needing to know about the crime
On the islands what types of crimes do they have and how frequent?
Does it seem the police force is being out smarted or are they just under trained
If you were a cop, how hard would you investigate crimes committed by your family members?
Crime - Shootings, murder, robberies, larceny same stuff as any where. Just stay smart dont leave your doors unlocked, don't leave anything in your car, don't piss anyone off
I just have to ask.....
If you don't already know about the crime on island, how is it that you seem to already have an opinion of how the police force operates?
Just wondering..particularly as a first post.
Have been living in STX for a probs, yet!
there are a lot of post on here about the crime. the virgin islands has had the highest murder rate per capita on US soil. don't know if that holds true for the last year stats were done.
there was just a robbery at The Domino Club where the bad guys had guns.
My answer when asked about crime is yes, it's healthy it does exist. Do follow my suggestions and you will be okay.
Juanita I do not see where they were making a statement. They forgot to put the question mark on the second question that's all. Why be so quick with such a statement?
Alexandra, it's beyond family now. The police force is made up from so many different island groups, I doubt you now could pull that family thing. The under trained question perhaps is the truth, caring is another issue. Sometimes I believe they are just working for the paycheck.

this seems to be a question that could be asked about any city in the civilized world.
answers pretty much the same, too.
just ask the same questions about the place where you are from, and you will have your answers.
i say that because there is no special brand of crime anywhere. the rules still apply when you are on vacation.
this is from our department of tourism:

Been on STT for over 14 years and have never had a problem of any kind with crime...then, again, I'm not out trolling the alleys in search of drugs, or anything like that, so I guess that makes me safer..but, I also don't lock my door at home, as the criminals would just break a window or something if they wanted to get, I have insurance, just in case, but I have never needed it...of course, seeing my MC bike outside might be a hindrance to the criminals, as well...or the MC stickers on my car...or the MC flag visible through my windows...maybe the criminals are just too smart to mess with the wrong, um...people??
what does MC stand for
I knew there was a question mark implied there. I'm only saying, the OP's only two choices were a) out-smarted...or b) under trained, both of which have a negative connotation. How does the OP know the police force aren't the most efficient in the world, in light of the fact that he/she doesn't seem to know about the local crime situation?
If I misunderstood the question, then my apologies to the justlookin, if he/she was offended.:)
There is a ton of crime on a tiny island. I can see why the OP would assume there is something wrong with the police force.
Not saying there is, they've been great to me so far. After living in NJ, it's nice to not be patrolled by a gestapo.
Anyway, the crime keeps the prices low 🙂
The reality is that we have low-lifes here, general miscreants, a bunch of recidivists, gangs and thugs - just like Anytown USA or Anytown Anywhere in the world. Despite all of this, the majority of transplants live here without ever being victims of crime. You're a first-time poster, justlookin, but if you have some preconceived notion about safety issues here in the "American Paradise", then maybe you should look to move elsewhere because this isn't Kansas. With all due respect, of course!
because this isn't Kansas. With all due respect, of course!
Well, STX does have a lot of farm land and there is a ton of crime in KC, to be fair. haha
Just kidding, if I was in Kansas, I'd sell everything and come here. lol
Jamison, curious about your statement "crime keeps the prices low"
Well the reason I was asking was because I seen a topic on a law enforcement website I sometimes read and they was talking about the crime from the late 80s to current but never went into detail of what types of recent crime trends have been happening.
I also seen where they was looking to ire mainland police with no ties to the community and was just curious as to what kinda issues you have.
The department i am with currently had people working for the police department that also had family members who was commiting the crimes. Best thing they did was hire us in from other states. We went from 3 shootings a day to now maybe a shots fired call every 3 days but we also had to arrest 5 of.our own officers to make the impact it took to have the.citizens take a stand to work with us. We ain't.through we have several other officers to get rid of once we hire more since we are understaffed
I really hate reading posts where people tell someone "maybe you shouldn't move here" or something very similar. It's unbelievable how much you can get talked out of moving to the islands by people on here. I am so glad I didn't take most people advice and DID move here. The same people who tell you to not move here are the same crying how the economy is down, no one is visiting the island, be sympathetic to to businesses with poor service. I look forward to the future when the economy bounces back because you might be eatting your words about telling so many people to not move here
Jamison, curious about your statement "crime keeps the prices low"
It's a joke I like to connect to the statement "it's not heaven. it's just paradise".
I really hate reading posts where people tell someone "maybe you shouldn't move here" or something very similar. It's unbelievable how much you can get talked out of moving to the islands by people on here. I am so glad I didn't take most people advice and DID move here. The same people who tell you to not move here are the same crying how the economy is down, no one is visiting the island, be sympathetic to to businesses with poor service. I look forward to the future when the economy bounces back because you might be eatting your words about telling so many people to not move here
Then don't read them. I highly doubt that any of those people who you're berating for injecting realism will be eating their words (and nobody has even suggested that poor service be condoned) in the future. What's more likely and even a certainty is that the majority of those realists will still be here long after those who come here with unrealistic expectations have lost the rose colored glasses and returned to their comfort zone. Their numbers are legion.
I've sent you a PM:-)
I believe thay have tried to hire from the outside. However the pay is so low most will not come.
thanks Jamison, i was hoping it was a joke.
"maybe you shouldnt move here" comment response.
Oh my gosh, Thank you! took the words right out of my mouth. Im so tired of seeing those negative comments.
I am so glad I did not look to this board before moving to st croix, they really may have swayed my decision. I wander how many good people make decisions not to move to the vi based on these comments.
I went to the Divi for a few post work drinks tonight. I left with winnings and a bag of food as I thought to myself the biggest gamble is getting to me car before getting robbed. lol
Just wondering, is the police department really looking for off island people? We will not be able to move for another 18 months due to waiting for our son to finish his BA in criminology after spending 7 years in the Navy. He has been thinking of going into law enforcement on the island.
I think all the begging has got him to look other places besides the big agencies ie FBI, ATF and so forth.
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