few new stores might invigorate that space. I wish them luck!

Posted : June 17, 2018 8:17 pm
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