Moving to stx with young child
Hi all I have been contemplating moving to st croix for a long time now. I have a 3 year old daughter. I was just looking for some feedback on growing up There And on raising a child in the islands. Positive and negative feedback welcome. I would be sending her to private school. Thanks for the help !
Your child will have a great start by growing up on St. Croix. They will benefit greatly by attending small schools with a diverse student population. I'm glad we moved here and my kids got to see a life other than the rat race on the mainland.
Is a 3rd world location your only option?
3rd world?? GET A GRIP.
3 posts - quit being a troll and a major D-bag.
Caribbean girl I didn't respond because I don't have kids but my only advice to you is that, if you are a single mother (which I was assuming as you never said "we") then you'll need a 100K job with great health insurance in order to make it. I think growing up in the islands would be fantastic for kids - I wish I would have been but this place either accepts you or spits you out real quick. Just make sure you have no expectations, lots of $$ and an open ended ticket home and you'll be fine.
Edit: I just saw STX... you may want to consider STT unless you have a good paying job lined up here. STT will allow for a LOT more employment opportunities... although housing is more expensive there.
I know many, many people who've moved to the islands and very successfully raised their children here. The main issue which comes up is the expense of living here but since you've already committed to private schooling then I assume you've done your homework, know the costs involved and can deal with it. Good luck and welcome!
Third world. Close enough.
NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. Go to Kolkata and watch people poop on the sidewalk next to where you stand or live on a cardboard box in the middle of the sidewalk. Not just a few... everyone. See their feet that are so burned with ammonia because the streets run with urine from humans and animals, no shoes of course. Watch as they burn bodies (at the same time) and then wash the washed into the river... then see a mother bathing her infant in that water. Mothers that sit by the trains and beg you to take their babies from them so they don't die. They birth on the STREET. Eating and drinking from discarded plastic water bottled flattened out... thats IF they get food that day. TRUST me this is NO WHERE near third world. I think anyone who insinuates that the VI is third world that just shows ignorance in the REAL problems the world has. We are the blessed... not just STJ. lol Sorry I had to lighten the mood 😉
I agree that we are not "slums of Mumbai" bad, but we are much worse off than other Caribbean jurisdictions that are readily understood to be third world. Especially on STX. There are areas in the Bahamas that are much more developed than STX.
Machuchal, STX, for example, is basically a Brasilian favela. We should make an excursion from the Lost Dog sometime to take a tour hehe
Right I just HATE it when anyone has the ignorance to say its even close to third world. It is not - and anyone who has seen it first hand will agree. We have a lot of issues, no doubt but I feel the VI is way ahead of many of the Caribbean Islands I've been to.
3rd world?? GET A GRIP.
3 posts - quit being a troll and a major D-bag.Caribbean girl I didn't respond because I don't have kids but my only advice to you is that, if you are a single mother (which I was assuming as you never said "we") then you'll need a 100K job with great health insurance in order to make it. I think growing up in the islands would be fantastic for kids - I wish I would have been but this place either accepts you or spits you out real quick. Just make sure you have no expectations, lots of $$ and an open ended ticket home and you'll be fine.
Edit: I just saw STX... you may want to consider STT unless you have a good paying job lined up here. STT will allow for a LOT more employment opportunities... although housing is more expensive there.
Thanks A, couldn't have been put any better. I agree with everything especially the first part;). Third world country huh sounds like the responder has never been to a third world country. Do they realize that St. Croix is owned by the U.S. If this is third world, I wish every country in the world was like St. Croix.
I would like to just add here for the OP to be travel smart, meaning never go out at night by yourself, watch and be mindful of your surroundings at all times and get with a few locals and learn where the safe places for you and your baby to go and not go. I would make these suggestions no matter where a person moves to whether it be the Islands or in the states.
Yea I have been to the 3rd world you you are correct, St Thomas is more like the 2nd world but surely not the first.
Everything is in a state of decay, there are about 12 nice buildings on the island (apart from some fenced in resorts ) and the streets are continuously strewn with trash. The local population is murderous and racist and nothing works properly. 60 murders (where they found the body) in a population of 105,000 in 2015, new record I think, something that all islanders can be
Proud of to be sure
Anyone who cannot see the reality of this island has been here too long
Anyone who cannot see the reality of this island has been here too long
And anybody who blindly accepts your reality without question might be considered foolish.
there are about 12 nice buildings on the island, The local population is murderous
LOLLL Then you'd reeeeeallly enjoy St. Croix.
HAHAHAHAH! You're good with those memes Mono!!! Dying!
I really hate when people that come on here and spew crap under a new name because they don't have the balls to say it outright. Just saying.
misterhill, i would assume with your description that many places on the mainland are 3rd world as well
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